4127d ago Replies(1)
jacksheen00004127d ago

Come on Nintendo wake up.

when are you going to show us some real hardcore games.

Dang,I m tired of seeing the same limited 2-3 tone color palette Nintendo use for every games.

You better than that Nintendo, I would much rather you use textures and colors like the Zelda tech demo.

4127d ago Replies(3)
BullyMangler4127d ago

ha ha haaa . everyone reLax . this aint even E3 . ha ha haaa . it feels great to see how many people attack Nintendo Direct feeds like it was . hoh hohh !!

4127d ago Replies(1)
deafdani4127d ago

I have Shadowgun, I paid $1 for it. It was on offer that day. The Android version optimized for Tegra 3 chips, that is, which is graphically even better than the iPad version.

And while Shadowgun looks superb... as a game it's nowhere in the same level of quality as Mario 3D Land, New Mario Bros 2, Resident Evil Revelations, Zelda Ocarina 3D, etc.

If graphics alone are your standard by which you judge the quality of a game, I feel truly sorry for you. Yes, graphics matter a lot, but gameplay is still more important. And in that area, Shadowgun is merely decent.

3-4-54127d ago

Bunch of drama queens.

Grow up.

The games they announced are solid and this isn't even E3 yet.

There is more to announce and reveal to us.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4127d ago
LOL_WUT4127d ago

Next year it's going to be Waluigi's year... ;\

shackdaddy4127d ago

I'd rather Wario be put in the spotlight again. I miss his old games I played on the gameboy...

Venoxn4g4126d ago

theres a good one on Wii ..wario land:shake it\shake dimension

4127d ago Replies(2)
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10 Video Game Sequels That Saved Their Franchise

Video game sequels like Assassin's Creed Origins, Doom (2016), and Fire Emblem Awakening were just what these franchises needed to be revitalized.

Immagaiden395d ago

Lmao what’s Halo Infinite doing on this list?

Who would ever say Halo Infinite saved the Halo franchise

SullysCigar394d ago

Thought the same - very bizarre!

RE7 though... my God, what a shift over RE6! That franchise was definitely going in the wrong direction, so RE7 was a welcome return to form.

ModsDoBetter394d ago

Resi 6 was and still is the worst entry in the series.
7 was a great turnaround, despite people’s concerned about the switch to FP perspective.

DMC5 definitely helped the franchise after the whole DmC debacle. Whilst it was a decent action game, it was a far cry from the series and the characters we knew.

AC Origins is my favourite in the entire AC series. Despite the switch to a more RPG style of gameplay - the setting, soundtrack, length, etc were all amazing. sadly followed up by the ridiculously long and “more of the same” Odsyssey.

I don’t feel it’s fair to say the franchise slipped with Doom 3, Doom 3 was incredibly atmospheric and took the game in a different direction but there’s no denying Doom (2016) was sensational.

Halo 4 & 5 were disappointing but Halo Infinite definitely didn’t save the franchise? What?

TheEnigma313394d ago (Edited 394d ago )

I'm going to have to go with SMB 3. I was around when SMB 2 first came out and people hated it. 3 is still arguably the best mario game created.

HellspawnPR1981394d ago

"Halo Infinite"? Worse Halo ever. Whoever made this list just lost all credibility.

Hofstaderman394d ago

In future lists of a similar nature I have a suspicion Final Fantasy XVI will feature.


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