
Is PlayStation Plus doing more harm than good?

Sony’s PlayStation Plus is undeniably, unquestionably fantastic value for gamers. For the paltry sum of $50 a year (or less, if you shop smart), you can supercharge your PlayStation devices by getting a wealth of relatively new games for free.

Recent additions to the service, such as the excellent Sleeping Dogs and Square-Enix stable mate Hitman Absolution are just months old – and now they’re available to gamers for the cost of nothing. Ron Gilbert’s adventure game The Cave was released at the end of January this year – and that’s already fee on the service’s “Instant Game Collection”

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NYC_Gamer4047d ago

It's not doing harm because Sony must have made deals with the publishers..PS+ is good because it offers gamers value for their $50 a year

HyperBear4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Yeah it is a great deal for Playstation gamers. As long as they continue to be a PS+ member and re-new every year, they get free games, discounts at the PS Store and other exclusive material that non-PS+ members do not receive.

But the author does make a valid in point in that besides physically owning the copy of the game, whats the point in purchasing a retail game when there's a 50/50 shot that it will become free through the PS+ membership in the future?

Edit: @xHeavYx - very well played sir! lol

xHeavYx4047d ago

Can't read the article, too busy playing free games

Ashlen4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

PS+ only offers games that are older. And largely only first party.

How long before (if ever) do you think it will be before Bioshock Infinite or Call of Duty or any game from EA will be on there?

Mostly games that go on there probably benefit the companies who put them on there as much as Sony or the consumer.

Example, Vanquish was put on there right around the time Metal Gear Rising was released. I can almost guarantee the motivation was "Hey lets give PS+ fans a taste of what Platinum games can do".

And they get a bit of money from Sony on an older game and maybe earn some free indirect advertising for there new game.

UnHoly_One4047d ago

"whats the point in purchasing a retail game when there's a 50/50 shot that it will become free through the PS+ membership in the future?"

What's the point in buying something through Steam when it might be on sale for $2.50 a year later?

There are always going to be people willing to pay full price to have it on Day one.

HyperBear4047d ago

@ UnHoly_One

Yeah I know, I was just trying to get across what the author was trying to get at with his opinion.

I personally think it's an amazing subscription initiative and probably the best decision Sony made to combat Xbox Live and still make money off of it, and not totally screw the gamers over compared to Microsoft and Xbox Live. And it's not like every single game in PlayStation's library goes up for grabs in PS+. It's typically games that Sony have partnered or published with, and or games that didn't sell well through retail.

avengers19784047d ago

@ Ashland I got bio shock 2 for free through plus, also darksiders, street fighter 4, spec ops the line, vanquish, demon souls all free, but that really doesn't stop me from buying games I really want day one at full retail price. It basically means I can try games I might not have played or re get games I already had and traded in towards new games. Your right though its not like every game will eventually be free on plus

Why o why4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

When I hear a developer or studio moan about ps+ ill consider this argument. Never look a a gift horse in the mouth or moan about value especially when ps+ is unique among consoles

NewMonday4047d ago

game sales are also declining on the 360 and they don't give away games with Gold.

IMOO the reasons are:

* gamers holding off buying games till next gen.

* console gemers migrating to PC with the 7970/GTX680 genration

ALLWRONG4047d ago

Only on N4G does paying = free

lodossrage4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Only at N4G does paying for features everyone else gets free = value so...lol

Peppino74047d ago

Are articles like this doing more harm than good? Absolutely!

nukeitall4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Is PS+ unbelievable value? At this point it is yes!

However, is it hurting the industry? Yes, it is! It cheapens the value of games and trains consumers into waiting for games to release for free access on PS+. This can hurt Sony in the long run, when their attach rate for games start taking a beating. Publishers might just favor a different platform.

Keep in mind that game profit are made upfront in the game release cycle, and has a very short tail. This means potentially fewer games made.

Just ask yourself, how often you wonder if a game will hit PS+ and hold off a purchase.

So short term, good for consumers. Long term, very very bad for consumers.

MikeMyers4047d ago

The titles they offer have usually gone through the selling process and are what we call now back-catalog titles where their value has significantly decreased.

I'm a Plus member and think it's great value (even better for Vita and PS3 owners) but the downside to it is they are now announcing free games well in advance which could mean some lost sales. It's not a downside to me but perhaps the publisher. It could also be training people into thinking any game that is just a few months old is not worth much anymore and come to expect all games should be free eventually.

What Steam does is they have blow-out sales. It brings a lot of attention and they often have 1-day sales. It creates an immense amount of activity and generates lots of feedback for games some may have missed. That may mean after the 1-day sale those titles may actually start selling more than they did in the past. Playstation Plus treats these games as sort of throwaway titles and are available for a few weeks. That creates a different mindset to the value of software.

Of course what I just said could be a load of crap but it sounded good.

MysticStrummer4047d ago

ALLWRONG's name continues to be consistent with his comments. If the total value of the things you get exceeds what you pay, you are in fact getting something for free. Deal with it, along with other things of course.


My only grip with PS+ is that it's not available in all regions (like my own).

rainslacker4046d ago (Edited 4046d ago )

I think the recent Vita additions were for promoting the Vita among it's PS+ user base. Not a bad way to do things, and it's essentially bundling 4 games with the purchase of the system(sort of). On top of that, the longer someone remains a member of plus, the more Vita games they will have to tempt them to eventually pick up a Vita. Again, pretty savvy. It's like having all those points given to you with your grocery store card...eventually you just keep shopping to get more, and finally you have to do something to use them(again sort of).

That being said, I doubt most gamers are really holding off buying games hoping they'll show up on PS+ one day. A good number of the AAA titles on PS+ are usually put out in the interest of promoting the next installment in a series(Borderlands, RE5, etc). Others are ones that have DLC or micro-transactions attached, so if a game is past it's prime shelf life at retail, it's a good way to drum up extra revenue from users who may have passed in the first place.

Despite the author pointing out some more recent titles added, most games released on PS+ are about a year old, sometimes older. If someone is willing to wait that long for a game, then there is nothing to say that they would have brought it until it went on sale anyways.

Finally, PS+ is great to draw in people who just don't purchase many games to begin with. Sony gets $50 a year, people get a lot of games. Sony wins, consumer wins, publisher wins through more exposure, and possibly DLC/MT revenue.

MrBeatdown4046d ago (Edited 4046d ago )


What a load of nonsense.

Almost every single game releases at $60, and any gamer with a brain cell or two knows if they wait a few months, they can get it for $20 cheaper, or beyond that, anywhere from $30 to $40 cheaper. A $60 game for $20 is INEVITABLE, and a serious incentive to wait.

Yet every publisher under the sun uses that model, and they're all doing just fine.

But you think a gamer waiting on the SMALL POSSIBILITY that the specific game they want will be free is somehow going to be a huge problem for Sony, so much so that it will drive business away from them?

Let's recap...

Inevitable, huge, permanent discounts = sunshine and lollipops.
Small possibility of an older game being temporarily "free" = DOOOOOOOM!

Funny stuff. If you're going to try for doom and gloom, at least try to go with something logical.

tommygunzII4046d ago

With PS Plus I have more games than I can play. I didn't buy Defiance even though my buddy did because of the backlog of PS Plus games I have yet to play.

Jazz41084046d ago

Ps plus also could be looked at as a good thing as it keep so many used games from being purchased and traded. Im sure gamestop hates ps plus.

Ritsujun4046d ago (Edited 4046d ago )

PS+ subscription:
For only USD 49.99 a year,
you get 65+ PS3/PSVITA/PSN games for FREE every single year at NO extra cost.
I haven't even mentioned other PS+ features.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4046d ago
JoGam4047d ago

Just to add to ur comment....Sony isn't stupid. Its not like they didn't think of every possible problem that could go wrong with Playstation Plus and eliminated it. Sony offering free games is a business model that suppose to entice people to subscribe. Always remember this...... In business, companies will always come up with unique ways to make money and its not always clear to the consumer what that is especially when a company like Sony gives away free games. Just know Sony is making money along with companies involved.

Salooh4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

Lets be honest here.

Games are not free. Why you guys say that?. i paid more then 100$ to get ps+ on both USA and UK. It's like renting games most people don't buy. Which is a good thing but still need to evolve like puting votes to what games we want. It's like you guys asking sony to higher the price by saying all this xD. Rent stores is better then ps+. You guys need to demand more not saying 'wow, free game o.o'' ..

Why o why4047d ago

Evolve...yes but this is ps+'s first gen and look at what its done for sonys brand and their customers already. I think nominating games may be hard to do as deals may not be able to be made for every game out there for varying reasons.

Rainstorm814046d ago


It does need to evolve and will next gen, PS+ could become a console gaming version of Netflix...pay a subscription and get access to and instant library of tons of game, add in the discounts betas avatars themes etc & a PS3 PS2 PS1 classics library and I'd gladly continue my ps+ throughout next gen.

I think Sony eluded to something like this during their press conference in feb..

NukaCola4047d ago

PS+ hooks me up and with all I save I throw the extra right back at Sony. I dont wait on buying games so sometimes I miss those extra deals but with all I get and save I couldn't be happier. Got Guacamelee for under $12 bucks. PS+ is incredible.

sinjonezp4047d ago

The value lies in the reality. A gamer can still play online without paying a fee. With the subscription, you get offers to play betas early, free games and content that covers the value you pit in within three months. So how is that harm? Everyone's thoughts.

4046d ago Replies(1)
Apollosupreme4046d ago

Playstation Plus is all about keeping customers. Give them so much content that it would hurt to hop the fence into Microsoft's or Nintendo's backyard.

freezola754046d ago (Edited 4046d ago )

Ya know it's funny to see this article and others like it..

I am not gonna give this site any hits regardless of the "valid" points raised..

Here's why, they will be among the very same sites complaining that Sony is jerking the gamers with no games or nothing free if there wasn't such a thing as Plus.

No other console manufacturer has came REMOTELY close to what Sony has offered it's user base with PS Plus.

It's so silly.. smh

I am 1000% enjoying my PS Plus!! I cannot count the massive amount of games in my library now (digital but so what?), thanks to it...

I have renewed my Plus until June 2014 and I do it around tax time so that I can do the full year. I have had it since it came out and if I couldn't afford that, then I'd get a $20 PSN card every 3 months.

I love Plus and now it's on my Vita yo.. Gravity Rush, Uncharted: GA, NGS+, Wipeout (just to name a few they have plenty more!),and OMG look at all of the discounted games available and at your disposal.

Look, Plus is far from a rip off (for those of you that think so).. they said you'd get access to betas and look at all of the ones we've had so far!

I am truly stoked for Plus and I am interested in how or if they will be incorporating this into the PS4 at some point..



Do you remember about a couple months ago Sony was offering a free mobile game every Wednesday during the month a February?

You didn't need PS Plus membership to get them either. Granted they were mobile games, but you could also play them on your Vita...

Look, wake up guys, these console makers wanna make money above all. This we know.. But only Sony seems like they wanna make sure that they're committed to their user base by offering games games and more games free and at discounted prices and a fairly inexpensive programs such as plus.

Most of us paid $500-$600 for these consoles and it's only right that gamers get something for their hard earned investment. To me it was a way of saying thanks for your commitment to our product.

4046d ago
FamilyGuy4046d ago

It's doing harm in the sense that I've lost interest in buying games because of it. Having this back catalogue that is ever growing is stopping many of my possible purchases.

The Last of Us, Dragon's Crown, FF14 ARR and South Park: The Stick of truth (if it ever comes out) are pretty much the only games on my radar left before the PS4 comes out.

IAmLee4046d ago

Yeah, it's causing loads of harm...
all these free games are clogging up my memory.

Donnieboi4046d ago

Yeah the deals they make are in accord with the publishers. Look at how we got Demon's Souls free just 1 week before the announcement of Dark Souls 2. That was no coincidence. It was a clever way to stir up interest in their sequel. So publishers win, and so does Sony and gamerz (well except for xbox and nintendo fans, but that's not Sony's problem)

g2gshow4046d ago (Edited 4046d ago )

listen numb nuts (if it applies )

it's better then paying for basic accsec just to play the apps you already paid for or buying Full games on xbox live arcade an not being able to access them because you're xbox is not online.
or try to make you buy the same game over again after a few years due to license agreements or what ever b.s answer the operator make's up on the fly... like they did with xbox orignal Ninja Gaiden Black

people will say any thing just to have something to say keep being lazy an shut up

talking about what's good go talk about the services that are bad

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4046d ago
Monkeysmarts4047d ago

Better than paying $50 just to play online, that's for damn sure.

Sharius4047d ago

well, i win, so why should i care, sony have their own way to negotiation with the publishers, and they are business company not just some charity ground

iGAM3R-VIII4047d ago

How, it is a pretty great deal, especially when you compare it to Xbox Live

alessandro104047d ago

doing harm only to the XBLG that "service" its being expose.....

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New data suggests PlayStation PC trophies are in the works

A recent trophy list published on the PlayStation Network contains hints that Sony is testing PlayStation PC trophies.

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210d ago
XxSPIDEYxX210d ago

How sweet of Sony to slowly migrate their audience to PC.


Sony Quietly Removed the Ability to Transfer Games from PS3 to Vita - PlayStation LifeStyle

Sony removed the ability to transfer games from PS3 to Vita, which unfortunately locks Vita players out of a lot of PS1 classics.

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ZeekQuattro717d ago

Sony really hates the Vita. Years later and they're still finding ways to snub owners of the device.

717d ago
Tacoboto717d ago (Edited 717d ago )

Sony really hates the players, demonstrated by an onslaught of anti-consumer moves - from PS+ Cloud Save restrictions, enforced DualSense on-console (despite input flexibility on Remote Play), no DLC Support for PS3 PS+ titles, upgrade fees on not just cross-gen titles but also now on their new PS+ service, to things like this.

Only Nintendo out-snubs Sony on treatment of their players.

King_Noctis717d ago

This I have to agree. Nintendo is the worst when it comes to consumer-friendly moves, and now Sony is coming so close.

Auron717d ago (Edited 717d ago )

Well atleast nintendo dont dictate/cherry pick what deserves censorship on 3rd party titles.

717d ago
Goozex717d ago

Ya ms has anti consumer moves like drm

persona4chie717d ago

I fully agree that Nintendo cares less about its fans and stuff, but can we look at each company for what they’re doing not others? Yeah I’m irritated at Nintendo for more or less ignoring drift, limited releases like Mario 3D all stars etc, but guess what when I’m mad at Sony for something I’m not going to keep bringing it up, it’s not going to change the fact that I still can’t transfer my ps1 games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 717d ago
Wrex369717d ago

Yeah unfortunately they gave it a decent start then just kind of relegated it to the bin. Really great handheld though and in its day was my favorite. Gravity Rush, Persona 4 golden, uncharted, tearaway, freedom unite monster hunter(psn downloaded psp version), and DRAGONS CROWN.. just to name a few.. such a good handheld I'd wish they'd try again man.

shinoff2183717d ago

Only indie devs helped keep it alive sony got some games made for it. Just most aaa devs didnt bother. That was the vitas downfall

darthv72717d ago

It seems like this was included in the most recent PS3 and Vita fw updates. So as long as i dont upgrade my systems... it should still work.

porkChop717d ago

What, why? I don't understand the point of this.

Inverno717d ago

People, jailbreak you Vita.

IanTH717d ago

Yeah, I'm not sure why Sony did this. It's one more thing to push people towards CFW, and then that's basically priming people to pirate. Why would they take away a feature? Why do companies continue to punish the loyal, paying customers? It boggles the mind.

flyinb11716d ago

This definitely pushed me to do it.

GoodGuy09717d ago

Just mod your vita and ps3 lol.

one2thr717d ago

This, Pokémon Inclement Emerald on PSVita🤯

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PlayStation Network Currently Generates Over $14 Billion In Sales

PlayStation Network currently generates over a staggering $14 billion in digital sales.

MastaMold721d ago (Edited 721d ago )

Yea with this type of revenue could people start to realize and drop the topic of "Sony needs a Game pass. "

TheGreatGazoo30721d ago

That is what all the smart business people are saying "subscription models are a fad."

Silly gameAr721d ago


They also said PS Now was a failure. You think all that money is coming from sub models alone?

Bathyj721d ago

The only industry where people on the losing side think the leaders should follow the losers. Sony's clearly fine doing what they've been doing for 25 years. Selling games like the industry has always done.

Orchard721d ago (Edited 721d ago )

@Bathyj "Sony's clearly fine doing what they've been doing for 25 years. Selling games like the industry has always done."

Gotta future proof. I'm sure Blockbuster folk said the same thing about Netflix when it first came on the scene. Business models and consumer expectations change over time.

SullysCigar721d ago

^ sure Orchard, Blockbuster is one example. Another might be Netflix losing subscribers to the point they're changing their policy and threatening their customers.

Netflix started off as good value, then was amazing as the content was great as well as the price, but now it's expensive compared to it's peers and has lost a load of content to them. Original content is mostly crap now and I'm betting a significant crash in users is coming for them late this year.

My point being? Gamepass and anything Sony may do along those lines may well face the same fate. There's nothing wrong with diversification, but you have to focus on your main money maker and people are lapping up PlayStation traditional model - for good reason.

ABizzel1721d ago

They don't "need GamePass" for financials. They needed the revamp to ensure consumer engagement, loyalty, and market share didn't shift in favor of Xbox due to the potential short-term / long-term success of GamePass.

This is why we have the new PS+. They don't need a direct GamePass competitor, they simply needed an easy to get into and well-marketed subscription service that offers a library of games for the more casual consumer since the core fanbase actually buys games on PS.

Godmars290721d ago

Though, aren't they getting a Game Pass. Just that theirs wont include day one major releases.

MrNinosan721d ago

They had it for years, way before Gamepass was a thing.

Obscure_Observer720d ago

"Yea with this type of revenue could people start to realize and drop the topic of "Sony needs a Game pass"

Well, whether Sony needs a "Game Pass" I can´t tell but, I´m certain they can´t allow themselves to stay idle and not react to Xbox´s recent advances either. According to Newzoo´s latest report, Microsoft´s year-on-year growth is +9,6% vs Sony -2,3% vs Nintendo +1,9%.


Also once the Activision/Blizzard acquisition is completed, Xbox is expected to become the second biggest company in gaming, right behind Tecent.



That´s why Sony´s future investments will be more focused on subscription services, GaaS, Multiplatform, PC and Mobile. There are also rumors of a PS Plus launcher for PC coming soon.

Die hard PS fans might hate the direction that Sony is apparently following under Yoshida (CEO) and Ryan by making PS games and services "less exclusive". But inteligent and reasonable PS fans knows that Sony must do what they have to do if they intent to survive trillion dollar companies like Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft while continue and deliver high quality game and services.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 720d ago
RickRoland721d ago (Edited 721d ago )

“Gotta future proof. I'm sure Blockbuster folk said the same thing about Netflix when it first came on the scene. Business models and consumer expectations change over time.”

The difference here is overall convenience. You had to drive to the store and browse then purchase get a game/movie from them and drive home. You have free access from your house to browse and purchase on PS Network. If someone really wants a game and it is of quality and has great reviews they will buy it. Blockbuster lost to internet convenience, not pricing.

Over time subscription services get so large that the fees have to increase, making the value decrease…and as we have seen with sub services quality decreases also. Not everyone wants another monthly bill in their budget for 2-3 games a year they really want to play. A reliance on a sub service weens once you sift through the initial 3-6 months of library access. I know for myself that my gamepass subscription was much more amazing when I first got my series x than it is now 1 year later. At this point I’m just waiting for exclusives…which I wouldn’t mind purchasing without a monthly script because it’s a few games a year.

BehindTheRows721d ago

He knows that, he’s just on the “opposing view” because it’s PlayStation. If Xbox generated this much, and more than PlayStation, it’d be a whole different tune.

Truth is Sony has the winning model and should keep doing exactly what has won them generation(s).

1Victor720d ago

But but but I was told that PS3 was Sony last console and Microsoft was going to buy them.
I want my money back from those damn cheap pact of Gypsies predictions 🤷🏿

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 720d ago
neutralgamer1992721d ago

In fluffy's voice "DAMN"

PlayStation is universal brand. It sells in every country and the brand recognition is just on another level. I think it was like 2018 or 2019 when PlayStation generated more money than Xbox and Nintendo combined


Sony doesn't need GP because they have a huge library of games from their past generations that people can't wait to play again with trophy support. And they have been the best ever since launch of PS5. Game after game while as a Xbox series X owner I am playing the wait game. HFW, GT7, GOW, TOKYO Ghostwire and rumor has it TLOU remake will release this year too. While Ms have all the resources and not much AAA content

Hopefully 2023 is when Xbox can get on a steady schedule for releasing awesome games. Honestly this is the last straw if anything like this happens again than Phil has to and I do mean has to go. He can't be failing this badly with the amount of resources at his disposal

Aloymetal721d ago

''PlayStation is universal brand. It sells in every country and the brand recognition is just on another level. I think it was like 2018 or 2019 when PlayStation generated more money than Xbox and Nintendo combined''

You're absolutely right with both statements.!

Eonjay720d ago

I would like to point out that even though is evident that Sony doesn't 'need' GP, they are going to profit very handsomely from their own subscription and they are going to do it without compromising the revenue they get from their first party releases.

Sony Nintendo and Microsoft have worked together to enrich each other. Sony took PSNow, rebranded it to be like GamePass with it's catalog of newer games and then added in Nintendo's retro service. They deserve credit for taking some great aspects of their competitor's programs and making it work for their business.

721d ago Replies(1)
Flawlessmic721d ago

Love to hear it, now keep giving us the usual AAA single player bangers, keep the gaas rubbish to a minimum.

thesoftware730721d ago (Edited 721d ago )

That's good money!

Playstation Network includes all digital purchases, DLC, MT, the monthly/ yearly fee, PSnow and any other paid service on the network.

120mill PS4 and 20 mill PS5, I'm not surprised.

Lol, why mention they don't need a GP service when they are actually doing a similar service come June. I would take that to mean they see more $$ coming from it.

I would surmises the other 2 systems generate in the billions for their digital services as well.

SullysCigar721d ago

"why mention they don't need a GP service"

Because they don't. It's called diversification. They're aiming to offer choices and the best of all worlds. To suggest they 'need' it, though, when they're taking profits like that would be plain wrong.

thesoftware730721d ago

Uh-huh, but who claimed they "needed" it?

Subscriptions services are what all gaming associated brands are doing, Amazon, Google, Nvidia, Ubisoft, EA, MS, Nintendo, Apple, and even Netflix.

Please stop with the "they are diversifying", spin nonsense. They all are, if you can purchase games in a multiple way on

thesoftware730721d ago

Uh-huh, but who claimed they "needed" it?

Subscription services are what all gaming associated brands are doing, Amazon, Google, Nvidia, Ubisoft, EA, MS, Nintendo, Apple, and even Netflix.

Please stop with the "they are diversifying", spin to make them sound different nonsense. They all are diversifying by definition, if you can purchase games and services in multiple ways on a platform then they are all giving diversifying options lol. Sony just like the rest of them sees money to be made.

You can buy, MS games on PC, Xbox, in a store, digitally or sub to GP...see diversifying. You can buy Nintendo games on Mobile, in a store, digitally or you can sub NSO..see diversifying. You can buy games, and 1000 different apps on IOS and android or you can sub and get them...diversifying. Sny is no different, their games selling well means nothing, Subs are industry standard and they are just now bolstering that specific dept. because GP and others popularity can't and shouldn't be ignored.

No need to make them sound like they are doing something special, they are simply moving in a well laid out direction as well.

****Sorry for the double post, had to tend to something***

SullysCigar721d ago

^ "Uh-huh, but who claimed they "needed" it?"

Well, you, when you said, "Lol, why mention they don't need a GP service", but it's no big deal.

By the same token, nowhere did I claim Sony is doing something different, nor did i employ spin. I'm sorry, I might not be the fight you're looking for. I'm just pointing out the situation, not comparing them to any other company.

GamingSinceForever721d ago

What Game Pass does is offer all 1st party and some 3rd party games day one. So no Sony doesn’t need to copy that. That is what was meant when people said that.

thesoftware730721d ago

The 14 billion is not from games alone, it is generated through ALL service sales and usage on the network, even movie streaming, HBO Max, Netflix, Spotify, 3rd party services in general, and yes the gaming division.

I get that it's making money, but the whole "no need for GP-like service", when they are indeed doing a GP-like service is pure worship and a pointless thing to say. Offering the 1st party games on day one has nothing to do with this, technically none of them have to do that, they just chose different directions with that one specific thing.

721d ago Replies(1)
GamingSinceForever721d ago

Sony doesn’t need a GP like service, but that isn’t to say one wouldn’t be nice to have.

Anyone with common sense would love to have the option of playing Playstation games on day one at a monthly cost, however Sony in their current position doesn’t need to go there because they are still making a nice profit selling games at full price.

So no it isn’t worship, it is just stating the facts. They feel that giving away their games would dilute the quality.

MrNinosan721d ago (Edited 721d ago )

They had PSNow for years, they're just rebranding and cleaning it a bit.

John_McClane720d ago

I wonder how much of the money generated comes from their movie company?

Deeeeznuuuts720d ago

Separate division of Sony, so none.

John_McClane720d ago

@DeeeezNuuuts They sell their movies on psn don't they?

P_Bomb719d ago

They stopped selling movies/tv on PSN a while back.

jBlakeeper720d ago (Edited 720d ago )

Because the service they are releasing isn’t meant to compete with GamePass.

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