
Rumor: A couple of Xbox 360 successor tidbits, Microsoft to ship $99 360 console

GE: "During the latest "WhatTheTech" podcast, well-known technology blogger Paul Thurrott shared a bit of rumored details regarding the Xbox 360 successor."

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Prcko4048d ago

''claims that Microsoft intends to ship a $500 standard console as well as an alternative subscription model for $300. As speculation has suggested, the new system will require an Internet connection to properly function''

omg nooo,why the hell microsoft doing this :((
500$ standard??? i hope not

dedicatedtogamers4048d ago

This isn't unusual. Microsoft is trying to take over the living room, not be a gaming company. They want you to use a Microsoft-brand box for your media. If you happen to play games on it, okay, but if you use it for cable TV, music, and whatnot, that's fine too, because that's what Microsoft wants.

Prcko4048d ago

so no more hardcore next gen???
less exclusive games and stuff?

NewMonday4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

$500 standard(unlocked) and a subsidized"always online" $300 can be understood. at least we get an option.

edit:"It was also relayed to him that the device does indeed require a constant internet connection to function"
so no option! and it's a locked down low spec W8 box, no thanks I will keep my open W7 gaming PC.

BlackBusterCritic4048d ago

@Prcko, "so no more hardcore next gen???
less exclusive games and stuff? "

That's what has been happening since 2008 this gen.

thechosenone4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

So no used games, always connected & strict DRM, no offline play, expensive. If Sony comes in at the rumored price point of $399-$450 and allows everything that the next xbox won't, it'll devastate the 720.

Sony has executed its plan beautifully. Bravo.

save you from having to search it out yourself, when they talk about DRM and price point.

ALLWRONG4048d ago

"so no more hardcore next gen???
less exclusive games and stuff?"

If we go by this gen the 360 has more, of everything.

sengoku4048d ago

you know that if M$ wanted to get in the tv cable business they could have released a separate device for this market, but they already know this would fail.

so now they want to screw over core segment of there xbox install base to force a entry in to this market. they don't care that we just want to play good games, they want us to help them get into this market and if a few fanboy's get lost because of it they don't care.
they know that if they could get into this market they could stand to gain millions and millions of new customers.

NO always online console for me..
even if my consoles are connected all the time.
it's my choice if they are connected not theirs

nukeitall4048d ago


"so now they want to screw over core segment of there xbox install base to force a entry in to this market."

They are not screwing over any consumers, because they know from their own statistics when you are connected to Xbox LIVE that people use their Xbox 360 for other forms of entertainment as well.

MS knows how much I use my Xbox 360 for Netflix, Vevo and so on. I actually use those features more than I play games, but that is because of time and convenience.

I think MS knows their audience the best from the 3 console manufacturers, as they have the most extensive platform to collect data from users over the longest period of time.

So no worries.

Boody-Bandit4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

I'm holding off until the official announcement and details from MS. BUT if these rumors are true I don't see myself getting a Next Box any time soon if ever. I am a Forza addict and the 360 was far and away my gaming platform of choice over the past several years and I own them ALL.

I majority of games I play I rent or purchase used. Also I game offline probably 20% of the time. This would be an inconvenience for me and I am rather fond of not wasting money on games I know I will blow through in a couple days (action adventure & platform games) and send back to GF for my next game.

Again, I will wait until E3 but so far these rumors are frustrating me. Only because MS is not refuting ANY of them. Hopefully MS is just testing the water to see how this would go over and they take the more traditional route in gaming. If not this just wreaks of more greed and control.

I honestly don't understand why those that are hesitant on here are getting so many disagrees. You guys that are disagreeing only purchase new and don't want any resale or trade in value, EVER? Come on fellow gamers you can't be serious.

Bobby Kotex4048d ago

Exactly, apps like Netflix are highly profitable for Microsoft and they're going where the $$ is.

sikbeta4047d ago

WOW -> X360 @ $99 = overkill make it $150 and you have total domination, but lower price is better for all, so yay!

Nodoze4047d ago

That is ALL MS wants. They could care LESS about games. This is why I do not understand why gamer's seem to think that MS has their interests in mind. They don't. Games have and will continue to be a means to an end. They want to 'own' the living room. They will do anything to obtain this.

Clarence4047d ago


They are definitly focusing on making the next Xbox a cable box. The question is this what gamers want.

Dfooster4047d ago

They've gone to get one in every living room but instead they've lost one in every bedroom. RIP Xbox

Yi-Long4046d ago

... I have a huge library of great 360 games, but without BC, among other issues, there's no way I'll be picking up a next-gen X-box, so to know that for 100 bucks I can safeguard my currnet library of games, is reassuring.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4046d ago
NastyLeftHook04048d ago

i hope not either, and you have the coolest avatar on this site.

pete0074048d ago

well, if it sports s dual gpu and all else rumors are spreading, ill get it even for 600, and you all ps fans, a bit of silence please cause it may remind you of something.....

GenericNameHere4048d ago

Remind us PS fans... Of what? The price point?
I don't remember Sony forcing PS3 owners to have a perfect Internet connection to play a single-player offline game...

Why o why4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Pete prefers Microsoft. All his comment reminds me of was the ps3 was the cheapest bluray player in the market and it was their library of games and their habits of the prior gen that made me spend that extra money NOT its cpu. Games Pete. It's my primary reason I purchased that console

MaxXAttaxX4048d ago

You weren't forced to buy the $599 premium model.

stage884048d ago

Put it this way:

If you're more into gaming go for the PS4
If you want more of a media centre go for the xbox

Godmars2904048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

They're still going to have the Halo/COD/Madden monkey to rely and hook people on.

Not to mention small details glossed over advertising.

Skips4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )



Sony: "PS4 is a gaming console at heart".

Microsoft: "Xbox is a family friendly entertainment center"

Both have done a VERY good job at showing which market they are more focused on. Which will probably continue on to next gen too.

AngelicIceDiamond4048d ago

@Stage, Sonic and Mars already have there crystal ball and labeling the next box before the thing isn't even announced. Yeah, that's not fanboy talk at all...

RonRico4047d ago

IDK almost every rumor out there is pointing to this conclusion of media center vs gaming center. Seriously listen to some of the developers over the last several weeks.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4047d ago
4048d ago
Godmars2904048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

At $300.

That they'll make money back on subscriptions - time lock subscriptions - is besides the point.

Actually, this is no different than when they first offered the Xbox1 at a "discount" with a required subscription to their internet provider service at the time.

Notice how they're not into providing internet anymore.

die_fiend4048d ago

People don't buy consoles as media hubs. Don't people get most things through their TVs nowadays? Why do I need lovefilm, netflix and all this other crap when I've already got several other ways to do it. Microsoft better not let the core gamer down like they have these last 2-3 years otherwise it's curtains

dcbronco4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Given what ratings have shown and the growth of Netflix since consoles started offering it you're way off.




It seems gamers spend a lot of time watching movies on their consoles. Up to a third on some consoles.

Even Netflix says consoles drive their service.


die_fiend4047d ago

Thanks for the links. I won't be visiting any of them. I'm glad you're fully in admittance that the majority of people use consoles to play games tho. You could just press agree on my comment in future

Peanuts1104046d ago (Edited 4046d ago )

When I first got Xbox Live obviously for Multiplayer gaming. Then MS added Netflix to it (as well as other services). It was a nice feature. How ever the sneaking thing they did with it was add all the features to the Gold Service. Where as Sony/PS3 was a free download (No subscription required from Sony). Why should I pay MS for a Netflix service I already subscribe to? The PS4 Sounds better and better all the time. What cracks me up about MS/Xbox360 it was suppose to be a two tier service, Silver and Gold. What was the benefits to Silver anyway? Too scared to cancel Gold to find out.......

wishingW3L4048d ago

it was a lot for the PS3 and many people jumped ship because of that.

NeoTribe4048d ago

Your so right. Its rediculous the disagrees your getting. To many broke unemplyed gamers ic. Seems to be normal to spend 500 on a phone youll have for a year, or a 1200 computer youll have a few years, but god forbid you spend 500 on a gaming console that you will have for 10 plus years. The world and the people in it are retarted.

potenquatro4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

@wishing: The price point was one of many many things that made people abandon PS3. The PS3 didn't even come with HD cables and a rumble controller FFS!! $500 is not a lot especially if you're a "hardcore gamer". For $500 everyone would make sure it's a good deal but it's not unreasonable. The PS3 for $500 was a bad deal, that's why people, including me, were complaining. Because when we opened our debut $599 PS3 boxes we literally saw nothing that justified the price except a fancy blue-ray drive that didn't contribute anything to gaming and became dirt cheap right after all of us paid the premium with the PS3. Your comparison is wrong and using it as a premise led you to the wrong conclusion

AlphaJunk4048d ago

I bet the people worried about spending $500 on a game console, probably race to get the new Galaxy S4 or latest iPhone every year and don't think twice when they're weak from the giving blood and plasma just to scrounge up some cash. Or better yet, cut back the pot and cheetos then you can afford things and ,ay actually have more drive to work.

Peanuts1104046d ago

Your paying $500 for a machine that will only really work when you pay for the Gold Subscription to get all the features. I don't hear many people singing praises for the Silver subscription. Those other items cell phones and pc's work right out of the box with out being required to pay for an additional subscription. Sadly there is no reward for being a Hard Core Loyal Gamer. The first people in line to get their machines will be the first to take one for the team.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4046d ago
Aceman184048d ago

meh i've already made up my mind not to purchase this system. the PS4 and Wii U will take care of my gaming needs for the next gen.

i will however keep my 360, and just gamefly some games that i missed.

Bobby Kotex4047d ago

Holy crap have you seen the youtube vid the article linked to? That's the definition of fanboyism. I like Paul Thurrot's site for Windows stuff, but these guys have no sense of reality.

r1sh124047d ago

These are all unknowns.
We have no idea of pricing, but I doubt it will be very different to Sony (When they announce the price).
But seriously, its weird how people will complain about the ps4/nextbox price (if its over $300) but they will happily fork out $500+ for an Iphone5 LOOL.

dedicatedtogamers4047d ago

The $500 iPhone comparison is used too often, and it isn't accurate.

For starters, most people feel a stronger need to have a phone/internet than a gaming system. Sure, they don't NEED to buy a $500 phone, but they need a phone nonetheless. Comparing a videogame system to an iPhone is like saying "hey, you guys can buy a used car for $1000, but you spent $12,000 on a brand-new car! What gives?"

Plus, Apple products have a sense of prestige attached to them in our society. People think it's cool to have a smartphone or a tablet. To the general public, owning a videogame console isn't nearly as "cool". The last "cool" videogame systems (again, to the public) were the DS and the Wii.

r1sh124047d ago

the iphone argument is completely accurate.
Im talking about the people who complain about an expensive games console, an still own the latest tech gadgets.

You cant use the car - used car Vs New Car argument, because you're essentially comparing the same product, and no car that is $1000 will be anywhere near the same as $12,000. You could compare a 100,000$ car to an apartment.

Also apple products and prestige LOL, its very easy to believe that but in reality adding weight to a phone =/= prestige.
The illusion of premium products is where many go wrong, apple have used price fixing to make people think its prestige, but the profits that are made on each phone is insane.

And owning a games console has never been more popular, record sales this generation so it clearly is cool.

Thirty3Three4047d ago


"...360 has more of everything"...

smh. I see where you got your username.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4046d ago
iGAM3R-VIII4048d ago

You better watch out for NeverEnding1989 and GreenPowerz because I have a feeling they will show up here and make fun of your comment and talk trash per usual

wenaldy4048d ago

Or Cocozero with his "free attention to the 720" rant.

Minato-Namikaze4048d ago

Games, Its that simple for me.

Ezz20134048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

you buy console to play games, greenpowerz

clintos594048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )


Well because I want games also u cant hear our replies on here.

Edit: I get disagrees to but I deal wit it. U should take your uncles advice.

pete0074048d ago

thats crazy, a guy sez "buy a ps4, deal with it" has 20+ agrees, me on the other side, ask why, and even so i get disagrees

TheSurg4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

@ pete007

Because 95% of people on this site are biased ps3 kids who got no arguments. Apparently they do not have that many games to play since they spend whole days on sites like this one trying to defend sony like it would be their mothers(eventho I doubt they have the balls to defend their mothers, but oh well, they're still kids!). It's really hard to get an intelligent discussion on n4g.

sinjonezp4048d ago

Games. We buy consoles for games. Period. Smart tv's, tablets, and phones have access to every media platform such as Netflix. An article yesterday in yahoo stated that more and more people are abandoning tv's; went from 2 million to 5 million in two years. Consoles niche is games. So why get locked into a contract or have so many requirements to use the box while paying a premium price? IMO, logic has to be the driving force of why so many may pass up on the next box.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4048d ago
Prodigy-X4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

''claims that Microsoft intends to ship a $500 standard console as well as an alternative subscription model for $300. As speculation has suggested, the new system will require an Internet connection to properly function''

I really don't understand why it has to be internet connection only. I mean they are going to have a lot of connection problems going on.

TheSauce4048d ago


There must be some pretty powerful hardware in that box. My guess is that it will have a powerful GPU inside of it and will make everyone completely forget about always-online. People love them graphics.

dasbeer884048d ago

A lot of powerful hardware...yet will probably be wasted away just for Kinect 2.0 and other casual stuff.

alb18994048d ago

I can really see my self buying a plan like my cellphone's one with my 720.....why will it be bad?

PirateThom4048d ago

The cost combined with a monthly charge?


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I thought I escaped this nightmare when I was a kid.

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Same. Looks like it's still haunting us.