
Microsoft's cheeky response to Sony and why we didn't see the actual PS4 console

GameZone writes, "Sony finally announced the PlayStation 4 tonight. We saw plenty of games, tech demos, and even the controller (which looks very similar to the prototype leaked earlier). But what was missing? The actual console. After two hours we still don't know what the thing looks like. And we weren't the only ones who noticed."

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majiebeast4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

U mad Nelson that Destiny is gonna have exclusive ps3,ps4 content?

theBAWSE4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

We get to now judge which console looks best at e3

@majiebeast ..having bungie at a sony press conference was shocker enough for me

Knight_Crawler4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Also to show Halo footage at a PS event was a slap to the Xbox fans face.

I wonder if MS will sue them for using Halo to promote the Playstation?

Really Bungie Halo footage, I thought you wanted to get away from the shadows of Halo.

Blastoise4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Wasn't the most subtle of tweets was it? lol

Either way its obviously being held back for E3

Sony said 20th was for the future of Playstation, and thats what we got.

Was an awesome conference :)

Skip_Bayless4100d ago

Correct me if i'm wrong.., but I thought I saw the console at the end of the presentation. It was a long rectangular shape.

Hydrolex4100d ago

I really don't give an F to what the console looks like as long as it's not horrible... when I play video games, my eyes are on the screen, and what's inside that console is all that matters

yess4100d ago

It's invicible AHA! Awesome

Shadow Flare4100d ago

Announce Kinect without showing any actual real-time demos? That's one approach

Cupid_Viper_34100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

I think Sony is not showing the actual console for a few reasons.

They probably don't want to give Microsoft the chance to analyze it and make adjustment to the next xbox. Sony are predominantly a hardware manufacturer, so they definitely don't want MS taking hints from them on how to integrate Kinect into their console in the same manner that they will do it.
If you notice that the original xbox's have always been bulkier and less appealing physically when compared to Sony.

Secondly, they obviously want to have a rebuttal for when MS finally announce their console. Notice that they didn't go into much detail about the new functionality of the controller either. I mean for something that's suppose to release this year, one would have to assume that final specs such as looks, and exterior components have been handed down to factories to begin production and assembly.

And judging from his answer, it seems that I might be spot. It as if they were really hoping to see the final Version of the PS4... I guess you'll have to find inspiration somewhere else maybe?......Again, just my opinion.

Skips4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Agreed, E3 will be HUGE for PS4 as well.

We'll get to actually SEE the console. And we'll probably see what the hell Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, and Polyphony Digital are working on.

We'll definitely see some gameplay of Infamous: Second Sons, and more of Killzone: Shadowfall.

Sarcasm4100d ago

Seriously though, as much as I think Killzone and even the UE4 engine looks so good, we still haven't seen the cream of the crop yet. Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, and PD are the three that's probably going to literally blow every ones mind.

starchild4099d ago

Hmm I was totally happy with their conference. I am fine with waiting a little while to see the actual console design.

They did an amazing job and are hitting all the right notes in my opinion.

BattleAxe4099d ago

Oh yeah?...Well Microsoft will show Sony who's boss when they show CGI footage of Kinectimals 2 with heavily choreographed movements from people on stage pretending to play the game.

Conquerbeard4099d ago


LOL - slap in the face to Xbox fans. If people are that bent over seeing a developer work with another console, it's time to change hobbies.

muttley654099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

after seeing the conference tonite i like the features ps4 have for "everyone" far as gaming. from ps1-ps4 everbody favorite games will be able to play all in one console. old school gamers to new school no one is left out this time. that is enough to buy ps4 for me.

ps3 should have been like that but stuck on FIRST PERSON SHOOTER games only for 7 years.
I will be in the "OLD SCHOOL" section mainly playing neo contra,gradius,r-type,street fighter,einhander.battle arena toshiden to name a few i grew up with. something I !!! want to play not something im forced to follow. by the illuminati spew out these mind-set killing games such as Killzone,Gears,Halo,Mass Effect,Borderline,BATTLEFRONT, Infamous,Destiny.

AS YOU GUYS CAN SEE im not a new generation gamer but old school and would NEVER!!! ever play first person shooters game.

oNIXo4099d ago

@ Sarcasm, you literally don't know what literally means.

Diver4099d ago

Seriously Larry that comment had zero class. Talk about bein butt hurt.

ziggurcat4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

@ knight_crawler:

"I wonder if MS will sue them for using Halo to promote the Playstation?"

no, because the game they were promoting wasn't halo.

on topic:

it's no surprise to me that they didn't show the system since the only thing that probably exists at the moment is the dev kit, which wouldn't be the best representation of the product.

we'll see it at E3.

killcycle4099d ago

You clearly know nothing about Bungie, they have been trying to take their IP away from Microsoft for a long time.

They haven't been happy working with them for ages. And calling Sony games the "Shadow of Halo" lol are you serious?

knowyourstuff4099d ago

*Barry White Voice*
People who complain about no console showing are the same people who don't have foreplay, and prematurely ejaculate every time they have sex. Everything all at once, save nothing for later. The market needs to be treated like a woman - you have to take it easy and be patient. Keep the hype up all the way to the finish line. That way you don't end the hype early and get overshadowed by your competitors.

Murad4099d ago

It's not what looks best on the outside, but what's on the inside, and which machine breaks down faster

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4099d ago
Root4100d ago

I think it's funny they say that when they'll probably show off more of Kinect then the Nextbox

nrvalleytime4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

To be fair, he has a point.

But... Microsoft has lost the exclusive to Destiny and they're now behind on the next-generation wars. Words can only go so far Major Nelson. Let's see the Xbox 720 before Microsoft tries to show up to the party.

Edit - good catch Logicwins. Meant to say timed-exclusive as it now looks like it will show up on all three systems at once.

Syntax-Error4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Please tell me how they are behind in the next-gen wars? I would love to hear your explanation. All Sony did was announce a new console which we knew about, show you the controller for that console which we saw 2 weeks ago, and tell you about upcoming titles. WHAT IN THE HELL MAKES THEM AHEAD IN THE NEXT-GEN WARS? Are you 12 years old for christ's sake.

When did MS ever have exclusivity to DESTINY? For once, can you nerds STOP making up sh*t on the fly. You all sound like fanboys

LOGICWINS4100d ago

"But... Microsoft has lost the exclusive to Destiny"

No, they never had it to begin with. This was a deal between Sony and Activision. No one stole or took anything away from anyone.

DigitalAnalog4099d ago

Actually, the leaked contract showed that the "FIRST" Destiny game would be exclusive to the MS consoles (360 & next-gen) then the follow up games would be available on multiplat. Turns out that Destiny would be a full multi-plat released when announced today.

www.latimes.com/entertainment /envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-bungi e-activision-contract-20120521, 0,3463781.story



That's what happens when you bring facts to this site, 5 hours in and no response... Looks like no one wants to play with you anymore! LOL

Ju4099d ago

Well, Logic, they "stole" the thunder from MS, me thinks. Big time.

GusBricker4099d ago

I know people hate Kinect, but do you know how many they sold? A shitload. Kinectimals and InFamous 2 sold roughly the same amount of copies. lol

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4099d ago
SoapShoes4100d ago

Well no crap they didn't show the console! They're waiting till E3 and it really is a genius move, they're setting themselves up to have TWO big conferences not just one.

sobekflakmonkey4100d ago

exactly, expect more games and to see the console, they already have a fuckn launch window! holiday this year baby!

Also, to note, I knew they were going to do this, they are going to attempt to overshadow everything else, by constantly having something to show people, and I'm pretty sure their Ad Campaign is going to get pretty crazy, I'd bet we're going to be seeing adds for PS4 everywhere.

rainslacker4100d ago

We can expect when MS is ready to announce their next thing for Sony to start opening the gates of information leaking out to keep it exciting for the community. It's a bold move, and I think they are handling it pretty well so far.

Just myself, there are questions I want answered as to the system itself, but I saw enough tonight to be ready to get one.:)

TheOneEyedHound4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

Not 1,Not 2 Not 3,Not 4, Not 5......

LackTrue4K4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

lol....Sony still keep there word!!!!!!!
"let MS show there console!!!"

Enemy4100d ago ShowReplies(2)
showtimefolks4100d ago

well sony launched after yet still passed up ms so now launching before or around the same time with more games, so this could only mean more competition to earn our business meaning better software and hardware

knowing MS they will go after Kinect 2 casual crowd. soy came into this conference meaning all business

for all the game announcements we still don't know a lot and keeping the system in hiding is good since a lot of people will tune in to see what the next ps looks like

Zhipp4099d ago

How do you know Sony will have more games at launch?

showtimefolks4099d ago

Right now 2 games are rumored to be launch titles

New racing game from evolution studios

There is still a lot of unknown but I am just guessing they will have more games since they own a lot more studios

jmac534100d ago

U mad that PS3 and PS4 will get the game 6 months to a year later with that exclusive content.

Enemy4100d ago

Lol, looks like you've haven't heard the news, jmac.

Rumplebumpkin4100d ago

Oh wow, this comment is so hilariously misinformed.

UnholyLight4100d ago

I have a feeling that this is, in fact, exclusive content to PS4, and the Xbox will be the same. IGN guys mentioned the same premise.

TheoreticalParticle4100d ago

I'm not going out on much of a limb here when I say that the Xbox 360-2 version of Destiny is ALSO going to have exclusive content. That's HOW IT WORKS.

stage884099d ago

That makes just no sense at all.

Fez4099d ago

That's the first thing I thought and it will clearly be the case.

I doubt PS4 will support Kinect for example so there is exclusive content for the nextbox right there. Plus activision and bungie's close relationship to MS points strongly towards both consoles getting their own respective exclusive content.

4100d ago Replies(4)
aceitman4100d ago

its going to be hard to beat the ps4 hell it has all the bells and whistles , graphics and features galore . and a beefed up eyetoy. cant say it copied the Kinect the eyetoy was the 1st to do it.

etownone4099d ago


The 360 copied eyetoy with vision cam,

Sony definitely copied Kinect with the camera that captures motion in 3D.

Qrphe4099d ago


The 3D motion capture/tracking of the PS Eye (2007) ripped off the 3D motion capture/tracking of the Kinect (2010)?

4099d ago
joeorc4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

"Sony definitely copied Kinect with the camera that captures motion in 3D."

OMG have you and other's forgot so Soon?

Kinect builds on software technology developed internally by Rare, a subsidiary of Microsoft Game Studios owned by Microsoft, and on range camera technology by Israeli developer PrimeSense, which developed a system that can interpret specific gestures, making completely hands-free control of electronic devices possible by using an infrared projector and camera and a special microchip to track the movement of objects and individuals in three dimension.

hell Microsoft did not even build the thing they licenced the TECHNOLOGY! which at the time Sony's very own DR.Richard Marks back before Microsoft even licencd the technology Sony was already looking into development for a 3d depth and echolocation sound enabled Playstation eye for that very purpose, but Like Microsoft found out it was going to be quite expensive for mass market!

why do you think both Microsoft and Now Sony waited longer to bring out their motion technology. even when the PS3 and the xbox360 did not have motion technology they both were going to have to wait on the technology to come down in price, unlike Nintendo who took the cheapest technology out of the three, and it show's. First of all Nintendo also licenced the WiiMote how do you think Nintendo was able to get their motion tech out sooner, because it was cheaper! and even Nintendo had to wait on the Motion +. many people keep saying they copied from one of the other companies, when in reality they were all working on getting motion control out to the mass'es. one will just be cheaper than the other and the cheapest most of the time get's released first that's just how it goes.

Notice all three new next generation systems, will have a Mobile device or Multiple Mobile devices with direct connection to a central Hub? do you think Nintendo was the first one to even think about doing such a move? esp. with Touch screen tablet's or smartphone's having HDMI output AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY WITH NFC!?

Yea we know the WiiU has NFC technology!

The sooner people stop with this this copied, that you will be less stressful. Taking IDEA from each other is not a copy, its going to Happen in every Market. Just because you do it first does not mean you have carte blanche that no one else was also working on such an idea, it may just mean you was able to get it out first. that's all.

TheOneEyedHound4099d ago


Some one take his only bubble away.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4099d ago
KMCROC544100d ago

U do know MS gets paid either way seeing as how the are investors in bungie. How do you know if they have not offered Xbox/MS exclusive content,seeing as how the more people they get to buy the game they keep Activision from dumping them.

Father Murder X4099d ago

Microsoft owns %49 percent of Bungie. This should be common knowledge by now.

Diver4099d ago

The money ms wil get off of destiny ps3 an ps4 sales will be nothing to what sony will get off every 720 bluray drive an every bluray movie ms fans run out to buy for their 720.

Ripsta7th4099d ago

@Diver- Sony wnt get anything, or maybe a little. The 720 wnt play games off the blueray, it will only use it to be able to install it. I beleive they went this way bacause if they did use blueray theyd have to pay royalties to sony

morganfell4099d ago

If the Drive is in there they are paying for it. Money to Sony. Whether or not the games play off the disc or not is immaterial. Sony gets a piece. Movies are a different matter. Bluray movies will see Sony getting money either from their studio, the BR royalties, or both.

greenpowerz4099d ago

Blu ray uses MSFT codecs this pointless back and forth is making me sleepy So Sony is already paying MSFT for Blu ray not that Sony is the only partner in the Blu ray BDA LMAO

Fez4099d ago

lol Ripsta7th, that is probably the silliest comment I've ever seen.

Unless money is uploaded into Sony's bank account relative to the amount of time a blu-ray spends in the disk tray lol

Rhythmattic4098d ago (Edited 4098d ago )


Man, most your posts put down sony and talk up MS...

Get a life.

And btw, VC-1 is the MS codec "SOMETIMES" used by Blu Ray Author's, which they have made license free.....
There are many other codecs used that aren't MS technologies, such as H264 and AVC for example.

Do some research and take off your tin foil hat.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4098d ago
TronEOL4100d ago

Not only that, but it was originally rumoured (by leaked documents from that CoD lawsuit case) to come out earlier on Xbox, and how they had some big deal with Microsoft and all this exclusive mumbo jumbo.

Yet the first time we see Destiny openly, it's at Sony's PS4 announcement show and ONLY mentioned to be coming out on PS3/4 AND with PlayStation exclusive content at that! Now we all know it's a multiplatform game, but you'd think Microsoft would have secured rights for an open announcement with the nextBox and exclusive content.

But now gamers will know it as "announced first on PS4 with exclusive content". Sounds like Microsoft might of had a tiff with Activision or Bungie.

akaakaaka4099d ago

every halo fan will think this as a PS3/4 exclusive and is what M$ use to always do.. know Sony does it and bigger! and better!

jmc88884099d ago

Actually none of the games they showed were mentioned to be coming on other systems.

They weren't going to say, coming on the PC/Wii U/720 alongside the PS4.

But the truth of the matter is, most of the games they showed will be on other platforms.

Thus why anyone would think Destiny is going to be a PS4 exclusive is reading far too much into a SONY event where they were touting multiplatform games (mostly) on the PS4.

DonFreezer4099d ago

Sounds like someones money were well spent I will add.Why do you all deny that Sony pays developers?

Ripsta7th4099d ago

The Ps4 event didnt show anything new of destiny. It was like the same trailer again. When MS reveal they will into the details of the game and how its integrated into the next gen xbl

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4099d ago
dlpg5854100d ago

i didn't livestream the event but i watched the trailer after. all he said was that destiny was gonna be amazing on ps4. did he say more live? someone plz respond.

soxfan20054099d ago

So, I guess exclusive DLC is now a good thing here on N4G because Sony's doing it.

DonFreezer4099d ago

Exactly.DLC sucks especially exclusive ones that what the ps3 protectors told us on here.

TheBlackSmoke4099d ago

Way to twist it. There's nothing wrong with exclusive DLC, the problem is Microsoft has pretty much put it front and centre of their reason to buy xbox to pad out the lack of exclusive titles on 360.

As you can see sony has no problem coming up with true exclusive games of its own, this is just a bonus.

JamieL4099d ago

That's N4G in a nutshell. Also the duel camera (Kinect like) feature is cool now as well.

user39158004099d ago

Hes got a point, reveal of console its exactly that, not just peek a boo I see you. Worst reveal of console history, although, Im impresed with 8gb of ram ddr5 its awesome. Now show me the freaking console lol.

jocomat94099d ago

the important part is the spec thats inside not the look of the console. And we got that.

Kurt Russell4099d ago

All you missed out on is some plastic case with LED's that inform you if it's switched on or not. I think seeing game footage that made me go through puberty a 2nd time was a little more important.

007Bond4099d ago Show
OneAboveAll4099d ago

I wouldn't say things like that you never know what could happen. For all we know MS could have exclusive rights to Battlefront III. Which would sell their console like hot cakes.

I'd easily take that over Destiny.

StraightPath4099d ago

When sony guy on stage goes one of thebest developer out there and one of the best games we cudnt play (implying halo) then showed video of master chief though like halo was coming to ps4 lol

Cam9774099d ago

I think we're going to see a GOOD OLD console war, not the rubbish we've seen recently with insolent kids claiming that their inferior console is better because their mummy bought them it for Christmas.
This year is HUGE.

With regards to GTA:V I think Rockstar have screwed themselves in the ass. Maybe if they actually released GTA:V this Spring it would reach it's utmost potential. However, because they've left it until the end of a generation I can see them missing out on a few sales.


maddfoxx4094d ago

My question is. . . how are they going to make every title playable through remote play, when the vita is missing the R2, R3, L2, and L3, buttons?

Gamer19824099d ago

Taking a stab at your competitors shows jealousy and lack of respect.

Legion4099d ago

Pssst... @majibeast,

You didn't hear this from me... Buuuuuttttttttt.... you are going to be a little upset when you find out MS has a few more Destiny secrets up their sleeves. ;)

Ripsta7th4099d ago

@Cupid_Viper 3 - WTF are you saying??
Ok first of all, to late to make adjustments and then them getting on ideas how ti implement kinect from Sony? r u serious? They are the masters of kincet , why would they go for Sony on how to build or get ideas from Sony when they started this kinect ?! And wait, did u just say Sony has their own kinect now?? N now its kool? hahaha Ypu N4g fanboys are hilarious. Go back to older articles and see how u guys bash the shit out of kincet. But now dat ur daddy Sony is doing it , its inovation. Hypocrites lol

stage884099d ago

Not surprised with the response from MS. They are that kind of company.

Thatlalala4099d ago

Isn't destiny a timed exclusive for xbox?

shinrock4099d ago

the 360 or nextbox will have it own exclusive content.so no lose.

finbars754099d ago

Bungiee being there was awsome but to me it was having Blizzard there announcing there partnership with Sony that blew me away.The fact that they have only ever attended there own shows then to come out of there shell at a Sony conference tells me that Sony has come to win at any cost.Sony really had a great showing and impressive specs and the new controller offering what it does means that E3 is going to explode when Sony walks up on stage to reveil even more.Im sure TLG will be there and Dice with Bf4 which will probally blow our minds and other awsome games that are coming.Long Live Play

SkyGamer4099d ago

This was a comment made by someone else:

I've been a PS fan since the beginning, had PS1/2 and 3. I got up at 5 am to get the PS3 the very first day it came out. I got a PSP and thank God I didn't get the vita although I was tempted. I'm on my early 40s making enough money to get the game I please when I please and I can buy the next gen console without having to save for months in advance or trying to justify myself why I need it... overall I'm the embodiment of a PS fan with money to spend, a poster-child of the Sony marketing team's wet dreams...

All I've known is PS, never even played on other consoles but since I got a couple of "Move" games, the disastrous ridiculous attempt to match Kinect, I was so frustrated and it was so blatantly obvious to me that Sony had lost its way that my decision is made: my next console will be the next gen Xbox. I read this article with the tiniest hope that Sony will make a push for something better than the current Kinect type technology but it seem clear they are going down the light and camera tech which is the same crap as they have now.

It takes 5 minutes and a Google search to figure out what crazy, far out and potentially game changer stuff people are doing by hacking the current kinect, just imagine what can be done with the new gen... If I want to play sitting down in front of a TV and that will be the end of my interactive experience then I will get a high end PC which I can play many more games without being tied to the Sonny brand (and connect a Kinect to boot). Better graphics and a faster processor will not get you 6-7 years life span; is the same PS3 nightmare again and they don't realize it... If they are creating a PC on a Sonny package then they will get a PC lifespan of 2 max 3 years.

Sony you blew it again. Farewell from an ex-fan... Xbox here I come...

The last part rings true. You have to distinguish yourself from the PC realm. MS saw this and that is why they would never merge the two. Being in the computer market, technology is always changing. One thing about a console is that it is different and can last longer. The moment they step into the pc realm, they will have to compete with the ever-rapid changing tech...

bigrob9044099d ago

"don't be hatin." in my jamie kennedy voice

g2gshow4099d ago

truly amazing showing an killed all backwards hoopla in the process hard core games get ready to rumble once more.

2v14099d ago

The fact that the PS3 still has momentum is a perfect reason NOT to show the PS4. If they revealed the console the visual alone would have created a mindset towards the PS4 and cost the PS3 possible sales. It was a smart move. Humans are if anything else very visual creatures.

Kaneda4099d ago

M$ should worry bringing new ips next generation.. People will get tired of Halo and GoW

fermcr4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

I have a feeling Destiny is going to have some exclusive content for PS3/PS4, some exclusive content for Xbox360/720, some exclusive content for PC and some exclusive content for WiiU.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 4094d ago
mandf4100d ago

Really all the stuff anounced and the best gamezone comes up with is a response from MS. Nice journalism.

WarThunder4100d ago

They need to invent ways to bash playstation,they were at it since 2007.

kenshiro1004100d ago

Hey, they had to come up with something. Surely the PS4 indicates that Sony is still going strong. They had to downplay the good news.

mandf4100d ago

I expect it from Ms but from a alleged unbias website not so much. When they posted the article not one other article was written about the conference on there site. It leaves me to believe they trolling.

DonFreezer4099d ago

Because even Microsoft's tweeter was more interesting than all that was shown.Square Enix mega fail, Blizzard mega fail what else do you want.Except Watch Dogs and the Capcom Dragon game everything else was milked franchises.I'm bored shooting Helghasts like most of you got bored with the 4th Gears Of War.

G20WLY4099d ago

Yeah, you're so right...smh

Like that 'Beyond: Two Souls' and also 'Knack', man, those franchises are BADLY milked /S

The console comes out holiday 2013 - do you think it could be possible they might not have shown everything? As if what they did show wasn't impressive enough?! lmao

jyouri4100d ago

Microsoft is taking notes..

Dark_Overlord4100d ago

I believe its pronounced tissues :D

LOL_WUT4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Instead of Microsoft commenting in a salty way why didn't they just counter attacked by showing off their next-gen console?

That would've been a better response than this... Just like you said I guess they have to take notes first.

Godchild10204100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Because there is a chance they don't have an actual console to show, yet.

The fact that he was watching, is news in its on right. He is worried and his comment expresses that.

aviator1894100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

or maybe they already have an unveiling planned at a later date??

edit: I don't get why i'm getting so many disagrees for what i said..

lastofgen4100d ago


n4g = primarily a sony-fansite right now...

4099d ago
Kingdom Come4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

Anything that can in anyway be interpreted as being positive towards Microsoft is against the rules on N4G. Apparently.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4099d ago
g2gshow4099d ago

back to the drawing board cheap ram not a option MS

Dark_Overlord4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Isn't the outer casing the last thing to be designed? No point in designing a shell if the insides don't fit. There's at least 9 months left till launch, meaning plenty of time to design the case.

bakagaijin784100d ago

I honestly couldn't give 2 sh!ts what the actual console looks like. I'm all about what shows up on my screen.

jmc88884099d ago

What showed up on the screen wasn't put out by a PS4 but by a PC.

Thus neither Sony or M$ have still shown their console.

What we saw was a lot of multiplatform games showing off their PC versions and trying to translate that into what it will look like on a PS4.

What we saw looked good, but not great. Only one game pushed boundaries, and was probably CGI, the game from Capcom. Though it was on a PC.

So when do we see what the PS4 component actually can put up on a screen? E3 probably. But I'm still wary of what we were shown.

Cueil4099d ago

jmc8888 has a point... Sony specifically has a history of lies to make their system seem more magnificent then technically possible. All the manufacturers to it to some extent, but Sony has it down to an art form. I'll take anything that looks to good from either party with a grain of salt.

KarateExplosion4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

PC? So the guy standing there playing watchdogs with a PS4 controller... Was a PC generated Image!!! Damn you Sony! You are one clever girl.

Coltrane_C4099d ago

THE PS4 is a PC. Did you not watch the Press Conference?

porkChop4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )


The only game at the conference that wasn't running off of actual PS4 hardware was Watch_Dogs. Ubisoft said that they had it running on an actual PC spec'd to PS4 levels. But everything else that was shown was running off of the actual PS4 hardware.

Obviously they don't have the PS4 case/design yet, but they have the finalized hardware. The only things that will change between now and launch, spec wise, is variances in clock speeds and things like that to accomodate for temperature levels and whichever cooling solution they choose.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4099d ago
rainslacker4100d ago

With 8-9 months or so till release they have the final design pretty much settled. Only things that may change now are mostly cosmetic(system color, chrome borders, font typing, etc).

If it's releasing this holiday it will be going into production within the next couple months, if it isn't already. Getting things ready for production takes a while as well, so I wouldn't doubt they had the final design ready sometime last year. Just the fact they had a final version of DS4 is pretty good evidence.

smashcrashbash4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

And your next gen console is where now? Don't go trying to spin things in your direction. They have about three different game conferences and the whole year to show the PS4.We already know what the PS4 is about.The actual physical console can come later.Have you already forgotten how early in the year it is. If anything they have all of E3 to steal the spotlight from everyone by showing the PS4 and it's price

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PUBG Team Considered Bringing Back OG Bugs for Erangel Classic Event

In a Game Rant interview, PUBG's Taehyun Kim explains how the team considered bringing back old lovable bugs in the Erangel Classic event.

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Just Where is Project Awakening?

After years of development, Project Awakening is still nowhere to be seen. What exactly is going on?

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ApocalypseShadow12h ago(Edited 11h ago)

I was impressed with the trailer and hoped to find out more and then it fell off the map with no new information. Not sure if it's vaporware or not but I stopped thinking about it and moved on. Maybe it was moved to a new and improved engine, moved to PS5 development and suffers the long Dev times that many games had/have suffered from lately. Who knows. But we'll see.

As for gaming bolt, that video was trash. A long winded video that says nothing for 7 minutes going back and forth on it may or may not still exist and just kept going and going and going trying to produce an informative video with barely any information. Like an article with a word quota that's just paragraphs of nothing. Showing me that they haven't gotten any better at game journalism. If we can even call it that.

Eonjay55m ago(Edited 55m ago)

Gaming bolt is a low effort scam that only exists to collect ad revenue. They don't play the games they review either and everybody knows

XiNatsuDragnel10h ago

I'm interested in project awakening still

lodossrage6h ago

One of the directors for the game already said that game was still being worked on just last month....


DOMination-3h ago

It's coming out next year with Deep Down, Agent and Pragmata!

Eonjay58m ago

Completely forgot about Pragmata!. You know what's gunny is that Deep Down was a Vspcom property too. It's like once generation one of Caps games ho awol

Christopher3h ago

It's trying to not go woke. Okay, I'll see myself out.

coolfool57m ago

Don't get people started! ;-)

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