
Does a handheld game ever have a chance to win ‘Game of the year’?

SchollA from Console ControllUs pronounced control-us writes:
To piggyback of the recently written “Does a sports title ever have a chance to win ‘Game of the Year’?” (again). I again dive into the notion of another non-traditional concept — a handheld game winning ‘Game of the Year’. And a handheld game possibly being soooo good that it beats out a console title or any other title on any other platform for that matter.

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SactoGamer4158d ago

If a relief pitcher can win MLB's Cy Young award, then a handheld game has a chance to win GotY.

darthv724158d ago

arent there different classifications? Meaning that you can have a console GotY as well as a portable GotY?

If we are trying to make this whole "GotY" like other awards then it all depends on the nominations. There is song of the year, artist of the year and album of the year. All distinct titles that can have different winners.

To say there cant be a portable GotY as well as a console GotY is like discrediting the other awards such as artist or album or song of the year.

Maybe in games, because it has become so diverse now, they can actually have those distinctions.

krazykombatant4158d ago

I see your argument but at the same time aren't relief/starting pitchers different breeds??

ABizzel14158d ago

Yes, but technical limitations often limit them from rivaling their console / PC brethren.

For a handheld game to win GOTY it has to go above and beyond traditional handheld titles. Perfect example would be if something like journey came to a handheld then it would have a chance, but then again I think there's a bias against handheld, so it'll take a truly unbiased site / group of people to give a handheld it's fair shot at GOTY.

Baylex4158d ago

@ darthv72

Comparing music, artists and albums it's the same as comparing games, consoles and publishers...

They're different awards but in the same theme.

But a game is a game. Even an iOS or an android game could run up for the GotY. They're games! But they have to be really good to earn those titles...

It's my humble perpesctive about the matter..

k-dillinger4158d ago

I dunno mostly not goty awards are extremely bias most of the time its against Japanese games they don't even acknowledge Japan games which is sad the American gaming industry is very disgusting

rainslacker4158d ago

Does it even really matter? As far as I know there is no industry wide award show similar to the Grammy's or academy awards. Every site has their own list, and while some games make a lot of those lists, there is no real established award ceremony, making it all based on individual biases and opinions. Spike's VGA's might be the closest thing we have, but it's more a marketing fest than anything that's peered reviewed like the academy awards.

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showtimefolks4158d ago

if a game is good enough it shouldn't matter whether its on a home console or handheld

LOGICWINS4158d ago

I'm sure there are some people out there that gave a handheld game their GOTY award.

Oh_Yeah4158d ago (Edited 4158d ago )

If a psn title like the walking dead can then yes, I don't see why a handheld game can't.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4158d ago
Sharingan_no_Kakashi4158d ago

I guess...

But most handheld games are designed to be quick on the go fun.

Nodoze4158d ago

No. Next question please.

tachy0n4158d ago

Gravity Rush has a GOTY award in japan....

PopRocks3594158d ago

I guess it depends on whether GOTY covers console games specifically or all games. If it covers all games, then yes, a handheld game should have just as much of a chance.

Look at this year; Telltale's Walking Dead winning the award created a huge upset because people are used to big budget AAA type games to win.

LOGICWINS4158d ago

It wasn't really an "upset". Many predicted that it would win considering its popularity with critics. Heck, I predicted it would win and I haven't even played the game yet.

ABizzel14157d ago (Edited 4157d ago )

The thing is The Walking Dead and Journey were the GOTY for the vast majority of people.

I think critics and a lot of gamers are realizing that they finally want something new. Halo 4 was great, but it was more Halo. I loved Borderlands 2 and beat it by myself in 2 days, but it was more Borderlands.

People want new and refreshing experiences as well as the familiar, so COD will continue to sell millions, but it's GOTY days are over unless it completely revolutionize the FPS genre.

GOTY IMO really boiled down to The Walking Dead (technical problems aside), Journey (great, great, game), and Dishonored. And while I enjoyed Dishonored it was just missing that special something.

Next year's GOTY awards will truly be interesting because there are a lot of new games (Last of Us, Remember Me), as well as games that look to vastly improve their formula (Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider), and games that just scream high quality (GTA5, God of War).

Surprisingly 2013 is the year of the Horror genre. There are a bunch of Suspense/Horror games coming out.

Yodagamer4158d ago

Idk but revilations is a lot closer to goty status than re6,, heck it was one of my favorite this year

Snookies124158d ago

I only played the demo for RE: Revelations, but could EASILY tell it was 10x the Resident Evil game 6 is...

Y_51504158d ago

I played a demo for both. I wanted RE6 until I played the demo and Revelations demo made me want it.

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Nintendo Issues DMCA Notice to Remove 8,500 Yuzu Clones

Nintendo made a significant move by issuing a DMCA notice to take down more than 8,500 clones of the popular Switch emulator, Yuzu.

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gold_drake4d ago

thats so crazy haha.

it will never disappear.

darksky4d ago

The more they try to stop it, the more publicity it gets. The fact is that Yuzu will forever live on torrent and other sites. Nintendo is fighting an uphill battle.

Inverno4d ago

Another 8,500 will take their place. Smh


There is nothing stopping these people from working on Yuzu clones and sharing them on torrent sites. Nintendo or anyone else cannot do shit about torrents or usenet.

lucasnooker4d ago

lol Nintendo keep fighting this but it never ends. Why do they feel the need to persist? I guess they are in too deep now they have to

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Super Mario 64 DS: Remakes Done Right

Super Mario 64 DS was offered as a launch title for the Nintendo DS, a remake of the classic platform game with a few original tricks.

Chard5d ago

Not with those D-pad controls

CDbiggen5d ago

Needs more appreciation. I never had an N64 so this was what I played. Sure the Yoshi hat mechanic at first is a slog but you unlock Mario and the others for real and then it takes off. Personally I never had an issue with the controls. Can't forget the mini games and the 4 player rumble over download play.

kevco335d ago

Indeed, as stated in the article there were tonnes of control options and very much a 'take whatever you like, leave the rest' attitude to most of the game's extras.

1d 18h ago

Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Is Ocarina of Time as legendary as I remembered it? For the most part, yes. In spite of a handful of missteps — a few obtuse puzzles, some tedious backtracking, and a clunky stealth sequence — I don't believe the last 23 years have been unkind to it. Ocarina remains a brilliant example of the medium, a landmark game that shaped the future of its own franchise and 3D gaming in general. After more than two decades it retains its inventive dungeon design, challenging puzzles, dynamic combat, wistful storyline, unforgettable music, and empowering open-air freedom. I feel confident calling it one of the greatest games of the fifth generation, even if I'm no longer prepared to list it among the five best games ever made."

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Crows9010d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic9d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.