
Head2Head: Dragon’s Dogma Demo Screenshot Comparison (PS3 vs. Xbox 360)

Lens of Truth writes - "Welcome back for another exciting Head2Head! Today we take the demo for Capcom’s much anticipated action RPG Dragon’s Dogma out for a spin. The full game is set to be released on May 22nd so be sure to check back then for our full in-depth analysis. Until then enjoy the demo."

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NukaCola4420d ago

Some are better on 360, some better on PS3. I saw a trailer and the frame rate was horrible. I didn't download the demo yet. Can someone tell me how it plays? (I don't care the platform)

jc485734420d ago

framerate is a little inconsistent. 360 seems to look better outside, but when you're inside the cavern that's a whole different story. For some reason, the 360 looks washed out. I really want to know how both games perform side by side. There are times I really don't understand why sometimes it looks better on one console.

Kalowest4420d ago

The 360 demo looked washed out and a little low res in alot of places.

crxss4419d ago

LOL what's up with that 3rd picture? the enemies are bigger on 360?! haha

Hellsvacancy4419d ago (Edited 4419d ago )

The PS3 version wasnt much better then, i didnt rate the demo very much at all, like you said, the colours looked washed out, i dont like the info thats scattered all over the screen, it distracts me from the actual game

I was gonna buy Dragons Dogma but after the demo, i doubt ill even rent it, i might one day when ive got nothin worth playin

Just MY opinion

JellyJelly4419d ago

"Some are better on 360, some better on PS3."

The 360 version has more foliage, more vibrant colors and sharper textures.

What exactly is better in the PS3 images? Pls tell me cause I can't find anything.

WetN00dle694419d ago


Speak no more words of Blasphemy IN N4PS3GAMERS!
And Kalowest you need glasses my friend cause as to what i saw the game looked amazing when you fight the griffon and for some reason when you use that other dude in the caverns the game looks a bit washed out. Nothing major really. But truth be told the 360 does thing better in some areas while the PS3 does things better in others.

MysticStrummer4419d ago

@Hellsvacancy - If you didn't like the gameplay, I could understand the demo turning you off, but if you check the options you'll see that all or most of the onscreen info can be removed. I know the pawn conversation and the controls can be anyway, and I'm pretty sure the minimap can be removed or at least changed in some way. As for the graphics, I guess it shouldn't at this point in the generation, but it still surprises me that people don't think about what is happening onscreen before they start bashing graphics. It's an open world game that has more real action with better animations and spell effects in the demo than Skyrim had in the whole game. I loved the demo and thought it looked great, myself.

MaxXAttaxX4419d ago (Edited 4419d ago )

(as seen on second page)
This of course is a HUGE DIFFERENCE and clearly dictates which one you should get /s

No, of course it doesn't. There's no significant difference between them and whichever version you get you won't be missing out on anything from the other version.
Your TV will add extra contrast and color in the first place.
these comparisons need to end.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4419d ago
SilentNegotiator4419d ago

Seems like a toss up to me.

LOL, look at the third picture. They randomly change size and one of them is wearing a thong in the 360 one. WTF?

I wish it were coming to PC.

kevnb4419d ago

it doesnt seem to be a very good game, all the folks here are drooling over it but as soon as the 6/10 and 7/10 reviews come in they will change their mind. Reviews dont even matter, but most of the people hyping this game are all about review scores.

mep694419d ago

if it ever did come to pc in the manner of Dark Souls, it would be best to avoid it anyway :/

SilentNegotiator4419d ago

"most of the people hyping this game are all about review scores"

Has it even GOTTEN scores yet? The demo is out, so people can form their own opinions, and have.

theeg4419d ago

i think it will come to pc, and i'd rather wait, looks awful and runs even worse, i was excited for this but the limitations of the current hardware is making so many games unplayable,

i don't mean the graphics, the screen tearing and framerates are so bad in some games,it literally makes me unable to play them.

i pushed through dark souls and wish i had just waited, it was naseated how bad the framerates were

new consoles please, these 8 year old things are chugging on everytrhing.

Christopher4419d ago

***i was excited for this but the limitations of the current hardware is making so many games unplayable, ***

Yeah... no. Not having the best graphics doesn't equate to unplayable. If a game has performance issues, that's an issue with poor development, not an issue that the consoles from 6 years ago can't play them if the games are designed properly for them.

And, honestly, as a person who play primarily on PC, we really don't need 1080p+ graphics and 60 fps to enjoy games. That's some annoying metric that people keep throwing around as if that's the only way a game can be enjoyed anymore.

SilentNegotiator4418d ago

The game ran fine when I played it on ps3 and saw 360 footage. I don't know where people are getting these 'horrible' framerate and performance issues from.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4418d ago
Christopher4419d ago

Always the same thing, always. PS3 looks more washed out because they refuse to adjust gamma, 360 looks darker (and therefor in most people's minds 'sharper').

So, pretty much the same, as usual.

Jazz41084420d ago

I think they both look very close but you really can't make a educated judgement without seeing both side by side in motion. That said enjoy the game on the system you will have most fun using.

MysticStrummer4420d ago

Subtle variations but neither looks "better", as usual.

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Dragon's Dogma Is Still Amazing

Although the sequel is on the near horizon, the original Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen remains a fantastic action RPG, still worth playing.

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jznrpg90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

A lot of the quest lines in Skyrim are good(not all and they don’t add up as a whole if you do thieves guild mage fighters guild etc) The dragons are very lame after the first few times and the combat is clunky as it always has been. The stupid sprint button is ridiculous.

Overall I agree DD is the better rpg game.

Both have theirs strengths and weaknesses but Skyrim should be so much more being the 5th game in Elder Scrolls series.

Excited to see what they add on to DD 2.

Unfortunately all they have done to Elder Scrolls since Morrowind is take things out (minus the sprint button which is so lame because you can kill dragon god like creatures but can’t run for more than ten seconds without getting tired)

anast90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

I liked the vampire questline and the return to Morrowind was okay, but the problem with Skyrim was the lack of consequence. There is almost no point in the quests. After I realized this, I started messing around with the mods and then quit playing. Though, I did spend 300 hrs. on modded content, but this is telling of how bad the game kind of is.

If DD was the size or close to the size of Skyrim, It would have been the primer fantasy game back then. I hope they up the size with DD2.


5 Games To Play While Waiting For Dragon's Dogma II

Daman Shelley from NoobFeed writes - Dragon's Dogma is truly a one-of-a-kind game, and there really is no other game like it, but there are a few that come close. Whether with their fantasy settings, the ability to climb mountains, or just with the overall same charm as Capcom’s iconic RPG. Here's a list of games that will hopefully scratch that Dragon's Dogma itch.

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on_line_forever140d ago

every gamer should play this game

gold_drake140d ago

cant wait for it, feb and march are busy busy months ha.

SovereignSnaKe140d ago

I can still hear the title screen music in my head after nearly 12 years. Loved every minute of it.

MrNinosan139d ago

I have no issues filling my time til DD2.
Granblue Fantasy: Relink, Infinite Wealth and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will probably me more than enough.
More terrified I won't be done in time.

DivineHand125139d ago

Try not to burn yourself out before the game releases. This is going to be a long and immersive RPG like the first one.

The games in this article are all great and I believe the people who are excited for Dragons Dogma 2 probably already played most of those games.

For now, I recommend you prepare yourself for long play sessions if you will be picking up Dragons Dogma at launch.

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Dragon’s Dogma has hit its highest player count in 6 years, following sequel news and discount

Dragon’s Dogma achieved its highest concurrent player count in over six years over the weekend.

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Father__Merrin714d ago

Excellent game spoilt by grindy combat and no fastbtravel the stones travel system was rubbish

lcslick714d ago

I'm doing my part to contribute to this. Found out my pawn had been a busy bee while I was away.

drizzom714d ago

Thats awesome. More people should enjoy this game.

HyperMoused713d ago

when i found this game i loved it and played the hell out of it, got to the demon in the expansion and after feeling pretty good at the game he wiped the floor with me, fatigue set in, but i need to get back into this i think, looking forward to 2 for sure.

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