
PS4 Lighting Technology Showcased in Stunning New Demo

GR - "Enlighten, a next-generation lighting engine for the PlayStation 4, has been showcased in a stunning technology demo."

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ShugaCane4094d ago

It's impressive how the lighting brings life to those ruins, which is ironic when I think about it. Anyway, beautiful video (probably thanks to the music too).

GrizzliS19874094d ago

Ive seen much of this in the current gen, but what did catch my eye was the flickering of the light once the torch was lit up.

ICECREAM4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

It's about light and shadows, the way they move, shine, and light merge into darkness on the objects, really close to reality and real time difference of day and night. Interesting.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34094d ago

It looks like they're using Unreal but added their own lighting system.

StoneyYoshi4094d ago

@ wraith

it says it uses the unreal engine in the video... derp

papashango4094d ago

Not to burst anyone's bubble but Enlighten is already in use today by current consoles.

In fact the lighting system for BF3 uses the Enlighten Engine...

RememberThe3574094d ago


That doesn't burst anyone's bubble because this isn't running on PS3. This level of nuance and detail isn't on PS3.

I can't wait to see what the PS4 brings us. The worlds we'll run around in, the things we'll see. It's gonna be fun.

BattleAxe4093d ago

Here's some advanced lighting from the WiiU..


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4093d ago
camel_toad4094d ago

It's pretty but needs more guns.

JoGam4094d ago

I believe he was joking...

CommonSense4093d ago

It needs dudes walking away from an explosion without reacting to it or looking back.

Omni-Tool4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

This is about the same as GoW level of graphic detail. The lighting effects in this are way better. I think there might be more detailed textures but they look the same as current gen from a distance. We would really be able to tell a major difference in texture once we can zoom in and look at a few inches on the screen. In MGS4, it looks great but as soon as you zoom in, the pixels really show.

ILive4094d ago

That looks better than what is seen in god of war, dude. I know god of war is an amazing looking game, but you need to get your eyes checked.

Omni-Tool4094d ago

Maybe, it's been over 3 or so years since I've touched GoW3. The graphics are a little fuzzy from memory and youtube vids don't really do it justice.

greyhaven334094d ago

It's a demo for lighting, not textures...imo it looks amazing, especially when the canopy changes color and it affects the shadow it casts, very impressive


Hey people, this company only makes a lighting engine, not graphic engine. Here they are showcasing their new LIGHTING engine using Unreal Engine 3. It is like trying a wonderful new outfit or sunglasses on an ugly old woman. The outfit and glasses are always good but the old witch makes the whole look ugly. Use the same lighting engine on a next-gen engine like Unreal Engine 4 or better and you will see the difference. Btw Battlefield 3, GOW3, GOWA and The Last Of US use geomerics, so you are arguinf for nothing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4094d ago
MYSTERIO3604094d ago

As i watch this i'm just imagining God of war 4 or any new project from Sony Santa Monica.

3-4-54094d ago

The flow of time in that lighting was realistic if that makes sense.

The smoothness at which it changes is quite lifelike in that the transitions seem alive just in real life.

4094d ago
shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

Looks like part of a gears of war map pack.

Not better than other demos I have seen before.

juggulator4094d ago

Cryengine3 has dynamic lighting but Crysis 3 uses Autodesk Beast. It's about using those middleware programs to make games have more realistic lighting, AI, etc.

bigfish4093d ago

imagine a FPS Metroid Prime game with those graphics!!,, Sony should have Retro Studies not Nintendo,,

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4093d ago
first1NFANTRY4094d ago

I'm Enlightened by the ps4's capabilities :)

CEOSteveBallmer4094d ago

3 disagrees = 3 people is not enlightened by the PS4

4094d ago
Fil1014094d ago

Yeah the music does add to the vid I think but still impressive none the less, also that could pass for one of the biggest cod maps for ps4 (jus kidding).

JoGam4094d ago

The Music is Trainingsprogramm Hohe Stimmlage 24

By Andre Balhorn

InMyOpinion4094d ago

Not trolling or anything but I don't see what's impressive about this video. It looks current gen to me.

Says it uses Unreal Engine. This video from 2011 looks more impressive to me: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Walker4094d ago

It's more about lighting, Don't pay attention to other things .

kingmushroom4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

thats what i been saying, why do people think this is a graphics demo
when it clearly says LIGHTING tech Demo. -_____-

Omni-Tool4094d ago

Well now that it's a lighting thing, this is awesome. superb lighting effects.

ChickeyCantor4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

"why do people think this is a graphics demo
when it clearly says LIGHTING tech Demo."

Which is a huge part of "graphics".
I'm sorry but what you just said made no sense at all.

This IS a graphics demo. It demonstrates the real time calculation of lightning/shaders.
There is no such thing as a "Lightning demo" that is different from a "graphics demo".
It's a demo showing the graphical output of the lightning SYSTEM.

bratman4094d ago

@ sidar

dont know what a "lightning demo" is but...

Graphics Tech Demo

An Example of Lighting tech demo

There is a difference :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4094d ago
-Gespenst-4094d ago

It's impressive because this is the kind of thing that would have stuttered like hell on a Ps3 or Xbox360. Whereas here it's totally smooth.

I'm sure you'll notice the difference when you're playing, the framerate will be better than you're used to.

isarai4094d ago

This wouldn't even be possible in any form if it were to be real time on Ps3/360 like displayed in this video

ShugaCane4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

That 2011 video showcases features that this one doesn't, so there's no place for comparison.

GiggMan4094d ago

I'm no expert so I probably shouldn't be commenting but I think the lighting in this demo looks better than Unreal Engines. This is used just for lighting to go along with whatever other engine you choose.

Battlefield 3 (PC) uses this engine and has some of the best lighting I have ever seen. It's also still technically current gen so I can see your point. The next Frostbite engine will probably use this tech also which means the PS4 version should look good because it's supported.

Godmars2904094d ago

Isn't that a tech demo for UE4? Something that's meant for the PS4/Xbox3?

At he very least haven't seen anything like that on a console. PCs for that matter.

Also, not really like we're going to see that level of detail in a PS4/Xbox3, until we see it in an actual game.

InMyOpinion4094d ago

Most of the reveal trailers for the PS4 were jawdropping to me, but this just looks like any lighting demo out there.

Can someone point out what effects in this demo we haven't seen before?

classic2004094d ago

I think the lighting on those texture will remove the effects, in my opinion deep down, killzone and drive club looks better with lighting because its on more detailed textures.

Irishguy954094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

Notice the light reflective off the drapes/things at the end. That is impressive, normally stuff like that would need to be added as an effect by an artist. Not part of the lighting system. The shadows are pretty normal for todays standard but the light reflections are impressive imo

Soplox4094d ago

YouTube Quality.

But this is more about the lighting effect than graphics. Also I'm sure this has better FPS than any PS3 game just that YouTube encoded it to 30FPS.

DeadlyFire4094d ago

You are aware the same engine is showcased in that video.

So there is no loss of any of those features. This is just part of them to enhance the lighting inside of even that engine to look even better.

leogets4094d ago

but yet to see any games use this as its shown.. pshhhhh

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Scenarist4094d ago (Edited 4094d ago )

Light and shadows that is all

i love the tree at :30
idkY tho

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