
Get ready for SingStar on the XMB

I promised you exciting news, so here it is! SingStar, the ultimate competitive singing game for PlayStation 3, will now be available to everyone in SCE Europe territories (as well as Australia and New Zealand) as a free download straight from the XMB.

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josh501874217d ago

thank god this isnt in the us

jd6664217d ago

Don't care how free it is, I don't want it graffitiing up my xmb!!

VonBraunschweigg4217d ago

Some songs are free and some are not, but here in the EU everybody now has to tolerate a songsellingsingstar icon on top of our gamecollection, the games we bought. Can't delete it, can't move it down by re-downloading the others. Press square and it's in it's own category so get ready for more...

Veto! I don't want this shite forced upon me. In fact don't change the XMB at all if you don't allow us to customize the changes. I'm used to it by now, and it's fine. Or was. All I want is that little bling back, that little plink! sound you heard when you started a game back in the days.

black9114216d ago

My guess is this is just the begining expect more free game icons maybe a new XMB icon??

darthv724217d ago

if it came to the US. I like singing.

I dont think my wife would like the tv and ps3 in the shower though.

guitarded774217d ago

My wife loves SingStar... we play every once in awhile and it's good quality time spent together. Whenever friends or family come over, they want to play SingStar or Buzz. Some of our friends and family went out and bought a PS3 after playing SingStar at our home. It is a great party game for adults, and the video playback ability makes it good for a laugh between songs. I've seen a couple stories on SingStar today, and you see a lot of "I'm too cool for SingStar", isolationist gamers comment, but they don't have a social life anyway. I recommend SingStar for married or live in couples looking to share gaming experiences with their significant other.

darthv724217d ago

i can assume they are from those who dont like the singstar game.

Because i know none of them have ever heard me sing. I'm a golden god.

@guitar...I was mostly a guitar hero/rock band type of social player. those are straight up fun especially when there is liquor involved.

fr0sty4217d ago

This is actually a great idea at targeting the device towards casual gamers... Include a more interactive form of Karaoke right out of the box. Bundle it with a mic and a controller, and i think it'd do well over the holidays. I'm not sure why it's such a territory specific move though, perhaps singstar is more popular over there in europe.

GribbleGrunger4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

It's big in Europe, Frosty. Don't forget this works with the PSEye now, so I would suggest Sony offering the PSEye with every PS3 instead of the mic. This would also make it cheaper to get the whole MOVE experience, which Sony seem keen on promoting this Christmas with Wonderbook, Okami and Sports Champion 2

GraveLord4217d ago

Why? Free game is a free game. It adds value to the PS3.

Awesome_Gamer4217d ago

Stop cying, it's free for god's sake..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4216d ago
Cam9774217d ago

It is so annoying! I can't even delete it - WTF Sony?

GribbleGrunger4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

Out of interest, if it was something you were personally interested in, would you still be upset? I hope you consider that question carefully, and the implications of your answer.

Cam9774217d ago

There should be an option to delete it because for the people that don't use it, it simply gets in the way.

GribbleGrunger4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

I'm not in interested in Singstar, but it doesn't bother me in the least.

jd6664217d ago

I know, we should have the choice to delete it!!

BuLLDoG9094217d ago

yep, sony forcing there freeware crock o sht, big ass singstar logo, sitting right ontop of our game library.

i didnt buy a ps3 for karaoke,

pc gaming is looking better and better every day, consoles are turning more and more into casual pos box's.

the hardcore gamer should be pissed at this,
still nothing on csgo, i guess they have more important stuff like singstar to take care of...

GribbleGrunger4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

With the addition of Singstar to your XMB, you assume that Sony are moving to the 'casuals' and away from the 'core/hard core', so, next year, when they release TLOU, GOWA and Beyond, will you complain that Sony are moving to 'core/hardcore' and away from the 'casuals'?

jghvhv4217d ago

Come on Sony,put this crap somewhere else.

darthv724217d ago

they are giving it away so they would likely control where they want people to see it.

BuLLDoG9094217d ago

personally im looking forward TLOU, keeping an eye on Beyond too, i have no interest what so ever in GOWA.

you have a very weak argument., although it does show sony arent nearly as bad as MS, atleast giving us some new ips.

Your telling me your cool with turning on your ps3 and being greeted with singstar ?, whats next, barbies play house ?

Its stupid sht to be forced onto any real gamers ps3, adding the ability to remove it shouldnt even be a discussion, it should be an option from the beginning.

GribbleGrunger4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

Why do you feel it necessary to exaggerate the point? 'Barbies play house'? If you are going to accuse someone of having a weak argument then at least have a strong argument of your own.

I have no problem at all with Singstar being on the XMB. I hope it makes Sony lots of money for further investment in AAA titles.

darthv724217d ago

your argument is even weaker: "Your telling me your cool with turning on your ps3 and being greeted with singstar ?, whats next, barbies play house?"

At the very least, singstar is a game that can be enjoyed by many types of people. Your example of Barbie is a one sided example. No doubt there may be males out there that play with Barbie, the overwhelming majority of those that do however are female.

I completely understand your point but your thought process and delivery are something of question. As to the turn on the PS3 part...I would assume that it would be no different than any other app on the XMB. such as youtube or hulu. something you would need to make an effort to stop on and then activate.

By no means has it been stated that something of this nature would effectively override any personal theme you may have. So in essence, you would turn your PS3 on and still be greeted by the same theme you have seen before.

Budheadz4217d ago

i updated my ps3 today, logged into my account,
the first thing that comes up is singstar and its blue theme, with 2 people holding mics singing.

i dont like it

darthv724217d ago

that (to me) sounds like it is displaying the background because the selector is on that app icon.

No different than when i turn mine on and i see joe danger. If i move it one notch i see LBP. My point is that you will not be subjected to ONLY that background/theme.

Sony wouldnt be THAT stupid.


Sony PS2 Hit SingStar Was Originally an Action-RPG

IGN India says: “ Interior Night’s Charu Desodt on bringing Singstar to life on the PS2, winning a BAFTA, and upcoming Xbox Series X|S and PC game, As Dusk Falls.”


RIP Singstar, One Of The Most Important Games In PlayStation History

This may come as a bit of a shock to Americans, since it never really took hold in the US, but Singstar was one of the most important series ever released on a Sony console. And in January 2020, after 15 years of PlayStation karaoke, it’s finally going to be shuffled off the stage.

ApocalypseShadow1646d ago

This game could live on as a VR game. Karaoke as different created characters or franchise characters from other games. Sing as Kratos or Nathan Drake or Parappa the Rapper, etc and post to social media if you're into that internet thing. Would be funny. And interesting if you had individuals who could really sing. Alloy becomes a virtual singing idol.

Sounds crazy but it's creative for VR. And you could use Dreams to create your backgrounds and music videos. I don't really sing but don't think they should give up on Singstar.

RememberThe3571646d ago

I think your last point might be a big one. Who needs SingStar when Dreams is coming out?

timotim1646d ago

So if you invested potentially hundreds of dollars in the game with DLC songs, will all of it continue to work or are you just SOL now?

rainslacker1645d ago

It'll still work. You just won't have the online features. The game can be played locally either singing together, or competing against one another, and is generally considered a pretty good party game....if you go to parties where karaoke is a thing at least. It basically doubles as a karaoke machine.

I'm not into karaoke, and you'll just have to trust me that anyone would be happy that I don't try to sing publicly, or even privately among friends. But, I've been to parties where people are having fun with it, and it's about as hit or miss as going to a karaoke bar....without the one girl who wants to sing Shania twain songs, yet can't carry a tune, or hit a high note without your pet cat committing ritual suicide.....most of the time anyways.

JonTheGod1646d ago

I loved SingStar but it hasn't been supported most of this gen. It had a half-hearted revival with a couple of discs but very little of the PS3 library transitioned across. I will probably keep my PS3 just for SingStar when PS5 comes out.

PhoenixUp1645d ago

Many of Sony’s casual franchises are falling by the wayside

rainslacker1645d ago

SingStar was huge in the US. Where did the idea that it wasn't popular in the US come from? It wasn't a hardcore game, so the hardcore gaming community never really noticed it much, but the game was a huge money maker for Sony.


Sony Is Shutting Down SingStar And Driveclub Servers In 2020

Sony is shutting down online servers for SingStar and Driveclub in early 2020.

Yi-Long1649d ago

Extremely disappointing how Sony has treated one of its best exclusives this generation. Love Driveclub. Such a shame it never received the love, attention and respect it deserved from Sony, post-launch.

Brave_Losers_Unite1649d ago

What is it that you want Sony to do with it exactly post launch?

Obscure_Observer1649d ago


A PS4 Pro patch would be nice. Same goes to Bloodborne.

jukins1649d ago

@Obsucre the team was on the way to being closed and barely finished driveclub vr. A ps4 pro patch was asking to much

1649d ago
darthv721649d ago

That reminds me, i need to get the motorcycle expansion before it gets removed. I already got all the free dlc but that one is paid and I forgot about it.

DC is such a well made game. I'm so surprised Sony would let the devs slip right through their fingers. Motorstorm deserved a PS4 follow-up.

Skate-AK1649d ago

Bikes, along with the two or three paid DLC's got removed in August. Even though the DLC was cars, they had to put it under bikes because of trophy amount requirements. Can only get Bikes by buying a physical copy.

SierraGuy1648d ago

Physical copies may be worth something someday 🙆

KickSpinFilter1649d ago

Ya Driveclub turned out to be so dang amazing. Bummer this won't continue online. But SP lives on!

jukins1649d ago

What? It was broken on launch delayed an entire year had one of the best season passes ever new tracks new cars added streetbikes but it never received the love post launch?

rainslacker1648d ago

I think he means that the gaming press and community in general didn't show it any love post launch. I mean, you see broken games that people rave about how it's awesome they got fixed and get lots of articles about it, but you didn't really see that with DC, despite the launch issues being only trivial annoyance to one aspect of game play which offered up challenges to the player....and I guess online racing. Took like a month to fix, but the game was doomed to be neglected due to the console wars, and people moving on, and ultimately, was probably a big reason that Sony closed the studio, because they were having financial difficulties at the time, and had to make decisions based on sales.

rainslacker1648d ago (Edited 1648d ago )

I thought SingStar was one of their more successful franchises. I know during the PS3 days it was pretty popular. No one around here ever talked about it, but I know a lot of people who I wouldn't classify as gamers who were into it.

DCVR is amazing. Removes my biggest complaint about driving games, which is that 2D makes it hard to tell where you are in the corners to know when to turn. With VR, I can drive like I would a real car....assuming I actually drove that fast, and staying in lanes, and actually racing is so much more fun.

Makes me wish that GT:S had a full on VR mode for every race mode. I'd take the graphics hit to be able to race more than one car, on a mode that gives practically no progression.

Bikes is also fantastic.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1648d ago
masterfox1649d ago

everyone can make mistakes and definitely Sony made one by letting to die Driveclub, if you didn't know is still best looking racing game out-there , not only looks heavenly stunning but plays awesome as well, not sure how hard affected Sony to take such decision but for what we know is a very bad decision taken.

iplay1up21649d ago (Edited 1649d ago )

No, Horizon 4, and Forza Motorsport 7 absolutely look better than Drive Club. They are also Xbox One X enhanced and run in 4K.

IRetrouk1649d ago (Edited 1649d ago )

I play all 3, driveclub still looks better, from cars to graphical effects, understandable because horizon 4 is open world, as for forza 7, while it looks good, it still dont top driveclub, neither does gt sport for that matter, or project cars, or need for speed.

FanboySpotter1649d ago

As someone that still plays driveclub, forza horizon 4 is leaps above all. Free roaming with that fidelity or 60fps? Sweet jesus

rainslacker1648d ago (Edited 1648d ago )

DC both looks better, and drives better than either version of Forza. Forza has better competitor driver AI though.

I really love FH4, but I still think that DC looks and plays better.

jukins1649d ago

Please explain how sony let it die. They gave them an entire extra year to fix still promoted it even though the launch was broken had tons of content and still has lasted almost the entire gen. It's obvious you dont even play it online because even the ps plus version tracks barely can get more than 4 or 5 people let alone the full game. You act like thousands are still getting online everyday and sony just doesnt care

JackBNimble1649d ago

Last time I played was a few months ago and couldn't fine other players online .
I was playing sp because no one else was there.

1649d ago Replies(2)
dragonyght1648d ago

it wasn't really Sony the game receive a lot of post launch content. Driveclub got crucify for not being forza horizon.

1648d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1648d ago
TGG_overlord1649d ago

I can only agree with Yi-Long and masterfox...Sony just made a HUGE blunder with no doubt.

MasterCornholio1649d ago

Don't really care about SingStar but alot of people liked Driveclub.

rainslacker1648d ago

I'd say a lot of people like SingStar as well. It was one of Sony's top selling games last gen. Plus, it had tons of content DLC/MT. It was a GaaS game, and was quite popular among the casuals. Basically just a karaoke game, which was fun at parties....for better or worse depending on your thoughts about karaoke at parties.

I guess the game has fallen off people's radar though, because it's hard to imagine Sony would drop it if it was still generating significant revenue like it used to.

monkey6021649d ago

I adore DriveClub and I've been playing It a lot the last couple months. I even just got Platinum in both DriveClub and DriveClub bikes this week. But the multiplayer in both is absolutely baron. There's no matches on either to play online. You need to arrange online meet ups

Doomeduk1649d ago

You'll still find a few of us still racing online on an evening fella and when I fired it up last week I had a couple of full lobbies.
Just needed a pro upgrade to 60 fps instead of the VR version and I think it would still be going strong now
I remember a few months before the devs were shutdown they talking about adding tire deformation and a few other things.. Damn shame

rainslacker1648d ago

I thought the VR version was awesome. Plus, it was it's own thing, and shouldn't have interfered with a PS4P update. the lack of update was likely due to the studio being shut down though.

jukins1649d ago

Thank you this is what people dont understand no one is playing online. All these fake supporters but they dont even play it. I'll join a race and it will cycle about 10 races before I actually find ONE other person

Yi-Long1648d ago

They could have kept the leaderboards up at least.

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