
Battlefield 3 PS3 Input Lag and VoIP Problems Expected to Be Fixed By June

Battlefield 3 executive producer and current DICE CEO, Patrick Bach, addresses angry PS3 players, who have suffered from VoIP and input lag issues.

Majin-vegeta4420d ago

Question for the people with the input lag what kind of tv do you guys own??Cuz i own an Emerson i have it set to Game mode and have AA off and i notice no input lag for me anyways.

F7U124419d ago (Edited 4419d ago )

have it hooked up to a 27" HP monitor and I have input lag up the ass. I've tried everything and nothing works.

ThatHappyGamer4419d ago

I play on a DELL LCD which has a 2ms response time. I've more than 500hrs of BFBC2 gameplay and Never had such issues. BTW the BF3 BETA was also Perfect.

Somehow DICE screwed the retail version. Turning off AA decreases the input lag a bit but doesn't "fix" the issue.

krisq4419d ago

I think there is a difference in latency between sixaxis and dualshock.

krisq4419d ago

Even devs confirmed that. You're the one who's wrong. http://mp1st.com/2012/03/03...

Hufandpuf4419d ago

The funny thing is that even when they say it will be fixed, people are STILL angry. I suggest they just go play something else and never play BF again. I don't care if Battlefield would lose players because honestly, they seemed to be doing much better without the bitching from players 24/7. either switch consoles or go to COD or some other shooting game. Go pay and play something else because of a bug that will be fixed within 2 months.

And to people that ask: "will we have to pay to get the patch?"
I hope you do pay to get the patch because that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

End rant/

Elwenil4419d ago

So what you are saying basically is that people who paid $60 (or whatever) to play the game on the PS3 and are suffering from input lag should go and pay more money to buy the game for another platform due to no fault of their own? How is that right? Bottom line is that input lag is real and it's not the fault of the consumer, it's either on Sony or DICE to fix. I'd say in the eyes of someone suffering from this problem who just wants to play like everyone else and enjoy the game, it's probably pretty frustrating.

Hufandpuf4419d ago

The complaints don't end with just input lag and voip. The SAME people are complaining about balancing, and even DLC they don't have to pay for.

DICE has never been the studio that just "Drops" support of their games, They've been making Battlefield games for years! The people that are complaining have no idea how DICE operates.

This is coming from a person that has played EVERY battlefield game and knows all the faults from DICE and their games.

BF2 is praised by BF fans, but it wasn't "the best warfare game" when it first launched, it was plagued with problems. BUT DICE STILL SUPPORTED IT. The game came out in 2005, and the last and final patch was 4 years later in 2009!

BFBC2 (The game that a lot of people started from) was only popular because the people that bought it bought it halfway through its life-cycle. that was when most of the problems were fixed. DID YOU KNOW IN BFBC2 I COULDN'T EVEN PLAY A MATCH FOR A WEEK!? yet nobody knows about that because DICE FIXED THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!!

All I'm saying is to wait just a little longer. But if people can't do that, then I suggest they gtfo the game because if they FEEL THAT DICE IS A POS, THEN THEY NEED TO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. This is how DICE operates, and this is how they will always operate.

Elwenil4419d ago

While I agree that a lot of the complaining about balancing is excessive, some complaints about more serious issues are warranted. I have also played Battlefield since 1942 and while I agree that DICE does typically support their games longer than a lot of devs, some would argue that if they did more testing, they wouldn't need to support them for so long. It's one thing to make upgrades, it's another thing to be fixing problems that have existed in the game since launch, or sometimes even more discouraging, fixing problems caused by a previous patch. On one hand, a patch for BF2 at 4 years old is a great thing, on the other, a game with bugs after 4 years is a dismal failure of support. Still BF2 was a great game but unfortunately, bugs still exist in that game and it was left for the community to fix most of them with mods, which is sort of DICE's M.O., to let the community fix or make mods to their games, then hire one or two of the modders and put out a new mode or new game. BF1942 came out, then the Eve of Destruction mod, shortly afterwards, DICE released Battlefield Vietnam. The Desert Combat mod for 1942 took off like wildfire. What was DICE's new game? BF2 with modern combat with mostly desert environments.

Don't get me wrong, DICE makes great games but to say they are great at supporting them is a matter of opinion. There are still major unfixed issues with BC2. There are still issues with BF2. Now maybe I, and other players, are expecting too much from a developer, but I honestly don't think it's too much to ask for a new game to play as it was intended with all the promised features and with as few bugs as possible. Sure, unexpected things happen, people have varying tastes and some just like to complain, but I think something so game breaking as input lag in a competitive multiplayer game should have been a higher priority over weapon balancing issues. Again, maybe I'm asking too much but I think if I were a developer, I would want my game to play equally well on all the platforms it was released on before moving on to things that are less important. A good foundation to start with, so to speak. Just my .02

SilentNegotiator4419d ago (Edited 4419d ago )

"The funny thing is that even when they say it will be fixed, people are STILL angry"

Uhhh....maybe because it's been half a year? They made a lot of empty promises to "fix" the game. Just because people aren't willing to wait a year for BF3 to have all of the issues fixed that shouldn't have been present at launch, let alone over 6 months later, doesn't mean their complaints aren't justified.

Hufandpuf4419d ago

well there's nothing they can do to speed it up. They'll just have to wait about 2 more months, but if they can't handle that then oh well.

I don't even know why I'm commenting about this, I own an xbox so half these complaints don't even pertain to me.

Enjoy your 1 week of exclusive DLC, paid for by Playstation.

SilentNegotiator4419d ago

Or......crazy idea....they could have had most of these issues taken care of after lots of careful play and beta testing. Before launch. Instead of selling us a half broken game.

Pretty revolutionary, thought, I know. Maybe some day. Like if we fall back in time.

Holeran4419d ago

"The funny thing is that even when they say it will be fixed, people are STILL angry. I suggest they just go play something else and never play BF again. I don't care if Battlefield would lose players because honestly, they seemed to be doing much better without the bitching from players 24/7. either switch consoles or go to COD or some other shooting game. Go pay and play something else because of a bug that will be fixed within 2 months."

Wait another 2 months? After waiting for 6 months? Probably to find out it still isn't fixed? You are about as bright as a box full uf hammers.

"I don't even know why I'm commenting about this, I own an xbox so half these complaints don't even pertain to me."

Wow, talking about something that doesn't affect you and you know absolutly nothing about until you've played the broken version. Like I said earlier you are about as sharp as a bowling ball.

catfrog4419d ago

i cant believe developers get away with this, people should get a some money added to their account when they buy a game that has problems. bought skyrim within the first few weeks? $20 credit added to account, bought battlefield and the online doesnt work? $20 credit added to your account.

you cant return a game after you've played it, and you shouldnt have to buy a game to see if its not going to work.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

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masterfox566d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia566d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad566d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

566d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin566d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad692d ago

There's fun to be had here.
