
GTA 5 Should be Banned Says U.S. Senator

GameRanx - "U.S. Senator Joe Manchin is "proud" of the NRA but wants Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto 5 banned!"

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Snookies124155d ago

Hahaha, what an idiot. There are worse games than GTA.

Blackdeath_6634155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

i hope that game gets banned such an abomination should never have existed had capcom any sense in it.

jony_dols4155d ago

I heard that the Connecticut shooter used to eat food everyday as well, maybe the Senate should ban food, because it's obviously a contributing factor for gun-toting psychopaths...

MikeMyers4155d ago

What's next, banning movies like Expendables 3?

Parents need to do a better job at teaching their children to become mature adults and be contributing factors to society.

R6ex4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

Guns should be banned, NOT games.

Games don't kill. Guns do.

DragonKnight4155d ago

@jony_dols: he also breathed and drank water, so there's two more things to ban.

MmaFan-Qc4155d ago

U.S. Senator Should Shut His Egocentric Mouth, Says a random canadian on N4G

Ser4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

@R6ex - You're just as wrong as this senator. Guns don't kill people, murderous individuals with mommy and daddy problems do. How're those gun laws working out for you, Chicago?

The day guns are banned is the day that I hide them in my house when the lawmen come. Pry 'em from my cold, dead hands.

SeanScythe4155d ago

You are one of them Idiots we hear so much about aren't you? Should we ban Pools also since more kids die each year from drownings than they do by guns? Or maybe cars should be banned they kill more than pools do each year? Or maybe just stupid people like you should be banned because you obviously have a mental health disorder.

JoySticksFTW4155d ago

Whelp, time to import then

pixelsword4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

It's not even out, stfu senator.

MikeMichaels4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )


Here, cause your a stupid fuckin redneck ill explain the difference using your examples.

Pool: Is made for enjoying/swiming in or cooling off on a hot day
Cars: for drving from a to b. Or, helping move heavy objects long distances for us
Gun: Shooting things

Get it, moron?

IaMs124155d ago

@Mike Michaels

Exactly shooting things: is also an enjoyment going to the gun range, and hunting for food.

It becomes a problem when shooting people for the fun of it or recklessly shooting wild game. Its those idiots you have to worry about not the guns themselves. Someone has to pull the trigger, or someTHING has to pull it because no human being would pull a gun on school kids.

Yi-Long4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

... Clearly we need to ban schools!

Obviously, those who voted for this senator already skipped school, so I'm sure they won't have a problem with my proposal!

Oh well, dumb ignorant folks abusing a dramatic event like this once again to finger a scapegoat (poor goat) in order to gain some popularity, instead of actually using their power and influence to adress the real issues here at play. Nothing new here, folks. Move along. We've seen it before and we'll keep seeing it again.

MikeMichaels4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

Hey, i've said nothing bad about guns.

Its the owners i have a problem with, when they liken them to swimming pools and cars. Not the same thing at all, and highly delusional.

Would any of you actually trust an idiot like SeanScythe to carry a gun in public. LMAO

SilentNegotiator4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

If we took enough responsibility to have decent security in these buildings (schools, theaters, etc), successful mass shootings would be a lot more rare.

I've said it once, and I'll gladly say it a million times; taking guns away from the good guys because there are a few bad guys solves absolutely nothing.

And don't give me the "UK example"...you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US. Human nature doesn't change from country to country and taking away weapons doesn't either. And the children wouldn't have survived if the guy had used a large knife at Sandy Hook.

MikeMichaels4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )


This just happened today.


There needs to be an armed guard on every road in America. Right, SilentNegotiator?

Yi-Long4155d ago

" And the children wouldn't have survived if the guy had used a large knife at Sandy Hook."

There would have been a lot less victims though, which is the whole point.

Sure, there will always be ways to kill people. It just so happens that using a gun is one of the easiest ways to do it, with pretty much no effort or skill need to still be able to do mass damage.

...which is why it's a good idea to make access to guns more difficult, especially access to those kinds of guns which have nothing to do with personal self-defense, like heavy automatic machine-rifles.

I'm not saying guns kill people, or that guns should be banned altogether. I AM saying there need to be restrictions so it will be more difficult to obtain those guns, and a licence to do so, including training, psychological tests, and restrictions on how and where you're allowed to keep/use them.

Basic common sense, really.

And yeah, even with stricter regulations tragedies like this will continue to happen. Sadly. But the idea behind stricter regulation is that we makeit a bit more difficult and might save a few more lifes, when a twisted sick individual can't just get his hands as easily on an automatic assualt-rifle as is now the case.

SilentNegotiator4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )


ZOMG 7 dead or injured! NO ONE IN HISTORY has ever killed more people than that with a non-gun weapon!!!! EVER!!!! Derp.

No, I'm talking about having security in schools and theaters. You know, places where we pack dozens/hundreds of people into tiny rooms and expect none of them to carry their own concealed weapons (because people are safer that way, case in point, Sandy Hook /s).

Nice try at a spin, though.

maniacmayhem4155d ago

Funny how all these shootings involve guns?
And yet guns aren't the problem.

Should we ban pools or cars? Well since the killer didn't bring a pool and start throwing kids in it, NO, nor did he drive his car into the classrooms. Nope, I'm pretty sure he grabbed some guns and walked in and started shooting children.

This was intentional and deliberate not some accident like your pool or car description.

"Its those idiots you have to worry about not the guns themselves."

This makes no sense at all, don't worry about the guns but worry about the idiots? I'm not worried about idiots, but I am worried when one of them has a damn gun!
So yea I am worried about the guns!

You know the saying, one person can ruin the party for all. Well, I think shooting a school filled with 6/7 year olds and teachers doing one hell of a job can count for this gun party SOME people don't ant to end.

JBaby3434155d ago

Guns are not the problem. It's the people.


This happened the same day as the Connecticut shooting. If we outlaw guns we need to outlaw knives too. It's people that are the problem.

Danteh4154d ago

lol @ all the people (americans I guess, not to say they are bad or anything but...) here who say that guns are not the problem, the people are... well I don't know if you have heard of any school shooting in a little place called "Europe", look, here we don't have guns and this kinds of things don't happen here BECAUSE we don't have guns.

Stop saying that people are the problem, of course they are, where I live there are some f*cked up peeps too, but hey, guess what? Getting a simple gun is almost IMPOSSIBLE, requires so many permits and legal stuff, so they don't get to use one even if they wanted to. I honestly have never seen a gun in my life ever, only in photos. Then I see 12 year old kids in america learning to shoot one.

Seriously, I respect the USA so much for its inestimable contribution to science,physics, medicine...(Pharmacist here) but then I think: how can a developed society be so behind the times in some aspects? :O

And, no I don't miss them so I can "defend" myself (lol), here (almost) nobody has guns so you don't have to "defend" from them.

sonic9894154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

haaaahaaa american logic
( gun no prob ) ( crazy people are the problem )
lets put it this way even if my dad had a gun i would run away from him simply because its a gun it was made for killing things and not for fun
sooooo the GUN is the problem regardless of who carries it .
its still a gun and i trust no one except my family.

Gish4154d ago


So how do you rectify the situation at this point where there are 300,000,000 guns in America? You need to look at things at the macro and micro level.

Macro: A world without nuclear weapons would be a wonderful place but there is no way our governments would ever totally disarm from them because of the hostile nations that have them already. Yes everyone agrees that we wish we didn't need to have nuclear weapons.

Micro: The US has 300,000,000 guns. The reason that many of us do not want to give these up now is because we know that the "bad" people out there will still have them and there is no way to disarm them. We want the right to protect ourselves and families. Yes I agree the world would be much better with no guns but I have one for recreational shooting and for defense.

The sad truth is there is no answer to how to stop this from happening. The genie is out of the bottle and helping those with mental illness along with beefier security are the non-knee jerk reactions that may actually help the most.

Ser4154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

"ZOMG 7 dead or injured! NO ONE IN HISTORY has ever killed more people than that with a non-gun weapon!!!! EVER!!!! Derp."

Quoted for irrefutable truth. Deal with it. He's right and you all know it. Also, lol @ all of the US hate. It's quite funny to watch.

Should we ban cars? People commit vehicular homicide all the time. Oh, but you need those to drive to your jobs, huh? Guess we'll let those slide? Should we ban knives? Oh, you need that to cut your steak with? Okay, those are fine, too. Guns, though! You don't hunt or shoot targets for sport, so what do you need 'em for, right? Ban 'em all! Hypocrite logic FTW.

Yi-Long4154d ago

... than entertainment will ever be responsible for.

If they want to prevent tragedies like this from happening, these politicians need to grow up and look at the real issues and problems, instead of just abusing their power to quickly finger a scapegoat, hoping to win a couple more votes.

360ICE4154d ago

Yeah, there are different kinds of guns you know. And different kinds of rules. It would be perfectly possible to allow guns to be rented in shooting ranges, or to have and use a hunting rifle. But at least semi-automatic weapons shouldn't be all that proliferated.

Legion4154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

To focus on the protection from the bad guys by making armed good guys a counter is not the resolve.

We already have many situations where even armed trained police have not been able to contain situations with armed bad guys that have weapons capable of doing great harm in little time.

How does putting a gun in the hands of Joe Schmoes and place them at the entrance to schools to be shot resolve this situation?

We can't say let the bad guys continue to have access to weapons and we can just arm good guys to defend against them.

What we need to do is enact GOOD laws that will prevent these situations. Don't enact a ban on Assault Rifles that only bans future guns into production and does nothing to control already owned millions of assault weapons out there.

They say we should make accountable all the crazy people out there on some form of national list. And yet they in kind won't allow for any national list of people that own weapons, and who has access to them? (they say because it will be used to take their guns away)

This so called list would not have included the vast many people that have committed mass murders. Nor would it be practicable... what are they to do, monitor these people at all times to ensure they don't do anything crazy?

When you don't even have required control by owners of weapons now... then how does anything really get fixed? Nobody answers why we can't make it so people have to be responsible with their weapon control?

And the biggest issue on the floor is also the issue of capacity and quickness to deal massive damage.

Most all of the people that have done these types of crimes have either killed themselves when removed of any way to reload and continue their attacks. Or are taken out while in the middle of reloading. Limit weapons capability to do great amounts of harm without reloading and you make available the chance to open a moment to stop them.

Prevention... not reaction is the best course. If gun owners are so responsible then why are they allowing the guns to get into the hands of these lunatics?

sonic9894154d ago

@ darkblack
it's not funny .
how much valuable is the human soul in the US when anyone can kill anyone 40 meters away . lol
that means i shouldnt be hated by anybody or i would get killed by the same person ( america has a high depression rate among people )
how comes in a country with a law gangsters be more powerful than the police .
i thought those american movies were just movies but i think thats how they live their life ( which is gambling your life ) for a country with a 15.5 trillion dollar a year and still not good or safe enough LOL .

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 4154d ago
Lord_Sloth4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

I know. Remember when Jack Thompson tried this? Now he's so disbarred he can't even practice the laws of gravity and physics. Let this guy ruin himself.

SuperSonic2664155d ago

yeah, why isn't call of duty banned yet

asmith23064155d ago

Exactly. Double standards dominates U.S. politics.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4155d ago

U.S. Senator Should be Banned Says GTA 5

MostJadedGamer4155d ago

As a Christian I agree. There is no reason for garbage like GTA. There is no redeeming values in GTA game, and people who get enjoyment out of our sick.

As I have grown as a Christian I have become more careful in what I play.

theWB274155d ago

Enlighten me on what a Christian plays...

KangarooSam4155d ago

@theWB27: Well, Hello Kitty: Island Adventure of course!

(Hardcore gamers only) :P

ZombieNinjaPanda4155d ago

Checking through your comment history, you are getting the next Dynasty Warriors game. So I believe this is incredibly subtle sarcasm.

PygmelionHunter4155d ago

Well, as a Christian, I say, do as you please, meanwhile, I will be playing GTA5 knowing that it's completely fictional and playing it will not change my personality in any way.

kostchtchie_4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

considering Christianity is built on murdering others, how many innocents were murdered so that the faith you believe in could be pushed on the masses and still is forced on children to this day... christian pfft.. please you freaks cause more death and hate around the world than any game could ever achieve

Ser4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

This guy's a troll. I'm a Christian and I'll be playing GTA5 on launch day. *shrug*

We're not all Ned Flanders, folks.

@kostchtchie_ - You need to realize that not one person alive today is responsible for the murders that occurred centuries ago. Drop it, because it's making you look like a generalizing simpleton.

kostchtchie_4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )


the faith you so called believe in is built on lies and murder, most religions that still are practiced to this day, either have some form of hate or oppression towards others or they entice murder...

so just because you are one them i am christian because some Muppet dumped some water over your head, does not take the fact away from religion has done far more damage and low down dirty disgusting mass murdering over the ages and still does than games ever will do

but then what point is telling you, you believe in fairy tales and fictional books

Ser4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )


All I can say to you is that someone should have taught you tolerance for your fellow human being as a child. Someone obviously failed along the way.

Facts: I have more love for people than you. (This is true due to the fact that I respect every person's beliefs, and I will never dog them or call them out on them.) I do not believe in hate mongering. I have never participated in mass murdering or murdering of any sort, unless you count the hunting of animals with a legal permit. I believe in something whereas you believe in nothing, and I'm totally fine with respecting your beliefs or lack thereof.

I'm done with this off topic nonsense. This is a site about video games. Go spread your hate and intolerance elsewhere. I'll cease my bickering as well.

neogeo4155d ago Show
MostJadedGamer4155d ago

"Checking through your comment history, you are getting the next Dynasty Warriors game. So I believe this is incredibly subtle sarcasm."

You are right DW7:Empires on Feb 26th will be my next game.

Over the years though I have stopped playing fantasy rpgs, and more recently mindless shooters. Basically if my conscience convicts me of playing a certain type of game then I will stop playing those types of game.

titans99994155d ago

I am a Christian, and I love GTA games, they are just games, that is it....if a person has mental issues, they need to be house arrested, and have an ankle monitor just in case they go crazy.....and no dont blame games on violence, people kill people!!!

swice4155d ago


Go be happy somewhere else.
YOU are the mental case if you think that GTA should be banned. It's a goddamned video game.
Thank you for further confirming that retarded people continue to breed. I don't care how offensive this is.

I'm sick of people that have been blinded by the light thinking of us as "sick" for enjoying a violent video game. Seriously. Fuck off.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4155d ago
Rainstorm814155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

Remember the big hoopla over the "hidden" Hot Coffee mini game in San Andreas, the original God of War's sex mini game was more explicit, at least they had clothes on in GTA..not to mention GoW3 or Far Cry 3

GTA has become the poster child for everything negative in gaming , when games like Red Dead Redemption or LA Noire had much more graphic imagery than any GTA yet those games are loved in the media and ignored by politicians.

rainslacker4154d ago

This same kind of thing happened with Mortal Kombat back in the 16-bit days. Not because of any tragic event, but because the politicians and moral right needed something to scare people over. Mortal Kombat went on to be one of the best selling fighting games of the generation (despite it being rather lackluster overall), only beaten by numerous Street Fighter games. Same thing happened with GTA on the PS2, and it went on to sell great numbers from all the free publicity.

You'd think by now politicians would know not to single out a single title, because it has an opposite effect, and makes kids who are more impressionable want to play it. After all it's taboo, and kids are drawn to that kind of thing.

gedapeleda4155d ago

I agree.When I was 7 I played gta 3 and I haven't killed enyone or even thought about it seriously.
You just can't give it to idiots.

Morgan_Freeman4155d ago

As a West Virginia resident, I can confirm the ex-governers stupidity.

TradingWarStories4155d ago

@SeanScythe that's besides the point. Why is there over 10thousand deaths due to guns in the US? explain that.

jivah4154d ago

As someone whos in the military. If everybody carried a piece they would be more inclined to not shoot as somebody knowing the possible consequences. There will always be death by firearms due to gang warfare and stupidity but it would help if we all had our own. make people think twice. If civilians had a firearms they could defend themselves against criminals who will always have guns regardless of laws

Btw. Dont forget that the right to bear arms was not the right to have a gun to hunt or shoot plates in the sky. It was put in place to defend yourself against oppressive government. Keep that in mind.

rainslacker4154d ago


Nowadays if an oppressive government wanted to exert their power over us, then no matter how well armed you are you are unlikely to be able to stop a police force military from invading your home and taking away your rights. You being in the military should know all too well the difference between someone trained with a weapon, and the average Joe who purchases a gun for "self defense". Those people who do this are more likely to shoot themselves or their family by accident than ever needing it to defend themselves.

There's very little need for people to form a militia anymore, and in fact they are discourages by law enforcement on the rare occasions where one might be needed, it's one thing the national guard can do now. There's also little chance a militia can repel an invasion, and it would be disastrous to have a bunch of people trying to suppress an insurrection.

So given today's society, is that particular right even applicable today? All the original intents for it are no longer really needed, and would simply cause more harm than good.

While I'm a firm believer in the Bill of Rights, the fact remains is that over 200 years is a long time and it is sometimes necessary to reevaluate what is important and relevant to a modern society. There's a reason amendments are called amendments. The word itself means "to change". And the original intent of the founding fathers was to create a system in which laws could match what was relevant to society.

I'm not even going to bother with how stupid the notion of giving everyone a gun would be. Would you say that about wherever you may get stationed overseas? Think about it and tell me that it would solve anything.

Ace_Pheonix4154d ago

@jivah. Thank you! Turns out I'm not alone in understanding what the 2nd amendment is for! And as for an armed society being able to defend itself from its government, it has already occurred in American history. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens will solve nothing. Japan didn't invade the US because they knew we were armed. Switzerland issues a firearm to every family and they don't have any firearm related deaths. I don't understand how poeple can grasp nuclear deterrence theory and not see how it applies to a civilized society. The second these crazy people encounter any chance of resistance they kill themselves. I say let's give them some more damn resistance! Be responsible, people, and man up and defend yourself from this kind of abomination. The sign saying "No Weapons" on the door is the same as a sign saying "Come kill us for sport, we offer you ample time with absolutely no kind of resistance whatsoever besides a sign telling you not to". All the statistics back up this stance. All common sense does as well.

Legion4154d ago

@jivah and @Ace_Pheonix

Arming everyone would not solve the issue. As we see the majority of these people are looking at causing pain and then being ready to die with their guns in their hands.

You have everyone with guns and then you have the bigger issue of people solving problems with a simple pull of the trigger.

Many states even allow open gun carry and you can walk around with a shotgun if you wish. How would that make anyone feel with everyone in the Mall having a shotgun in their hands? Would you feel safer?

I can picture one person shooting and then everyone shooting at each other. Gun mayhem. and if you think gangs are an issue now? Think of gangs that are allowed to openly carry guns and then meeting up with rival gangs in an open theater or mall?

This isn't the old west... and having everyone armed is not the resolve. think of ANYONE that you think would be a liability if they owned a gun. Now multiply that with everyone else's known... questionable gun owners. Have fun staying at home all the time... because I wouldn't take my kids out into the street in such a world.

Ace_Pheonix4154d ago

@Legion, it never was the wild west. Believe it or not, real life isn't what you see depicted in movies. The people that take the time to get a CCW permit are, in fact, very responsible people. Levelheaded people don't ever solve issues by shooting people. And unstable people have a hell of a lot harder time causing others pain when the playing field is leveled out. It's all about a power trip for them. Once that illusion ends, and someone else is shooting at them, they're done. You're right, a lot of states allow open carry. Arizona and Utah for a couple of examples. You know what isn't happening in those states? All kinds of people walking around with rifles shooting each other. I walk around every day with my .45 for years, and believe it or not, it hasn't shot anyone. It's simply there to defend those who choose to be defenseless if the need arises. "Think of ANYONE that would be a liability if they had a gun". Now imagine you and your family facing them down defenseless, after removing the means to combat that individual from every single person around you. Because that's the solution being proposed right now. And even keeping your family locked up at home won't insure their safety.

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chukamachine4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

Depends by what you mean worse.

DMC as below are fiction. I/e not possible in real life.

But GTA games are possible, and a lot of things in the game get done.

Shootings, car jacking, stealing cars, beating people up. running people over.

NO it doesn't make everyone like that.

But you cannot compare the two.

But lets be honest, GTA is for children. It's also a POS.

I await the disagree's, but don't take my bubs.

Awesome_Gamer4155d ago

Really? Some people still think video games are one of the reasons behind violence or mass shootings. Jesus.

Pushagree4155d ago

It's amazing how many US Representatives we have that have no concept of contitutional principles.

showtimefolks4154d ago

Yeh let's not fix the economy or fix the gun problems and how NRA thinks everyone should own a gun but let's blame games. Seriously no wonder why American economy has tanked, out political leaders have no common sense or any clue on how to fix the country

Blame games we will keep playing games
While you at it ban movies too
What about porn? Lol

STEWIE_PLAY_PS44154d ago

Remember about 1960 person was jailed court said crime GTA? Why They never release GTA and didn't violence in video game? In Mexican have lot murders? Right? fk senator dumb!.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4154d ago
Blackdeath_6634155d ago

the game isn't even out yet who said there will be inappropriate content in it? GTA has built a reputation over the years in the eyes of people not really in touch with gaming many of which haven't even played the game.

Double_Oh_Snap4155d ago

lol wow got to play the blame game. They always pick the games it's pathetic honestly.

4155d ago Replies(4)
4155d ago Replies(2)
IAMERROR4155d ago

Fuck em, if they ban certain video games do it to all forms of media you fucks. When will people learn that people are just mentally ill and it has nothing to do with video games or any other form of media.

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Killer2020UK14d ago

More interested in money than giving fans what they want. Such a shame

CrimsonWing6914d ago

With the amount of money they generated, I just don’t understand the scrubbing of this. It would’ve been fantastic for fans.

Profchaos14d ago

I really want to know who drove the decision to focus on multiplayer was it Rockstar or take two.

Because when online started taking off many of the studio leads began having falling outs and leading including a founder

Demetrius13d ago

Ikr mfs that greedy it's ridiculous

andy8514d ago

This makes me sad. Trevor was one of my favourite characters in gaming

Demetrius13d ago

One of the reason I believe once gta 6 release, most of us thoroughly play it, enjoy the world they crafted then after that no offline support, no dlc at all

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