
PS4 initial costing analysis

NEOgaf users have done a costing analysis of the Playstation 4:
APU (CPU/GPU) – 85-90
8GB GDDR5 – 110-140
OS Chip (supposedly ARM based) – 12-18
Video encode/decode chip – 8-12
Blu-ray drive – 18-25
Hard drive – 38-50
I/O – 9-12
Wireless chip + antenna – 4
HDMI+HDCP – 11-15
Other – 25-35

Total: 320-401

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aquamala4112d ago

pretty much what I thought based on the components, Sony should be able to sell this at $399 and not at a loss.

wishingW3L4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

but it's $400 without counting these:


DS4 – 18-30
PS4 Eye -$12-20
Mono headset – 3
Cabling/misc – 3


Internal PSU – 25-55
Cooling – 20-38
Assembly – 13 (Based on being made in China, for made in Japan, make that ~ $45)
Total estimated system cost (no shipping and packaging) – $450-490

So the PS4's looking like it's gonna be on the expensive side even more so than the PS3 was on release date and that's scary.

But the thing is that they could cut so many pointless stuff to make it affordable like: the Ram (maybe to 6GB?), PS Eye (nobody's gonna even use it anyway), OS chip (pointless) and video encoding chip (pointless since the GPU could do this by itself... So many pointless stuff yet they can't make a version with a Cell chip for PS3 BC on the PS4!

Muffins12234111d ago

you forgot that most consoles are sold at a bargain price so suspect them for the first year to sale it at a loss...(399)

Cupid_Viper_34111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

All this focus on "How much it cost Sony" for the PS4 seems a little off base though. As the PS3 have demonstrated that the PlayStation brand can sell a more a expensive console at a faster rate (in less time) than the XBox brand.

So it's not really so much the cost that's a factor for Sony as they'll absord the initial loss, it's more about the "Timing". Meaning that regardless if the next xbox is slightly cheaper than the PS4, releasing at the same time is an advantage to Sony.

We already know that the PS3 has overtake the Xbox 360 in worldwide number. http://gamer.blorge.com/201...

But If you count sales from when both the PS3 and Xbox 360 were out, the PS3 outsold its competitor by almost 12 million units while remaining the most expensive console.

Caffo014111d ago

Don't even think to lower the RAM to 6 gb <.<

user39158004111d ago

Ugh the most important gadget add remote and hdmi cable, packaging, shipment cost, and advertising. At least 599, but sony most likely settle for 499.

MasterCornholio4111d ago

Theres other things that are not factored into the equation like the discounts that Sony receives from buying the parts whole sale for example and the costs for research and development.

The only ones who really know are Sony and at the moment the PS4s price is top secret.

Dude4204111d ago

1. They forgot the Motherboard.

2. For the amount of power needed to run KZ:SF, I really don't think the APU will only cost $90, even the most expensive APU is considered low-end for gaming.

zebramocha4111d ago

@dude from what I've read,it's not the chip it self that determines cost but the size.

SDF Repellent4111d ago

Man, I sure hope this is around $400 and not any higher because adding in an extra controller is $50, probably 4 games at launch which is another $240, that is $700 in total cost. Still too high for any consoles IMO. Might have to wait out a bit until both the new consoles are cheaper and just playing backlogs of current gen games until the price drop.

Dude4204111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

@ zebra

Maybe, but if desktop CPUs are anything to go by, more power = more cost. In this case, the CPU part of the chip probably isn't the most powerful.

However, we haven't considered the GPU part either, which could be equivalent to an HD7850 (don't quote me on this, I don't know how powerful it is). With the amount of power for the GPU part, I really don't think this APU will come cheap.

Saigon4111d ago

They also did not include the 20% that Sony takes a hit on. If you apply the 20% to the 450 it would cost 360 and 408 for the 490.

Either way, I think they went a little cheep on some of the accessories, such as the new PSeye, that monster of an item would cost 12-20$...gtfoh...

EbeneezerGoode4111d ago

Christ man, you want them to turn it back into a PS3!! haha

It's fine as it is with the spec it has and for whatever price it costs. If you don't like it don't buy it.

I'd rather have a costlier system that actually does what I want than a cheaper nerfed system (ie Wii-U)

slaton244110d ago

ps3 was 600 on release day thats why i waited 2 years and got one at 400

Nachoman324110d ago

Actually the first PS3 cost almost 1000$ to produce... and was sold for 600. Console makers will sell a console for a loss because they expect to make up on game and accessorie sales. Mark my words, there is no way that sony is selling this thing over 400$ I expect the sweet spot to be 350 to compete with WiiU.

HappyGaming4110d ago

OS costs? Gaikai? Destiny exclusive DLC? Marketing? R&D?

In business we don't just count the parts of the product. You can't just ignore fixed costs.

However it is likely that they will sell at a loss for the first year or so just to increase the user base and better their chances of getting a return from videogame sales in the long run.

Legion4110d ago


All it proved was PS3 has Japan support where MS doesn't.

When it comes down to it. Sony lost the core fanbase in the Americas and was able to sustain sales due to their strength in their home market where majority of consumers hate anything not Made in Japan.

SnakeforPresident4110d ago

More expensive than the ps3? You obviously arent aware of the cost of the cell processor and blueray player at time of launch(at the time blueray players alone costed over $300 dollars), not to mention R&D cost of the proprietary architecture due to the CELL. And you still think its feasible to just put a CELL processor in the same box? My friend, research, do some.

DarkHeroZX4110d ago

PS3 was over $800 for the console alone lol.

Autodidactdystopia4110d ago

it will launch at the price they think is fair.

i wonder if guessing has ever really gotten anyone anywhere.

i do say though, that when the ps3 came out it was 80% equivalent to the fastest machines out at the time.

It seems they are taking a budget route this time as this seems to be about 90% equivalent to most midrange systems of today.

but it will push much nicer titles than the hardware suggests just due to the fact that these systems can be optimized to no tomorrow!

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4110d ago
RememberThe3574111d ago

We'll see, these numbers are not gospel. But I'm betting on $399 as well and a price drop for the PS3 at E3.

xursz4111d ago

Place my bet on: 450 USD. 350 euro. 400,000 yen.

brave27heart4110d ago

£349 base model 60gb hard drive and £399 with 120gb hard drive.

Please no more than that. I want a second controller and a game with change from £500.

yeahokchief4110d ago (Edited 4110d ago )

$500 is the sweet spot.

As long as I can get the system with a game for $500 i'm happy with the price and I will explain why. For anyone making at least 40k per year i think that that should be a under 1 week's salary after taxes.

According to wikipedia, mean income per household is 45k per year in 2012. (Yeah i know a lot of low skill people arent making this much and it depends also on where you live, but that is the average looking at the statistics.)

A key to good investments is stopping and asking yourself "how much?" before buying something. I think 1 week's worth of work is a reasonable cost to purchase a gaming console.

So if you keep the PS4 within 1 week's salary it becomes more realistic for the average consumer to purchase at launch. If I was only making 40k, I could see myself giving up 1 week's salary. I could live with that.

I just hope they make it accessible. That was the problem with the PS3. It was too expensive for gamers. If i put money down on this thing then I want my friends to be able to get one too. I'm hoping the price point with this console is more inclusive so more people can enjoy it.


-THey are going to have a subscription model with different tiers: Gold, Platinum and Silver

-Extended warranty (i usually like buying one of these on brand new consoles for another 50 bucks which may have design flaws or less efficient cooling etc. who knows.

-2nd controller will probably be a bit more expensive with the touchpad etc


-hopefully there will be more indie games where you can pay 99c or $5 for a game unlike current $10 and $15 psn games and $6 ps1 games. the subscription model will likely play a factor in this.

Personally I haven't decided whether or not i'm buying a PS4. I own PS1,2,3, but I just feel that it is coming out too soon. I'd have been happier with a 2014 release after I've spent god knows how many hours on GTA V. But if it's within $500 then i'll preorder and pick one up on launch without question because that's easily affordable and I wouldn't feel like I was burning money. It would feel like a good investment.

Marquis_de_Sade4110d ago

Braveheart, 60/120gb machines? I don't think so, with 1080p content and games that would be eaten up as fast as your bandwidth would allow

_-EDMIX-_4110d ago

I hope. Either way, with a PS4, I'll pay $499 for one! (would be nice to get it for $399 though LOL)

danthebios4110d ago

I dont think a next gen console $399usd,my guess is same with xurs which is 450usd.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4110d ago
guitarse4111d ago

Plus shipping, TAX, VAT, or any number of fees implied by different countries can drive up the cost of getting the units to retail. Keep in mind that the retailer buys these of Sony and then also need to make a markup them selves (not always possible).

Every little detail such as an increase in fuel prices, a poor exchange rate that week/month to and from the company that makes the hardware to the people that pay for it, the list is endless.

Add to that the cost of marketing the device, training retail staff, customer support and of course a manufacturers warranty taking up a percentage for operating loss.

Best not forget quality control also as no doubt a few units wont make it past that.

Sony will have to sell at a loss, this much is an absolute fact. The real news is "how low dare they go" to stick a thorn into Microsoft, without cutting themselves too deep.

ProjectVulcan4110d ago (Edited 4110d ago )

Yup. If it costs Sony $450+ just to build each one then add in package and shipping then tax..... if they sell it at $499/£350 they will still take a loss on each one. UK = 20 percent VAT before it gets near a retail shelf.

They can't afford to take a huge loss on hardware for years and years. This just isn't 2006 anymore.

I actually expected something like $499 for the base version and more for the top dog with bigger HDD etc.

ABizzel14110d ago

The APU is going to be much more than $90. The GPU is too powerful for it to be anything under $100.

Something more along the lines of $150.

guitarse4110d ago

When you buy in bulk you get a fucking huge discount, AMD aren't having to market this chip, promote it, they just make it and give it to Sony and because its not going to change over the years (in general anyway) then they can keep reducing costs, so its likely a LOT less than most people thing.

This is true of many of the parts, but EVERY company that supplies so much as a fucking screw for anything still needs to turn a profit somewhere.

showtimefolks4110d ago

but those prices are not if you are buying millions of them at the same time, if sony wants 20 million of each than how much of a discount would each item get?

i think there will be 2 SKU's $399 and $449

but we expected the same with Vita and were surprised when it was $249 instead of what many thought would be $349-399

i say sony may shock us by doing $299 and $349 and dropping ps3 to $149

DivineAssault 4110d ago

lol your kidding right? Theres no way in hell theyre going to sell this thing without taking a hit on costs.. Even the wii u is sold at a loss lol.. This thing is FAR more advanced than the wii u..

The PS4 may cost around $450 for a basic model & thats taking a hit.. A premium may be $100 more & that will be an even bigger hit.. The system is no joke bro.. Not the most powerful rig the world has seen but its very strong & more than likely the strongest nx gen console that will be out..

Wii u has 3 cores & 2GB of DDR3 RAM.. It costs $300 & nintendo is taking a hit of around $50/console.. Now the gamepad is one of the most expensive things about it but still.. PS4 has 8GB of GDDR5 RAM & 8 cores with all that functionality.. Do the math bro

N4g_null4109d ago

Really no power supply and wow look at those prices, pretty unrealistic but hey if they can do it then great!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4109d ago
callahan094112d ago

85 dollars for the APU seems very cheap to me... could it really be that low? Actually, yeah I guess so, considering that a similar GPU in a PC graphics card would be in the 200 range, but that includes RAM in that pricing, whereas here we have the RAM itemized separately.

mochachino4111d ago

One thing MS could counter with is a superior GPU.

Should be interesting to see the other shoe drop.

bicfitness4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

They are both using SoC, so no. That, just like swapping the RAM would cause them to make a whole new mobo, which leads to production delays etc. The 360 design was finalized for a year before it went into production, they just changed the DIMMs around, that didn't change the mobo. MS will go with what was leaked, guaranteed. Its not like a WiiU > PS4 difference we're talking about here, and certainly nothing that will be noticed outside of Head2Head comparisons or until later in the generation (or PS4 exclusives).

They need to keep the price down as living room penetration is what they're after. They won't compete on specs or launch windows, so they will compete on cost.

dcbronco4111d ago

Sony has stated their specs aren't final and they have stated they will release this Holiday. The days of setting the specs a year early are gone. Both can still change some things.

Qrphe4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

Sony doesn't pay retail prices. The RSX was based off of the 7800 GTX and cost $600 at release yet it cost Sony $130 to put in each PS3. Similar case for Microsoft in 2005.


Unless Microsoft was able to keep a new GPU from leaking all these months, don't expect anymore changes.

And I agree, BC is just a waste of money on next-gen consoles.

ProjectVulcan4110d ago (Edited 4110d ago )

These aren't retail prices they are already calculated at bulk OEM prices. I.e the ones Sony would be expected to pay.

LessThan2Tflops4110d ago

Pretty much so, nothing high end about the apu

solar4110d ago

Well the cpu is based off of low end notebook cpu so it could be that cheap


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4110d ago
Capodastaro4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )


Anyone can have a guess, but what are they referring too? When they say HDMI are they factoring in voltage regulators, HDMI controller, PLL clock multiplier, EEPROM, crystal reference for time base for EEPROM... It goes on and on and on, not to mention the shielding and AA filtering.

mochachino4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

I know I'll get a bunch of disagrees for saying this but I'm very happy Sony ditched BC and spent the money on better NEXT-GEN functionality and performance.

Keep you PS3s for the odd time you feel like playing last gen games.

PS4isKing_824111d ago

I agree with that fully. With Sony cutting bc and and not custom making the parts like they did with cell and opening up factories to manufacture them, they have cut alot of expenses which should equate to a fairly affordable console at launch. My guess is in the neighborhood of $399 to $450.

irepbtown4110d ago

Totally agree with both of you. However it would be nice to create a PS4 (possibly high end model) with BC. They could also charge more for this to cover the expenses. Have it as a add on feature maybe? Just throwing out ideas...

$400 = £264, lovely price for the consumer. Though here in the UK at least, I think it will hit £300 = $453 considering our ridiculous tax rates and many things genuinely being more expensive than the States. £300 is still a pretty good price considering I payed around £500 = $756 for my PS3 (included couple of games, 3yr guarantee, extra controller). Though I did get 12 months to pay it with 0% interest (Argos).

So, £300/$450 seems like a good price. Anything under = a Bargain.

Persistantthug4111d ago

PS1 backwards compatibility.
Possibly PS2 B/C as well.

Aceman184111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

That's what i planned on doing that minute i heard the announcement of the PS4. i have no problems having both systems in my entertainment unit, all i have to do is hit the source button on my cable remote to play either one.

Timmey4111d ago

i think Persistantthug is right. i read that you need 10 times the power of the initial system to emulate it. with the specs of the ps4 i think that is possible for the ps2 as well. they could release an emulator beta so they can blame all the errors and bugs while emulating on the beta status...and save a lot of money

KwietStorm_BLM4110d ago

I don't disagree at all. Putting a PS3 SoC on the PS4 board would be overkill. If leaving it out helps keep the price down so more people adopt it quicker, I'm all for it. Thunk of this too. If they use Gaikai similar to Netflix, and they allow streaming of old games for a subscription, in packages or whatever the case may be, you could actually end up having access to more games than you had in the first place. Streaming may be a problem for some, but again, if it keeps the price down, I think its the better trade off. You wouldn't feel so pressured to trade in that PS3 if PS4 is a good price as well.

Cryptcuzz4110d ago

I agree with this wholeheartedly.

The cost and headaches of having BC on the PS4 would not be beneficial to most consumers.

Those who wants to play PS3 games on the PS4 will most likely have a PS3 already.

Adding the cost and spending resources in getting it to run properly on the PS4 would not be ideal, considering small percentage of consumers would be using that feature.

When I got the PS3 at launch, the last thing I wanted to play was PS2 games on it. Don't get me wrong, I loved the PS2 and its games, but going from PS3 level game play and graphics and then going back to PS2 games kept my attention to a minimal with that feature.

I am more then happy to still keep my PS3 around when I want to play PS3 games. I am also more then happy that Gaikai will offer BC through streaming as well.

It is the perfect compromise.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4110d ago
Ps_alm3k4111d ago

My guess is 400- 500 dollars. From basic to premium model.

KwietStorm_BLM4110d ago

What do you think the differences will be?

Ps_alm3k4110d ago

probably Gigs on hard drive and a game bundle. I know for sure they will be pushing digital. so yea idk.

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Introducing the Mini Wired Gamepad for PS4

New controller for the little kiddie hands.

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alexgibson2415d ago

I think the controller also helps disabled people who suffer hand cramps using the larger DS4. Good thinking, Sony!

Death2415d ago

if I was going to rip off the design of a competitors controller the least I would do is have the courtesy of changing the color.

Eonjay2414d ago

You know its impossible to rip off of yourself right...

Death2414d ago

I wasn't aware the Nintendo Joycon was a Sony design. I stand corrected, thank you.

darthv722414d ago

looks more like the wii classic controller.

ocelot072414d ago

If you are going to accuse Hori of ripping off a competitors controller with this design at least get name the correct controller it's apparently ripping off. It actually looks near identical to the Wii classic controller except for the colour.

The joy con is much smaller and has less buttons and only 1 analogue per joy con. The colour is also different. Hori one is dark blue the Joy con is neon blue.

bouzebbal2414d ago

Looks like wii controller.
Sits very well in small hands my kids will be happy.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2414d ago
PhantomTommy2414d ago

I know everyone is saying these are for kids, but they look awesome to me. Reminds me of the Wii classic controller and that was a lovely little pad! Wired too so maybe less latency?

2414d ago
DirtyPete2414d ago

Love seeing things like this. This will be great for kids. I try to play with my niece and shes just 4. I feel bad because she can't reach all of the buttons. This will be perfect for her; now to make it seem glamorous for being different or else she'll still want to take my controller x) haha

ecchiless2414d ago

I know that, my niece also play games with me, since she was 3 now she is 6, but she only plays fighting games and tera, so she is used to kb&m too xD

DirtyPete2414d ago

haha yeah? Im just glad she likes to play. She does pretty well considering. I'd be proud with what ever she tried to use x)

Yohshida2414d ago

More options are always great

Tazzy2414d ago

I should buy this I think the PS4 controllers lose power to fast my controllers don't stay charged long they get low battery quick.

Skuletor2414d ago

You can change the light bar's brightness in the options, to make them last longer.

Tazzy2414d ago

Oh thanks I didn't know that I appreciate the tip.

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5 of the Best Playstation Exclusives Coming This Holiday Season

Sony has a slew of hit titles releasing before this year's end, so let's take a look at 5 of the best coming Playstation exclusives for the Playstation 4.

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meka26112435d ago

Well looks like neither console have great exclusives this season. None of those look appealing to me and one is just dlc.

Lynx02072435d ago

Do we know if Hidden Agenda can be played singleplayer and with dualshock (not smartphone)? If so, it would be day one for me. Other than that, I'm waiting for The Frozem Wilds.

_-EDMIX-_2435d ago

I'm not really sure but based on what I'm seeing it's kind of like a party game.

Like you play a character and your friends play other characters making decisions or something like that.

RagingGazebo2435d ago

It looks like Hidden Agenda can technically be a single player game, but in order to get the full experience of the game, you'll need other players.

No info (that I could find anyway) about dualshock.

DigitalRaptor2435d ago

Between indie games, AAA games, DLC expansions and VR games... PS4 has it covered.


Sony Need To Update The PlayStation Trophy System

PlayStation trophies have been around for several years now, but have been given very little maintenance. Sony need to improve the trophy system to keep up with the updates Microsoft have made to Xbox achievements.

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2pacalypsenow2491d ago

I love Ms's tracking system with achievements, I hope Sony implements that in the future.

NerdBurglars2491d ago

steam achievements have the same thing, its a cool touch

Genuine-User2490d ago

Yeah the trophy tracking system is pretty cool. I hope Sony are able to implement it soon.

ziggurcat2490d ago

I agree - the tracking system is great, and I hope they implement something like that with trophies.

sinspirit2490d ago

I think they should have a trophy viewing mode similar to Smash Bros. Like the room where all your trophies are on the table with classic consoles on a shelf in the background. If you have PSVR you can get up close to them on a virtual table. With the camera you could snap a pic of your room for use. If you platinum a game you could unlock a room themed after Bloodborne, God of War, Uncharted, etc. and view your trophies there.

I don't get why people are so hardcore about trophies or achievements though. People used to commonly act like they were the decision on whether they would buy a game or not. I like the RPG-like level system to trophies though.

Ceaser98573612490d ago

being a noob here... whats this tracking system with achievements??

Mr_Writer852490d ago

It basically keeps track of how close you are to unlocking said achievement.

An example to unlock Achievement A you must kill 500 zombies, the tracker will tell you how many of that 500 you have killed like 100/500.

Its useful when the game doesn't have tracking like PvsZ garden Warfare.

Ceaser98573612489d ago


Thanx a lot .. got you now.. I have seen that mainly while playing The Division and always wanted that feature on the PS.. hopefully Sony takes a notice and brings it on their next update or following ..

RommyReigns2489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )

Track gameplay hours - psnprofiles.com
Track game stats on the network - Good idea
Copy Microsofts Idea – 'Show a progress bar toward individual trophies', A bit convoluted to introduce atm because of save files, what if you delete the save file of the game you've given up trying to get a particular trophy for example the lamppost trophy on Planet Kerwan in Ratchet and Clank PS4 (not hard to find tbf, but just using this as an example), does the progress bar reset when you replay the game? Would be useful if it does reset and show progress properly.
Customise the trophy ding sound – Nah, the trophy ding sound is legendary and is associated with PlayStation and the trophy system.
Create a public API – psnprofiles.com
Network leaderboards – psnprofiles.com

At least with Trophies anyone can see what games you have worked on specifically with the Percentage and the Platinum Trophy, compared to just a vague number on a user's profile.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2489d ago
PiNkFaIrYbOi2491d ago

Eeeee, never really got the trophy system or the achievement system.

MegamanXXX2491d ago

I know right. Even Steam have their own achievement system that I could care less about.

NerdBurglars2491d ago

steam doesnt put much focus on them though. most people go for the trading cards

MegamanXXX2491d ago (Edited 2491d ago )

I agree with the trading cards. I actually like that feature

Brave_Losers_Unite2490d ago

Achievement for PC is garbage. If it was universal under 1 system, then it would be better. Trophies and Achievements for Xbox and PS are waaaay better

SonyWarrior2490d ago

no one cares about steam achievements because you could use a hack to unlock the achievements very easily which takes away from the appeal of them

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2490d ago
Big_Game_Hunters2489d ago

I think its one of those things teenagers compete over. Even when X360ps3 came out with them when i was in HS i never really understood them.

FallenAngel19842491d ago

I wish they automatically synced

Genuine-User2490d ago

They do now. Some people on neogaf tested through psnprofiles.com and PS4's quick menu.

SoulWarrior2490d ago

They do sync automatically now, it was implemented a few weeks ago.

segamaniaco2490d ago

They made some improvements, now you can see secret trophies.

RommyReigns2489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )

Secret Trophies were always accessible to see, you just had to press square to view them.

DialgaMarine2489d ago

@Rommy That was a feature introduced just a couple years ago on PS4 (I think along with the trophy screenshot). You could never view them on PS3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2489d ago
-Foxtrot2491d ago

No synching....that's all I want

I'm sick of doing it...it's such a small thing but by now it shouldn't even need to happen.

InTheZoneAC2490d ago (Edited 2490d ago )

they've automatically sync'd since the beginning of their existence for ps3/ps4, the only time they don't is if you have a second system that isn't set to primary.

-Foxtrot2490d ago

When you click on it it still has to load up and new trophies will pop up you've recently earned. Achievements don't do that, once you get them BAM...they are there.

Mr_Writer852490d ago (Edited 2490d ago )

That's only to view them on the system trophy list.

If you unlock a trophy and then go on your feed it will show as unlocked even though you haven't synced it on your PS4 trophy list.

My brother doesn't click on his trophy list ever but I can see every trophy he has.

NerdBurglars2489d ago

every time i get a new trophy i need to go to the trophy menu on the PS4 and sync manually. Maybe it does it once a day, but i think people want a real time sync

Sonic_Vs_Mario2490d ago ShowReplies(5)
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