
Are Achievements more Addictive then Trophies?

Players have learned to grow accustomed to their favored console whether it be the Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have a way to get players addicted to their consoles and that is in the form of Xbox 360’s achievement system and PlayStations 3’s Trophy system. When comparing the two which do players like better despite their console of choice? Do players tend to be more addicted to trophies percentage or building a larger Gamerscore?

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Snookies124344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

I just like trophies because they have different levels. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Just being able to see that you've gotten a platinum trophy is a great feeling.

Second place for me would be Xbox Achievements, and third place would be Steam's. For some reason, despite really loving Steam. I barely care about achievements on there. :\


I guess it is more or less a preference thing ^^

Snookies124344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

For sure, everyone is going to have their own preference. Same goes for console of choice, game of choice, etc. Oh, and one thing I left out, I love the trophy sound, it makes me happy... lol

-Mika-4344d ago

no he right. Trophies are better. Just like snookies said. The whole bronze,silver,gold thing is more cooler. Plus wihen you get a certain amount of trophies. you level up. Right now im level 16. If i get a few more trophies. i Will reach level 17.

So overall with trophies. You get a better feeling of progression instead of just looking at a number. That just what make trophies better

Hisiru4344d ago

I prefer trophies not just because of different levels (and types of trophies like gold, platinum etc) but it's also because achievements are just numbers for me, which is meaningless, but I can't say it's bad, it's just a matter of taste/opinion. I know some people who prefer the achievement system.

darthv724344d ago

i equate them to be the same. Just little acknowledgments of things you have done in the game.

Both are addicting especially when you have reached the half way mark in getting all of them in a game.

To look at the trophy/achievement list and see you are a few away from a perfect game makes you want to go the distance to get them.

da_2pacalypse4344d ago

I was skeptical of the trophy system when it was first introduced. But now I can say that it's probably a better system than than the GS system (and I'm a 360 player). You can get the original 1000 out of a game, but as soon as DLC is released your completion goes to waste (and you're almost forced to buy the DLC). A platinum is always a platinum though.

Disccordia4343d ago

Man this is so lame. Ps3 fanboys will say trophies and 360 will say achievements. They are both the same.

Pointless article!

Kurt Russell4343d ago

My preference is on the xbox, I'm around 59k score on that. However I think this is only due to the fact I started on it before I did my PS3 trophies. Both work really well, I like having accumulative scores.

As for steam, I only play TF2 so don't have any for that really :(

nukeitall4343d ago (Edited 4343d ago )

I *prefer* achievements, because it's a simple system. I wish there was a specific identifier for doing 100% achievement completion like on Trophies.

However, I can't stand Trophies. Mostly because it is overly complicated with a level that doesn't linearly scale and never make me feel like I get any progress. Then they break up the trophies into 3-4 tiers. Like really?

There are good parts to both, so I would like a system where it is somewhere in between. I want to see progress (achievements), and I want recognition (trophies).

In the end, I care most about that I completed it, has a record of it and it's easily accessible and comparable with others. Xbox Live does that well, with very fast response. On PSN you have to wait for the long sync.

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Chuk54344d ago

I like the level system of trophies, but not so much the trophies part. I love the sheer number count of achievements, but there isn't really a sense of progression. Ultimately I like achievements more, but if the two systems could combine a general achievement system, that would be rad.

BlackTar1874344d ago

how do you not like the trophy part? Trophies are what we all grew up with in regards to measuring the level of difficulty.

I like them both but seeing a number like 60k is worthless. You have no idea how many games they completed in full. Now a platinum trophy will tell you they beat x amount of games all the way thru.

I respect your opinion but it is hard foe me to really understand what your saying honestly. Could just be a dumb moment im having but rather weird way to break down likes and dislikes since you kinda said you like one but you also don't like the one.

Is confused

Persistantthug4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

It's kinda RPG'ish.

I'm level 10 btw. :)

HappyWithOneBubble4344d ago

Trophies got the sound of accomplishment.
Achievements got the sound of pop ups.

It would be nice to edit the sound of them.

WetN00dle694343d ago (Edited 4343d ago )

Achievement sound for me!!!
Nuff said.

WeskerChildReborned4344d ago

Platinums give you a feeling of accomplishing something even though it's a game.

Kran4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

But then... so do achievements.


Those are the average uses for points.

Honestly, cant say which I like better. I like achievements but theres something about trophies ;P But I will take a platinum trophy over a 100% icon on my 360 ANYDAY.

Snookies124344d ago

Yeah, they do have point values, but once you get them and see your overall score, it doesn't hold any value other than the total number you have. That's my main issue with it. My friends with 360's tell me, "I have 24,000 gamerscore." I scratch my head as to just how many achievements or how many of them matter that they actually have. With the PS3 people, you say you have 15 Platinums and a total of 2000+ trophies, it really gives you a better visualization.

_Aarix_4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

If you say one is better than another than you're an idiot. They do EXACTLY the same thing.

It's bronze, silver, gold, platinum
5g 10g 25g 50g
(any number really ending in 5 or 0)

You can say you prefer something but ignorance is claiming one is better

Mika is an example

TekoIie4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

Didn't valve do a 1g or 4g achievement lol?

I just want to remind everyone of that netflix article.... Are we seriously being this dumb by comparing achievements and Trophies? -_-

gold, silver and bronze or 5-50g (usually) points values. Take your pick but if you want to make a competition about it then WOW... Just wow.....

Hicken4344d ago

So you get 50g for doing EVERYTHING there is to do in a game?

Because that's what a Platinum trophy is: you owned the game, finding every secret, mastering every boss.

You can have a ridiculously high gamer score without having thoroughly wrecked shop in ANY game. But you don't get a Platinum trophy for nothing. Hell, I have friends who have more than twice as many Bronze trophies as I have period(910), and 20+ Platinums. They rocked the socks off at LEAST 20 games, cuz not all of them have Platinums.

wsoutlaw874344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

they are exactly the same except ms just adds them as points but sony has them as levels and percentages to the next level. I think the levels add a bit more of an addictive aspect if you are trying to reach the next level, but there's no real difference. The platinum trophy is the main difference and is probably the most addictive trophy. The fact that there is no reward on xbox for getting all the trophies in a game is kind of disappointing.

Oh_Yeah4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

theyre the same to me, i like sony's not because of the actual trophies but because you level up, makes me feel like playing an rpg of some sort lol. i like ms achievements because they remind me of playing in an arcade...gotta get that highscore son!!

joab7774343d ago

For me, the platinum trophy is the most addictive award in gaming. On Xbox I do not feel the pressure to get every achievement, more so simply to add to my gamerscore. On ps3, though, it's all about platinum. I have gone to some crazy lengths to get it. That being said, this year changed everything. I just cannot keep up. Rohan r my choice and it's either play as many great games as possible or spend countless hours chasing platinum trophies. Yeah, I like to get 1000 but it can b done artificially with dlc.

ALLWRONG4343d ago

Trophies are just a last minute clone. Achievements are the real innovation here.

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phantomexe4344d ago

I enjoy them both but tropies are alittle better because the break them down better IMO. Still enjoy them both

NastyLeftHook04344d ago

Its a preference, I prefer trophies though.


Just FYI Achievement points are going to be used to unlock things Microsoft hasn't disclosed any more info...

cemelc4344d ago

Just like trophies eventually so your point is?

Kran4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

Other than inFamous 2 where trophies carried over unlocked some small ingame stuff, where did Sony even say they'd be giving away free stuff like avatar awards, PSN credit, free PS Plus etc based on trophy support? Where have they even hinted at this (if not confirmed)

I'm just making a point here.

cemelc4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

Actually they where talking about home stuff, rewards for thropies and content, havent heard from in awhile.

But if thats the case i havent heard from MS either in awhile so...

wsoutlaw874344d ago

ya sony had that rewards thing that they havent really talked about it in a while

LiamIRL824344d ago

None, they're both pointless and have had a hand in taking the fun out of gaming, and upping the amount of people with ADD

Lucretia4344d ago

yup exactly.

its more of that holding your hand thing thats going on with gamers today.

the completion of a game or enemy should give you reward enough. but no, people want their candy and wanna know how much of a good boy they are.

Oh look, i pressed start, sweet trophy.

who gives a flying balls, doesnt make the person any better or worse. I know i freakin beat the game, why am i getting reminded?

Blastoise4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

What are you talking about? Its nice to be rewarded for completing a game. Its not about being a better person or anything. I like trophies, I would never buy a game just because it had them but all I know is when I completed Dark souls and that gold trophy popped up it made the ending that tiny bit sweeter.

mewhy324344d ago

Well I favor achievements over trophies. Just my personal preference.

Canas20104344d ago

@mewhy32, you mind if I ask you what makes them better for you?

wsoutlaw874344d ago

its like an extra in game challenge. There not all for just beating a game, they have tons for things you wouldn't normally do. Plus its fun to compete with friends over them

mewhy324343d ago

Well,unfortunately,multi-cons ole release games for the most part, look and perform better on the 360 and the vast majority of games on the market are multi-console console release. Therefore, my ps3 is relegated to "exclusives", photo storage,occassional netflix streaming, and blu ray movies. All that results in more achievements for me as compared to trophies.

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Moby-Royale4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

I don't understand. How has having the option to earn trophies taken* the fun out of anything?

Also, how does that up the amount of people with attention deficit? If anything it takes more effort(?) to go back after you've beaten a game and achieve specific requirements needed to obtain the trophy.

That just doesn't make a lick of sense.

You don't like it, fine. But don't insinuate that people who DO like it are taking anything away from gaming as a whole.

I didn't "disagree" with you, as I'd rather hear what you have to say....

Lucretia4344d ago

its an insane concept really.....

but i've known people and have friends who would not even touch their ps3 because it wouldnt add to their gamer score......

my friends would pass around freakin avatar and Barbie for easy achievements but skip infamous and uncharted 2.

thats how it ruins things.

ofcourse its not everyone, but its alot of people. its totally stupid but sadly true

wsoutlaw874344d ago

but if there having fun playing barbie to get trophies then whats the difference

LiamIRL824344d ago

Loving the disagrees, just to reiterate, I HATE TROPHIES & ACHIEVEMENTS!!

a_squirrel4343d ago

I never actually liked trophies or achievements. Every once in a while it would be something funny.

But, that doesn't mean they haven't grown on me. The achievements thing was cool at first, but the bright flashing light at the bottom kind of got to me. The trophy system is more passive, and uses visuals to tell you how big it was.

I guess the most I've gotten out of either is knowing when I found a Easter Egg.

Nathaniel_Drake4344d ago

Not really I beat the Sly collection and now going back and almost finished with the last platinum for Sly 3. I enjoyed the game even when trophies appeared it really didn't take any enjoyment from the actual game it just made the game better after you beat it encouraging replay value

Kran4344d ago

Ever heard of turning them off if they probably bother you when gaming?

a_squirrel4343d ago

Actually, I forgot there was an option too... Oops.

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72172d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai172d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ172d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil172d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces


Xbox Live Is Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary Today

It's been 20 years to the day since Xbox Live brought online play to consoles.

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darthv72543d ago

I remember when Live turned five and they had special edition controllers made and everything. Kind of wished they would do that again for the 20th.

Orchard543d ago

Happy Birthday. OG XBL (and later 360 XBL) really revolutionized online gaming on console.

Crows90543d ago

Never understood the obsession with live...but I was gaming online on PC so not sure too much of what live did that the PlayStation didn't.

Profchaos543d ago

I had a PS2 and it's online experience was fine but it didn't have the same level of polish voice chat never worked for me but I was trying to play from Australia where not many people played PS2 online to the point where many devs simply dropped the online mode from the pal version.
That's not all PS2 games mind you there were plenty that worked perfectly but it was more on the dev and not the platform

During that era I also played a fairly large amount on online PC games and they were undoubtedly better than both systems. PS2 from functionality and Xbox because it was free

Playing my friends original Xbox it was a really polished experience it felt robust yet simple things just worked there was zero config.

Crows90542d ago (Edited 542d ago )

Yeah but the time ps3 came the experience was the same on both based on what I played...not too much online though to be honest. But I do think that the xbox did help bring online into the console space a lot. As well as PC games to consoles.

Profchaos543d ago (Edited 543d ago )

Today would of been the perfect day to drop halo 2 the original bc version free on gwg.... If only


Original Xbox Live 1.0 set to be revived via free third-party servers

Xbox Live 1.0, the first instance of online servers for the original Xbox, is set to return via Insignia, a free third-party service that's currently compatible with 20 titles, such as Call of Duty: Finest Hour and Counter-Strike.

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Blashted566d ago

Lobbies, Matchmaking, Leaderboards, Voice Chat, Content Downloads, Friends Lists, all set to return

Blashted566d ago (Edited 566d ago )

Halo 2 set to come later as it requires additional services to run online.

Beta sign ups available now with beta launch of 11/15/22. Certain features of XBL will roll out over the future.

Father__Merrin565d ago

How will this be playable on Xbox?

TheColbertinator565d ago

Let's tune in back to Crimson Skies HRR

Bnet343564d ago

Rainbow Six 3 and Phantasy Star Online Ep1&2. Things were so simple back then :'(