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Used Game Fees For All?

One of the major points taken from the Xbox One reveal is how the console will handle used games. Although conflicting stories have surfaced, the most prominent rumor is that a user who attempts to play a used disc will have to pay a "fee". This "fee" may or may not be equal to the retail price of the game. If this is true, it will likely be the same on the PS4 as well. Here's why I believe it:

1) If this "fee" applies only to MS published games, it would be far less of an issue than it's being reported as. After all, exclusive games account for less than 10% of total games this generation - next generation will likely be even less.

2) If the "fee" is for all (or most) games (including third party games), it will almost certainly be applied to PS4 games as well. After all, if Activision, EA (or any other publisher) is going to collect a "fee" anytime an Xbox One user installs a pre-owned game, what reason would they have for allowing a PS4 owner to play the exact same used game for free? While some may make the argument that MS makes people pay for what's free elsewhere (Xbox Live), the used game fee would be a publisher revenue, not MS. This would be an entirely different model than Xbox Live, as publishers don't get any of the Xbox Live subscription money.

Who would collect the used game "fee"? If it's an EA game, it's obvious that EA would. After all, they could argue that it's their lost sale. Used game fees for third party games can't be considered an MS revenue stream, because MS would have no claim to attempt to collect a fee for a game that they didn't publish.

Used game fees are clearly publisher driven, as MS or Sony would have little to gain from them (unless the game in question is one of their own exclusives). Therefore, it's only logical that the exact same games will have the exact same policies regardless of what platform they are played on.

There's simply no reason to collect a used game fee on one console but not on another. Any publisher who does that will potentially be sabotaging themselves, as well as the console maker.

Sony has already announced that the PS4 will not block used games, but the fee model would allow that statement to remain true. Unfortunately, it's looking like next generation will be a lot more expensive for consumers.

SilentNegotiator4009d ago

No "conflicting stories" of merit.

Microsoft corporate vice president Phil Harrison already confirmed used fees in an interview with Kotaku.

dedicatedtogamers4009d ago


I will wait to see if Sony does it. Their only official statement (or was it a rumor) is that they won't require always-online, but they will leave it up to 3rd party devs.

"What does this have to do with used game fees?" Pay attention, friend. The online requirement is how these used fees will be enforced.

My hunch is that some third-party games on PS4 (like EA games and probably Activision games) will have "used game passes" while Sony exclusives and certain partners do not require it. The big question is whether or not games will fully install on the Ps4. People aren't connecting the dots but the full-game installs is why this "used game fee" is in effect. If PS4 requires the disc to be in the drive, then I do not expect "used game fees" to be enforced as heavily, if at all.

DragonKnight4009d ago

Their official statement is A)Always-online is NOT a requirement, and B)That 3rd party publisher thing was about blocking used games, and they said that the PS4 will play used games, but the thinking is that online passes will make a return. Also, I doubt Sony is going to have a forced game install as they were given hell for mandatory installs with the PS3.

HammadTheBeast4009d ago

By the way Xbox has to install the game onto the HDD to play it, and they've put the used game system in place so "you can't just copy the game infinitely".


4009d ago Replies(1)
PopRocks3594009d ago (Edited 4009d ago )

Let me just say that I will never support such a model. If the next Valve game/system does it? I'm not buying. If the next Nintendo console does it, I'm not buying. Restrictions like that have no place in this industry and is not deserving of any money.

If all else fails, I'll find another hobby or just stick to older video game consoles until such a model ceases.

maxgamehard4008d ago

Agreed, People shouldn't support any company who pursues anti consumer policies.

jessupj4009d ago

Honestly, as an avid Sony fan, you make a far point and it scares me.

The PS4 is looking like the last bastion for core gamers. I love Sony and what they've done for the industry, but if they allow publishers to be little shits and ruin the hobby I love, I'll be forced to only game on the pc.

I hope we get some answers at E3

coolbeans4009d ago (Edited 4009d ago )

It's almost too surreal to think of when EA announced the death of the online pass so many anticipated what dreadful idea would be enforced in place of that tactic.

For those that approved this blog: was the image link not broken for you when this was in pending like it is now? If so, make sure to inform that poster of the mistake so it can be corrected before reaching the front page.

JGaLaXY8154008d ago

I was gonna say that same thing "Hey guys, great news...No more online pass" *EA thinks* "Now we have a better way to get MORE MONEY OFF YOU..." AND THEY WONDER WHY THEY ARE THE MOST HATED

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purple10113h ago(Edited 13h ago)

such a shame, its my fav console by far. it was way better than ps1, problem was ps2 was due to come out, a year or so later, and many just waited for that, especially after the flop that was the Saturn,. (even though it way okay, it didn't sell well,).

ps1 did sell well, a lot of those fans waited for ps2. thus, the downfall of Dreamcast,,

Chocoburger30m ago

I bought a DreamPi to play both Dreamcast and Saturn online! So far I'm only played with two people online with Saturn, and I need to spend more time with the Dreamcast community in order to play with them. I miss ChuChu Rocket online, good times!