
Sexy CGI dance - Is this Contemporary Art? NSFW

You can imagine the brief at Ukranian Developers 4A Studios to its artistic directors: "We have to include a lap dance in our game!".

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WarThunder4012d ago

Ahhh Metro Last light one the best FPS this generation if not the BEST!

CrossingEden4012d ago

no its not contemporary art and its not CGI, its terrible sexist storytelling at its finest because it comes out of no where and completely ruins the mature atmosphere, tits=/=mature

SexyGamerDude4012d ago

If there was a male stripper, would it still have been sexist?

CrossingEden4012d ago

yes, because it it would still be out of place, random, and completely unnecessary -_-

Blacktric4012d ago

"its terrible sexist storytelling at its finest"

Because they just can't be trying to tell that some people wouldn't give up this sort of thing, even in a post apocalyptic world right? It just can't be a commentary on the human nature.

They only could've added this scene because they think women are inferior and are only good for doing a lap dance half naked for petty cash... /s

Just grow up already.

CrossingEden4012d ago

no, its not about that, its about pleasing the lowest common denominator, because if that scene was written well, the woman would have responded to the fact that she just got pulled into a room against her will with her mouth covered, but no, obviously she just cares about making sure you get off -_-

cleft54012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Something isn't inherently sexist just because you show a woman stripping. If you think that is true than you have no idea what sexism really is all about, this remains true even if you are a woman.

Showing women in sexual clothing or performing sexual acts doesn't equate to sexism. Saying or implying that a woman's only place in life is to be one type of thing, be it a soccer mom, stripper, teacher, or even only a counselor is sexist. The reason is simple, it's because you are saying that because of a person gender this is the only role they can do with their life.

In that scene, Artium never says or implies that this is the only role for women in this new bleak future. All that is happening is a lap dance and guess what there are plenty of places you can get a lap dance at in the real world. Also, the player is free to refuse the lap dance and the location that he is currently in makes sense to the story. So maybe you should figure out the context before you imply something is or isn't sexist. Oh and a poorly written scene, doesn't equate to sexism.

CrossingEden4012d ago

every woman in this game is shown in a sexual manner -_-

Hazmat134012d ago

i remember this part. walked in venice in 300+ MR (military rounds) walked out of venice with 100...... never bought a single gun mod or a gun.

pop-voxuli4012d ago

It's cool and all but that creepy ass face is freeking me out!!

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TheBrainZ122d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco33122d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast121d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.


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