
Why is the Vita dying?

Run-down of the Playstation Vita's amazing success story. Parody of Sony apologists.

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NYC_Gamer4327d ago

I feel the PSV is being treated real bad by 3rd party studios when it comes to support..Yes,i understand 3DS has the market share advantage but that's no reason for studios to just ignore Vita.

NewMonday4327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

It's the fanboy wars

Gamers are taking console favoritesm way to seriously , some think they are on a mission to take down the other side, some websites look for troll hits, few relise this is immature and killing a still niche medium they supposedly love.

Call me crazy but I remember a time when the press and community all celebrated gaming and the talk was about sharing the experience and expanding the gamer population, that is how I changed from a kid who buys the latest popular thing to game geek.

This generation of gamers is the worst

guitarded774327d ago

Agree x 10,000. Press has become more and more sensationalist over the past 10 years, and people have become more and more ignorant lapping up everything they read.

Hufandpuf4327d ago

I don't see how game sites and fanboys are bringing the handheld down. They don't affect the sales. If it was "fanboys" fault, where were the playstation fans? Why didn't a huge majority of ps3 owners buy the Vita? It was Sony's bad marketing, huge price point, and lack of dev support that is killing the Vita.

X-Alchemist4327d ago

what does fanboyism have to do with sales?

ALLWRONG4327d ago

So... to you Nintendo fanboys are killing the Vita?

guitarded774327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

You guys really think negativity doesn't affect public opinion? That's why politicians run negative ad campaigns during elections. They know that the uninformed voters don't know much to begin with, so it's easy to influence them. There are marketing classes which focus directly on negative marketing and social media. Companies spend millions on lawyers to protect their product from being slandered. If you don't think there are people who slander products out of self interest (stocks) or out of pure naivety of really believing their favorite product loves them back, then you're missing the big picture. I'm not saying it's all conspiracy, but for the uninformed buyer of a product, websites offer them the information they are going to arm themselves with when they go to make a purchase.

fredrikpedersen4327d ago

I am from this generation of gamers, and I hate them as well.-


That being said, the Vita is pretty darn awesome and I've bought probably 80% of the games released on it. Come to think of it, I've been more passionate about playing my Vita than my consoles because I've been out and about so much

torchic4327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

so what you're saying is that fanboys are purposefully trying to sabbotage the Vita, trying to make it sell at low rates?

that's the most radical idea I've heard on this site yet.

and it's very disappointing that so many people agreed with you. I don't understand why people feel the need to turn this site into a safe haven for the Vita. Sony are having problems with the Vita and you people just have to stop being delusional and making up such ridiculous ideas. I love Sony and all but gee...

X-Alchemist4326d ago

why are sony fans so delusional? Sorry to be blunt but this has to be said. I actually don't understand why 47 people agree with u?

A Blog websites negativity barely effects a console's sales. Look at the wii, every website was posting doom articles and a vast amount of people were saying it wouldn't be viable and look how that sold.

You guys would give any ridiculous excuse to to warrant the reason why this console is ever so slowly failing. High price and a small library of games is the only reason and so far it's competitor outclasses it with both.

liquidgravity4326d ago

I a 32 year old gamer that started with the NES back in the day and i have to say...well said newmonday.....well said.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4326d ago
NukaCola4327d ago

When the 3DS came out, it sold horribly, it had nothing good outside of a couple ports and the system lost a lot of support from developers. Then it dropped it's price and skyrocketed.

The Vita came out and other than the memory card issues with pricing, delivered. It had a great launch line up and tons of support. I think a big issue is price and Sony needs to just deal with the loss and do a price cut. They do it all the time as "bundles", but should just release a $200 model instead of a $250 bundle. It's about presentation to the consumer. The Vita is phenomenal, but needs to be marketed the right way. They are on the right steps. I really think they need to launch the PS4 as a bundle that includes a Vita and a crossover game that showcases the connectivity and interactivity on the go...
....maybe GranTurismo 6. That would be super smart.

Gr814327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

Didn't sell 'horribly'unless you were comparing it to the DS. 3DS wasn't lighting charts on fire absolutely true, the price cut helped but it was the software that gave it the sustainable push.

If you say the 3DS sold horribly at first, what would you call Vita's numbers, since launch? Dreamcast sold more than Vita has in a comparable amount of time.

Vita's tech is awesome, but tech alone doesn't sell a gaming system, software does. And unfortunately Vita is trying to be a console on the go rather than a handheld gaming system. The software doesn't seem appealing, and with each subsequent release it becomes easier to ignore the Vita. CoD, AC, LBPK, what's next? PSABR? It's just one disappointing release after another.

I for one dont see how a system can sell so low and continue on the market before its pulled completely. It will end up like the Atari Lynx and Game Gear of decades past.

rpd1234327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

@Arius Dion

Just saying, AC Liberation was awesome and LBPK isn't even on Vita. Haven't played CoD so can't comment on that. And PSABR looks to be anything but disappointing (not my kind of game but there are a lot of people who love it). And Killzone Mercenary and Tearaway are coming up, and they look good (from the little we've seen).

I do think that Sony needs to stop marketing it as a console on the go. It makes it sound like it's nothing but a portable PS3 when in reality they are completely different with different libraries. And it also sets everyone who isn't knowledgeable about the Vita up for disappointment when the graphics aren't up to par. It's the closest handhelds have ever gotten to console quality on the go, but it's not quite there yet.

I think sales will pick up. It took a while for the PS3 to start rolling as well, but it did well, and continues to do so. Sony just really sucks with marketing.

Gr814327d ago

Respectfully disagree. I think the marketing is fine. It shows vita for what it is a console experience on the go. And while you may like the idea the market is rejecting it. Vitas mission statement is all wrong.

And I don't remember the PS3 selling on par or below the dreamcast.

Vita software sales are as abysmal as its hardware sales. I'm not trying to be harsh just realistic. I wish there were something I could look at in the vita and hold up as a beacon to show a turnaround. But I don't.

However if you are enjoying the system more power to you.

Anon19744327d ago

Who said 3rd party studios are ignoring the Vita? The thing hasn't even been out a handful of months worldwide...it's not like 3rd party studios can just crank out quality titles overnight. We know plenty of mobile developers are currently focusing on other mobile platforms, but do we know how many 3rd party studios have Vita games in development? It's not like there's a list somewhere that we can reference and say "Look at that. 3rd party studios are ignoring the Vita." Really, we don't know what actual support is like, other than Sony saying they had hoped for better but a good chunk of them are making iPhone games now.

I know the only shortage I have when it comes to my Vita is a shortage of time to play all the games that interest me.

Hdz544326d ago

Can you list five third party games that are coming to the Vita in 2013? If COD and AC fail this holiday, don't expect to see any other third party publishers invest in the Vita.

Jinkies4327d ago

Lets not forget the ones Sony does have with the PSV third party wise don't even seem to be trying when making their games.

It seems theres no passion for it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4326d ago
Neonridr4327d ago

How is it being treated real bad by developers? You think Developers are there to enrich our lives? They are making games to make money. And when the install base on the 3DS is 10x what it is on the Vita, where do you think the Developer is going to make more money??

You act all naive thinking that this isn't a business first.

Hicken4327d ago

... so if there are no games, nobody buys the system. And if nobody buys the system, developers aren't going to make games for the system.

The thing is: SOMEBODY has to take that risk.

As it currently stands, it appears that few third party developers are willing to do so on the Vita. At the same time, few gamers seem to be willing to take that gamble. The irony is that more of each group were willing to stick their necks out for the 3DS.


Nintendo wasn't supporting the 3DS the way Sony's supporting the Vita. Arguably a better launch library, undeniably better features, and for not that much more money. The games you prefer may be subjective, but there's no arguing that the Vita currently has a rather nice stable of quality titles.

So what's the REAL difference?

guitarded, in a comment above, outlines a very plausible reason: http://n4g.com/comments/red...

Of course, as torchic immediately makes apparent, this theory will be categorically dismissed as "conspiracy," despite its plausibility. Anybody who considers this or any other reason- anybody who doesn't believe it's "doomed"- is just a "blind, fanboy drone," to paraphrase the very ridiculous pedroyamato.

There's an old, rather ghetto saying that applies:

Scared money don't make none.

In other words, you take a big risk to get big rewards. If anything, there's more 3rd party support for 3DS simply because it's a Nintendo handheld, and thus essentially assured big sales. On the other hand, the Vita, as a Sony handheld(and this makes even more sense if what guitarded said is true), represents a much higher risk at this point.

And we all know publishers are growing increasingly more afraid of taking risks; they're all about maximizing profit at minimum cost(and often while offering as little product as possible).

Assuming Sony and its handheld can overcome the negativity surrounding them, perhaps the Vita will see the sort of developer support it took time for the 3DS to get.

Yeah, that's right. There wasn't always all this massive 3rd party support for the 3DS. But those developers jumped onboard for Nintendo; is it that hard to imagine that, if the Vita can survive its current plight(which isn't ALL Sony-made), those same developers will take a risk on the most powerful, most versatile handheld ever?

Neonridr4326d ago

Don't get me wrong, I agree with a lot of what you are saying. Sure the Vita is powerful, nobody is denying that. But is it powerful for all the right reasons? The 3DS is different enough to attract mobile gamers, Nintendo has always understood the mobile market and always seem to hit the nail on the head (excluding Virtual Boy of course). The Vita is trying to flex its muscles in a world where the latest smartphones are rivaling it in terms of specs.

Couple that with games that have questionably short development times (Black Ops Declassified was built in 5 months), and you have gamers who are wondering if there is quality in the software they would be getting for the handheld.

Look how bad it is in Japan, I mean the 3DS sold like 180,000 last week to the Vita's 4,000. Even the PSP moved like 12,000 units. How insulting is it that your predecessor that has like 1/4 the specs is moving 3 times as many units as your new flagship device?

As the DS, Wii and 3DS have shown us in the past several years, it isn't always the strongest system that wins.

I am sure the Vita will start to pick up in sales as more quality games show up. Here's hoping they can have a somewhat positive holiday season.

FriedGoat4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

the 3ds is different enough? Do you own a 3ds? I do, owned it from launch and its hardly different from it predecessors. I was actually pretty angry at how dire the first year of owning a 3DS was. The vita however kept me well entertained with high quality launch titles with lots of content yet the media and all the ninty fanboys are telling me it has no games. The vita is a big step up. It also has titles that give you much more bang for your buck.

joeorc4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

" The Vita is trying to flex its muscles in a world where the latest smartphones are rivaling it in terms of specs. "

and what you and pretty much everyone are overlooking is that very fact it was built for that very reason the way it was designed for such is the market now going forward it may be slow to take off but that is aside from the point!

"The Vita is trying to flex its muscles in a world where the latest smartphones are rivaling it in terms of specs"

this has more truth you you think, the PSVita is not trying to it is in that market it has to be the reason being that is where most of the 3rd party developers are going.

You do know the very same chipsets these ultra high end smartphones have, the PSVita has also, right? if you did not know why sony put that in there, its not mainly about the PSVita vs' the 3ds.

It was never about that it was the fact that smartphone's just like the Dedicated PDA market the smartphone has absorbed the handheld market and is now the leader in handhelds.

Not only in sales of the hardware but in the software sales also. while Nintendo and sony have dedicated game handheld systems that are fantastic, make no mistake about this this is not up for debate because it is 100% a fact the smartphone market dwarfs many times over the sales of dedicated game handheld systems in market share many times over.

That is the blunt truth. even though the Nintendo 3ds sales are fantastic and so is its software sales it pales vs the Smartphone sales of even Sonys xperia brand smartphones! and Sony is not even anywhere near the leader in that market Samsung, apple is far greater and larger, but even still Sony is selling over 7.8 million xperia smartphones per sales quarter!

the real truth of the matter is the PSVita was set and positioned and set for the smartphone market not the dedicated handheld game market, that is what people are overlooking

and the reason being is the very fact it is using the same high end SGX GPU and Arm cortex processors that the smartphones are using. Sony unlike Nintendo have been in the handheld market in other ways aside from gaming, that is the dedicated PDA market, they know 1st hand experience what happens.

This is not about upfront sales with such a platform because right now that is almost a moot point to try to compete in the market the way you use to be able to if your brand strength is not as strong as other brands that is what Sony is facing right now, and that is also exactly what they are positioned to have the greater chance of being able to overcome these hard challenges.

its not a shocker that Sony made the Playstation suite and that it runs on the xperia and PSVita also. its also not out of the bundling of the PSVita with the PS3 as a package to be sold as one bundle soon.

Sony is not going to drop the PSVita like many seem to think, the reason being they cannot afford too, the PSVita is going to be supported by sony's first party efforts one way or the other, too much investment, good or bad Sony is not going to drop the PSVita anytime soon the reason being is the few profitable parts of Sony as a whole in their company is the playstation part of their company, and less than 10,000 unit sales per week is not very much for some but it is sales, and it will provide profit.Sony will package it with the PS3 before long anyway and that so happens to be the trends in game console hubs being the main option for gameing in the next generation anyway. Nintendo with the WiiU and Microsoft with Smartglass and Windows surface and windows Phone. Sony already is set for such a movement shift. with the PS3 or PS4 and with the PSVita and Xperia line as the mobile connection to the Hub.

TGR4327d ago

Sony's pathetic marketing is killing vita. Nothing else.

MultiConsoleGamer4327d ago

The system is far from dead.

Sure, it wouldn't hurt if Sony bought a little more ad space for the vita.

But if you make a list of all the rumored vita projects and games already in development you'll clearly see the system has a long life ahead of it.

And I'm sure we all remember when people said "the ps3 is dead, the ps3 has no games." We'll 6 years later, 3 hardware revisions, and tons of software later the system is still alive and well.

ritsuka6664327d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Why do Sony keep making obviously bad decisions?

TSA writes: While the PlayStation 5 has been the runaway winner of the generation, running laps around Xbox for the last few years, it's been a pretty bumpy ride.

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darthv7214d ago

I disagree... Sony may make a bad decision now and then, but to say "keep making" implies they are doing it all the time. That is MS who does that. And to be honest, Sony gives every idea a chance, no matter how good or bad the end result turns out. The "bad decisions" are more associated with the teams who come up with them than Sony who just lets them do their thing.

pwnmaster300014d ago

100% agree.
One thing I like about Sony is they at least give it a try. No matter how much some fans disagree, they always take chances.

I mean look at Concord and Astrobot.
Two completely different games.

GhostScholar14d ago

Concord is the whole point of the article and no one wanted it and no one is playing it.

outsider162414d ago

They should have researched how the fanbase would react to it.
Would the game be better as a f2p model or paid.
100 million or more spent, they could atleast have done that.

Chevalier14d ago

I think people forget the original Uncharted opening month only sold 50,000, but, Sony believed in the series and built it up from nothing.

They could have been complacent and said no to TLOU when Uncharted blew up too.

Cacabunga14d ago

It’s ok to make bad decisions, the important thing is to learn from them and improve from there.. grants you more respect

fr0sty14d ago

Jim Ryan steered them off course with the GaaS BS, and once you start up several projects and dump hundreds of millions into them, you have to try to at least make something back off of them. Now that these games are releasing, we can start to move past them, and back to what made Sony so great to begin with.

thorstein14d ago

Concord was made by a studio that Sony bought a year ago. This entire article makes no sense in that context.

Tankbusta4013d ago

Concord wasnt a chance it was a idiotic cash grab that was 5-7 years too late to the hero shooter genre...a chance would be creating a game in a genre that wasn't established

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 13d ago
GhostScholar14d ago

But people blasted Microsoft when they let the redfall devs “do
Their thing” lol

Rude-ro14d ago

Big difference in waiting a decade for a new AAA ip from Microsoft for it to be redfall vs A game that got hammered non stop from the beginning from Sony.
Huge difference.

DodoDojo14d ago

Let them do their own thing? Lol Microsoft had them rush it outdoor when clearly they needed more time and according to reports many of the devs left during development because they didn't want to make a multi-player game.

pwnmaster300014d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Yeah like how everyone busted Sony for the same thing.

But also Sony didn’t really hype up concord. It was already blasted to hell.
Now MS hyped up redfall fully knowing it was ass.

Also red fall was really bad at launch unlike concord.

The only thing that saved red fall from having the same fate as concord was game pass. If Sony put concord on plus it would have a way more active fan base and be alive still

For me redfall is far worse then concord.

TheNamelessOne14d ago


Sony didn't hype Concord? Open and closed beta, tons of advertising. They even spent the money to get it featured on that upcoming Amazon tv show - Secret Level. They outright bought the studio.

The hundreds of millions of dollars Sony spent around the Concord IP says otherwise.

derek14d ago

Neither the maker of Redfall or Microsoft are the victims of unfair treatment.

pwnmaster300014d ago (Edited 14d ago )


I rarely saw any ads for concord, compare to other games like god of war, spider etc. tons of advertising??? Literally just normal advertising for a game they own.

Open and close beta, of course they will do an open beta. It’s a multiplayer game. Has any multiplayer game not have that?? The purpose of it is to work out the kinks that people didn’t like. That is not hyping a game up. Your reaching.

They literally just released how a normal multiplayer game should be. of course they will market a game they own, it’s literally their job to do so, but they did not overhype it to be something more then it was.
Redfall had more advertising then concord and that’s fact.

14d ago
Einhander197214d ago

Ok, Redfall and Concord are totally different problems.

Redfall was rushed by Microsoft so much that the game was completely and obviously unfinishe. You might remember they had to put a sticker on the box because it didn't have the promised 60FPS mode, as well as the game being so broken the games enemy AI didn't work as well as textures that took minutes to fully load and many other problems, the game was barely even a beta build on release.

Concord was a fully finished and highly polished game that consumers simply didn't want. The game was not bad on the technical level at all, it was 100% made to Sony's highest standards.

FinalFantasyFanatic13d ago


I think I only ever saw one or two ads before Concord released, and even then, I saw more from streamers talking about the game, otherwise it's like this game barely existed, or at least the marketing barely existed.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 13d ago
CrimsonWing6914d ago

Jim Ryan has been a complete sh*t show from the very start. In fact, this whole Gen has been maybe the weakest I’ve seen since… well, ever for Sony. I thought with Jimbo out things would be brighter, but… well, we’ve got a bunch more GaaS coming our way. Let’s just hope it gets balanced out with their stellar traditional games.

DarXyde13d ago

Frankly, we shouldn't really care if they do GaaS. Why not?

The issue, for me, is having the very competent non-GaaS studios work on GaaS. If they want Haven to do Fairgame$, I really don't care. Bungie can make Destiny and Marathon forever. But when you try to get Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Insomniac, Guérilla, etc etc on that?

Now we have a problem.

CrimsonWing6913d ago (Edited 13d ago )


What is the point of the GaaS business model vs just making a traditional game? I guess the real question is why would you choose to develop GaaS games? I’ll give you a hint, it’s to f*cking continuously milk consumers through recurring revenue on a budget stretched thin over years.

The model is disgusting and quite frankly it’s some Frankenstein’d concept stemmed from the mobile game design model. I don’t care how fun a GaaS game is, it’s a model that is the cancer of this industry and the fact that they keep forcing it after failure after failure is revolting.

DarXyde11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

Mate, I'm not a fan of GaaS games. I also don't like online multiplayer or first person shooters.

So what do I do?
Avoid all of them. I just pretend they don't exist. And really, I don't care for the studios making them either. Never played a Treyarch, Bungie, or whatever game I couldn't just tune out.

Same deal. Allow them to exist, but don't engage. They can be super scummy pay to win models, but we've got to let the community decide. Sony has already learned the hard way that a great single player studio doesn't mean they're a great GaaS studio.

I think they're learning the lessons quickly, really. Even if they still have some GaaS in the pipeline, we see how quickly they pulled the plug on Concord. They've been letting Insomniac cook, so I tend to believe they're being cautious and not letting their golden geese make those games.

0hMyGandhi14d ago

why do I get the impression that no one actually reads the articles anymore.
Read the article.

BehindTheRows13d ago

They'd rather argue with each other. If it wasn't so typical, it'd be funny.

Jin_Sakai13d ago

You don’t keep making bad decision when you just released one of the best games of the generation.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
Goodguy0114d ago

This gen has all but been odd.

Philaroni14d ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this. I don't want to even guess what's next. For all I know we could finally divide by zero. And the Mc Flurry machine will work at every Mc Donald's.

FinalFantasyFanatic13d ago

I don't even know what's going on anymore, it seems like dumb decisions all around despite clear warning signs, from Microsoft/Sony, from multiple developers, etc... The entire gaming landscape is just baffling at the moment.

VivaChe14d ago

The writer's take on PSVR -- totally true. But it's not just PSVR; for whatever reason all the VR companies just don't invest and support the platform like they should. Even the mighty Oculus Quest 2 + 3 have oddly feeble software support. I see mostly the same games and apps on the store now as I did 3 years ago. PSVR is another one of Sony's "abandonware" examples (along with Vita, PS TV, etc. etc.) that are just head scratchers. Like why even develop and release a piece of hardware if you're not going to support it? I don't know.

But the writer isn't correct about the Portal. That one has been a success I think. It works pretty well, and lots of people love it. Now notably, that one doesn't require much ongoing support from Sony -- it has one purpose and it does it fine enough -- so maybe that has helped.

ChasterMies13d ago

VR companies are appropriately investing in and supporting the platform. VR is still niche, generally uncomfortable to wear, difficult with glasses ,still causes motion sickness, and requires a play space that a lot of people don’t have.

TheNamelessOne14d ago

They've definitely fumbled hard in the live service space (buying Bungie, the utter failure of Concord, spending years on Factions 2 just to cancel it), Even Helldivers 2, which was a hit at launch, has lost most of its user-base due to weak post-launch support.

Other than that though, they've been doing well.

RhinoGamer8814d ago

Spoiled and arrogant. PSVR failures should have resulted in a house cleaning. The Discord Sony team should be fire...lots of talent on the market.

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Sony Executive Admits Company Needs To Work On Having More Original IPs

Sony CFO says that the company lacks the creation of enough original IPs, but this statement spans more than just Sony's gaming division.

-Foxtrot15d ago

The thing is they do have a lot IP wise but most of them aren't be used

Legend of Dragoon? Syphon Filter? Resistance? Dark Cloud? Ape Escape? Heavenly Sword? The Getaway? LocoRoco?

You have the IPs, you just don't try to use them

How long have we been wanting Bloodborne 2 or even a remaster?

Whitey2k14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Or just buy a publisher that do have IPs


These 3 publishers has tremendous amount of ips and not just gaming ips but also for sony movies entertainment and for Esports aswell that includes Live services aswell looking at EA apex titanfall etc etc

Tbh I'm getting sick of remasters it be like gta 5 , ps3 , ps4 , ps5 , eventually ps6 and 7

tehpees314d ago

No. Just no. The first parties cannot afford to buy out major publishers so stop pushing this practice. It’s BS!

Microsoft closed so many because the amount they bought was not financially sustainable.

The only benefit to the buyer is they inherit their IPs. It’s bad for gamers and it’s bad for workers. Enough with the ‘revenge buy’ nonsense

KyRo14d ago

Buying whole publishers is lazy AF. Sony has some incredible IP that people love but they refuse to use them. GoW was reinvented. There's a lot of other IP that could reinvented and modernised too.

The one thing that has let Sony down this generation is staggering out PS first party games (remasters don't count like TLOU, Until Dawn). Were a bit starved of them. Let's hope this state of play fixes some of that.

Profchaos14d ago

How's that working out for Microsoft hasn't killed their platform and forced them to go multi plat because they had to make a return on invest at all right ?

MrDead14d ago

Why would they need to buy those publishers when Sony are their lead platform in the console market? They already make games for the PlayStation, all that would happen is what we've seen with MS, a handful of already rich people getting wealthier at the cost of industry consolidation and thousands more devs being fired.

Whitey2k14d ago

@Mrdead and others Microsoft are a bunch of fools and they don't know what there been doing since xbone all I'm saying is just one. there not just for us gamers but it would probably help them alot more within the movie space and Esports arena if there concerned about the lack of ips not just for games but movies aswell

13d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 13d ago
Profchaos14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Nintendo have successfully recycled their legacy IP since the 80s if an IP is good it will have staying power

Sony for some reason love to run with a particular mascot or game series for a generation of two then send them out to be retired.

It's also funny timing this was said right after the launch of the highest metacritic rated game of the year which happens to be their IP

FinalFantasyFanatic14d ago

I honestly don't know why they've benched all these IPs, there are lots of people who would clamour for a new entry from any of them. I already bought some of these games as Playstation Classics on the PS4, I also believe they don't need to spend AAA budgets on them, some of them can easily be done on a AA budget.

raWfodog14d ago

New IPs are always welcomed but, as Foxtrot pointed out, Sony has a vast library of proven IPs that they can draw from. Whoever is in charge of making these decisions needs to get their head out of their you-know-what.

13d ago
DOMination-13d ago

Unquestionably, Sony are sitting on a lot of unused IP .but how many of those games would go on to be commercially successful? I feel like this is the reason why we don't see them being greenlit (even though nearly all of them were critical hits).

Out of all of the ones listed by users, Syphon Filter imo has the potential to be a big hit if they made it a AAA game. There's an obvious hunger still for that genre and there's a gap in the market with Ubisoft continuing to sit on/screw up their Tom Clancy games.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 13d ago
Lionsguard14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

It just still irks me that they have something like Astrobot for YEARS now and they've really done JACK with it. They could have had a Fall Guys game with the Astrobots before Fall Guys were a thing. They have something great and they're just sitting on it like idiots, that is until the recent Astrobot game and even then... they ignored any VR compatibility...like, what are they thinking? Do the people in charge just hate money or something? That must be it if they sat there and thought Concord was going to do gangbusters. Still no Bloodborne 2, not a damn thing from Naughty Dog or Insomniac other than Spider-man. This entire generation has been a bust.

porkChop14d ago

"they ignored any VR compatibility...like, what are they thinking? Do the people in charge just hate money or something?"

Bro the PSVR2 failed. It was DOA. They aren't going to waste a bunch of extra resources on making the game VR compatible.

And, sure, they could have done a Fall Guys-style game with Astro Bot. However if you just pump out trendy games like that under the Astro Bot name it'll devalue the brand. It's called milking, and it's what killed a lot of great franchises.

Profchaos14d ago

I agree they wouldn't waste a bunch of money on making it compatible but they should it's about respecting the fans that outlayed hundreds of dollars for a headset that they dropped within a year.

If Nintendo can respect it's fanbase enough to release multiple huge games on the Wii U with 13 million sales Sony should be able to respect it's fans who brought the psvr2 also

Lionsguard14d ago

It wouldn't have failed if you know...they made games for it but now we know where all the money is going, crapfest GaaS games. You also can't devalue something if they never really valued it in the first place. Also, is Nintendo devaluing Mario? The ONE thing Sony has going for them and all of a sudden you're protective of it? I'm not saying they have to cram Astrobot into everything, but to also neglect it to this degree is also criminal.

UltimateOwnage14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

PSVR 2 was never going to reach a bar critics would say is a success. Even the PS Vita didn’t achieve that and it was still a fantastic platform with excellent games. PSVR 2 shows Sony is willing to take risks to make new types of content. MS basically bowed out of VR completely and it’s kind of baffling.

Michiel198914d ago

i honestly dont give a fuck about their ips and which they use, just give us more games that aren't 3rd person action games and stop thinking that if you wan't to revive an IP, you need it to be the biggest blockbuster game ever with budgets in the hundreds of millions.

RaiderNation14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Sony has a blue billion IP's that have been in friggin "cryosleep" for years! I'd rather see them revisit some of those before adding new ones...

Syphon Filter
Dark Cloud
Mod Nation Racers
Legend of Dragoon
Jack And Daxter
Sly Cooper
Twisted Metal
Fat Princess
Jumping Flash

And I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting!

bRuud8314d ago

They have enough IP's but nog enough studio's to actually make them.

RaiderNation14d ago

I don't expect ALL of those. I'm just pointing out that they already have a ton of existing IP to choose from that are known quantities. I'd rather see them resurrect some of those before choosing to add more to the list.

red2tango14d ago

The fact that we don't have a SOCOM game yet since Confrontation is bull$hit.

porkChop14d ago

We got SOCOM 4 after Confrontation. Though it wasn't so good, and it released the day before PSN went offline after the big PSN hack. Terrible timing and it was DOA.

red2tango11d ago

porkchop, Nocom 4 wasn't socom. That was a lame ass attempt at COD in 3rd person.


I played nearly all of this list and yet wouldn't be interested in remake or prolonged sequel! I want something new

RaiderNation14d ago

I don't believe you at all. The law of averages alone say there's at least SOMETHING on that list you'd be interested in playing a new iteration of. I think you're just being hyperbolic to make a point.

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Sony Patents Controller With Movable Grips To Improve Vibrations

A new Sony patent wants to bring movable grips to controllers to keep the vibration quality consistent regardless of how you hold them.

OtterX39d ago

"Keep the vibration quality consistent regardless of how you hold it."

I'm on board. 👍😁

Jin_Sakai39d ago

Just give me Hall effect sticks!

Vits38d ago

No. And you know what? Just because you asked, the newer variant will use run-of-the-mill potentiometer-based components that are not only soldered to the motherboard but also glued with epoxy so you can't remove them. /s

S2Killinit38d ago

What is hall effect sticks?

sagapo38d ago


Hall effect sticks use a hall effect sensor (which measures magnetic field changes) and a magnet. By moving the stick, you move the magnet in front of the hall effect sensor and that sensor translates those movements into electrical signals.

Stickdrift with hall effect controllers is very very rare.

Popsicle38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Please. I have two controllers I swap in and out. My launch controller is drifting slightly, and the newer of the 2 is drifting so badly I need to replace it. Trigger tension is messed up on my launch controller so probably should replace that one also.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 38d ago
just_looken37d ago

If you want consistent vibration just get some sony stickers then head to a sex shop and get a vibrator that combo is cheaper than a ds5 better quality and does not uses a inbuilt battery pack.

OtterX37d ago

Not sure what you're going on about. I just enjoy a controller with good consistent vibration in my hands. ;)