
Sledgehammer Games' Glen Schofield Calls Out "Competitor" For Not Running at 60-FPS on Console

In an interview with AusGamers, Sledgehammer Games's Glen Schofield took a dig at their "competitor" for not running their game at 60-fps on the consoles.

"You can go out and name your engine and call it whatever you want, right. You know, I’ve done that before; I’ve seen that trick and the bottom line is, this game will run at 60 frames a second. Not sure any of our competitors will," he told the site.

He also dismissed the rumour Modern Warfare 3 would again abandon Dedicated Servers, saying that "we haven’t even made decisions internally ourselves".

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zeksta4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

Activision Vs. EA, Simple fact of the matter is that it's preference over each of the games, but frankly they shouldn't try to trash their competitors when their games are beginning to become old and inferior.

Modern Warfare 3 is going to be nothing more then a Call of Duty MW2 DLC, and frankly, that's not enough to get my damn purchase, Battlefield 3 on the other hand, is going to bring some innovation to the table and some great graphics with it, along with it's massive MP game play and Maps.

Frankly, I suggest Activision and their Employees shut up untill their game is released, and if it sells good, then and only then may they begin speaking.

badz1494702d ago

you give 60fps but sub-HD graphic which looks like poo! why even talk at all?

Playstation4lyf2664702d ago

tbh battlefield does look surperior on pc but on consoles mw3 will look better yes the frostbite engine is newer and better 1080p will always be surperior to 720p dice could have made battlefield 1080p but there lazyness will be there downfall im glad im getting mw3 now

DrRichtofen4702d ago

Its seems to be another case of mines bigger than yours with CoD. .....Grow up sledgehammer.

Hanif-8764702d ago

Personally, i can hardly tell the difference between 60 and 30fps. So i'll take the more realistic game with better graphics, sound and gameplay over a 60fps sub-hd piece of garbage any day.

curtis_boy4702d ago

cant be working on the game just add a couple of tweaks to Modern warfare 2 and !boom!

Modern Warfare 3

badz1494702d ago

kids nowadays. you don't know what you're talking about. just go to bed already!

madjedi4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )


"tbh battlefield does look surperior on pc but on consoles mw3 will look better yes the frostbite engine is newer and better 1080p will always be surperior to 720p dice could have made battlefield 1080p but there lazyness will be there downfall im glad im getting mw3 now"

That old engine looking better than bf3, lay off the drugs.

And use your brain once in a while, rendering at 1080p uses alot more memory than 720p and hello a battlefield game has alot more going on than cods static narrow environment with a staggering 16 players and tiny maps.

With some of the most dated ass effects i have seen this gen, like launch games effects bad. There is a very good reason 99% of games run at 720p and 30 fps or below and it's not laziness stupid, you can do a hell of alot more on screen action @ 720p than you can at 1080p.

A higher resolution doesn't always mean better graphics.

Well when cod devs can make a good with sp campaign and a addicting mp with massive maps, with vehicular combat and destroyable environments @ 60fps then maybe i'll listen.

Why the hell should a veteran dev team like dice, pay any attention to a studio that has yet to release a game, let alone build an entire successful franchise by themselves?

I saw a new trailer for bf3 mp, didn't look good enough to melt my eyes(Thats probably next gen anyway), but did look a substantial amount better than bc2 did.

So still looks real good,(bearing in mind all videos i have seen have pre alpha footage disclaimer).

Last where are all these negative and alot of times dumbass ps3 bf3/dice articles originating from on n4g this last month, i have yet to run across a single ps3 owner that has any problem with dice or the ps3 version of bf3. Well minus the occasional cod zealot.

What gives? Yikes long ass post -_-

Peaceful_Jelly4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

console gamers have been playing games at 30fps for so much time they can't even see the difference anymore. 30fps games are like playing with Resident Evil 2 tank control. At the time nobody noticed it but now?

Just wait until next-gen when we get more 60fps games with higher graphic quality. All of you will be like: "how the hell could I play such a sluggish game on my X360/PS3?!".

DeadlyFire4702d ago


CoD:MW3 - 60 fps + 6+ year old game engine. Time for optomization in between yes. HD resolutions exist yet? no.

BFLD3 - 30 fps + New game engine. Not enough time to really optimize it beyond 30 fps for consoles. Tons of physics, vehicles, particle effects, and HD graphics resolution.

gamingdroid4702d ago

To each their own, but it is only trading one advantage for another.

Personally, I will take a smooth as butter response time as opposed to slightly better graphics. Why? Because I care more about game play than a few more pixels!

The presentation will more than make up for the lack of graphics if any. Frankly there are plenty of games that look far worse than MW, but I still play them.

Just my 2 cents....

Biggest4702d ago

You think that Battlefield 3 is only about better graphics, gamingdroid? Do you care about map size? Do you care about destrucible environments? Do you care about air/ground vehicles and anti-air/ground weapons? The list of what BF3 has and does well when compared to what MW3 has and does well is kinda large.

gamingdroid4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

"You think that Battlefield 3 is only about better graphics, gamingdroid?"

I said no such thing!

"Do you care about map size? Do you care about destrucible environments? Do you care about air/ground vehicles and anti-air/ground weapons? The list of what BF3 has and does well when compared to what MW3 has and does well is kinda large."

I personally didn't like BF2 game play, but respect the series.

That said, 30fps might work for a slower game like BF3. Halo was also 30fps and was a much slower paced game than CoD, but better responsiveness never hurts.

Biggest4702d ago

What you're doing is agreeing with Glen Schofield as if the 60 FPS is a difference maker in itself. I agree that better responsiveness is a good thing. I do not agree that better responsiveness trumps the other elements involved with a good game. Battlefield 3 is a better overall package than Modern Warfare 3. The developers of BF3 are better than those of MW3. I agree with the idea that BF3 with MW3 sized maps and limited gameplay would look worlds better than MW3 while also moving at 60 FPS. I'm glad that DICE isn't going for that angle.

gamingdroid4702d ago

I said:

"Personally, I will take a smooth as butter response time as opposed to slightly better graphics."

Which is exactly what I mean, re-read it with an open mind. Not necessarily what you said:

"What you're doing is agreeing with Glen Schofield as if the 60 FPS is a difference maker in itself."

But yes, 60fps does make a difference depending on the type of game. Slower paced games don't need as fast response time, but as an example I would have hated Ninja Gaiden 2 if it was significantly slower for some jazzed up graphics.

"Battlefield 3 is a better overall package than Modern Warfare 3. The developers of BF3 are better than those of MW3."

That is a personal call, not a universal fact.

"I agree with the idea that BF3 with MW3 sized maps and limited gameplay would look worlds better than MW3 while also moving at 60 FPS. I'm glad that DICE isn't going for that angle."

It might be, but considering MW3 draws twice as many times as BF3, I would say the devs are doing a remarkable job making it look like that.

I also, I wouldn't call it "limited gameplay" when the game play is what it is i.e we could add role playing elements to the game and etc, but it doesn't mean it makes sense for the game type.

Bottom line, BF3 isn't a better game, nor is it's developer any better from what I have seen. If anything, Dice hasn't released an as well received game yet. At the end of the day, it is your personal call what you spend your time on. Personally, I will likely spend more time on Gears 3 this fall/winter than any other game when time permits.

Prototype4702d ago

They will sell at least 5+ million just on name alone; the game can be junk, rehashed, etc but just because it has "Call of Duty" in the title people will buy it. So they can talk the trash because they know stupid people will buy into it - I will be playing Uncharted 3 and Battlefield 3 when this comes out.

evrfighter4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

well he couldn't say

"we don't even put out games in HD, but 60fps!!!!"

Only shows he's more focused on console only as pc bf3 fps depends on your hardware and monitor and is the version DICE put all their stock in.

I'm shooting for 75fps max settings as I know I probably won't be able to top out at 120 unless it's incredibly optimized and I buy a 2nd 6970

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4702d ago
ilikegam3s4702d ago

Meh I will have both games, no biggy.

Echo3074702d ago

This guy has it figured out.

Joe29114702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )


I'd like to know your definition of innovation.

I'll get disagreed with for saying it, but how is battlefield being more innovative than call of duty. They are basically carbon copies of their predecessors with improved visuals, there is nothing innovative about that.

I will probably still give both a go, but please don't try to kid me than either of them are innovative.

zeksta4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

Innovation via Graphics and new gameplay features.

Sure, some games might be a Carbon Copy of their predecessors but that being said, isn't it the games that are previous to it that help make the new version better?

Frankly, Dice have put alot into this, Graphics, Maps, and even re-creating the original maps from BF2, I see alot of innovation.

FlashXIII4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

They honestly did not just to play the 60fps card? They're acting all high and mighty for using a what.. 4 or 5 year old engine while EA are trying to push graphical boundaries and using a new engine?


Battlefield was made for PC first for a change.. DICE are going back to their roots and giving the people who put them where they are today some loving. In response to this EA should just wait patiently and do a screenshot comparison of the PC versions of both games. The differences will far outweigh whatever difference you'll see on consoles.

killerhog4702d ago

meh neither of them should talk. i havent bought a Activision or EA game this generation due to their incompetence to release a quality game especially on the ps3. EA talks a lot of shit yet Crysis 2 lost to Killzone 3, Shift lost to GT5, Mass Effect sold like shit on the ps3. both these companies are also about "console equality" which im against considering the ps3 can hold more and produce better visuals than the 360 but yet these guys give us crappy ports.

if you want a massive online multiplayer play MAG. 32, 64 and 256 player matches in well made modes and maps. MAG has a pretty good install base with 300-500 people playing in each game mode.

awi59514702d ago

Its easy to run your game at 60FPS when it looks like crap lol. Come on Activision is that all you got lol.

XRider4702d ago

I can understand people not liking CoD games (I don't), but to say you you can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps, is just a lie.

saladthieves4701d ago

The irony here is that these guys are both making games based on war and shooting. This is precisely what they are doing to each other!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4701d ago
Pandamobile4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

Ohoho. Sledgehammer, who are you to talk?

Your game won't be running at an HD resolution on the PS3 or 360. Your game's maps will likely be a fraction of the size of the smallest BF3 map. Your game looks the same as it did in 2007. Your game is just a rehash of the last 4 Call of Duty games. Your game will likely only support a maximum of 18 players (if that).

I'm sure if DICE wanted to make a game as small scale as Call of Duty, they could do it at 60 FPS and make it look a lot better in the process.

LOGICWINS4702d ago

What exactly does MW3 running in HD or not have to do with it running at 60fps?

Agent-864702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

Because, if MW3 was running at an HD resolution, it wouldn't be running at 60fps either. Its a trade-off: BF3 went for 720p with 30fps (which most console shooters run at) and MW3 will probably be at 600p with 60fps (which the previous COD games have run). I play my shooters on PC so I don't have to worry about the trade-off (I play them with high resolution and frame-rates). However, given a choice, I'd rather have the higher resolution as long as the frame rate stays above 30.

LOGICWINS4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

So wouldn't that mean its a matter of preference..rather than one game being "better" than another?

MW3 chose 60fps and sacrificed HD and vice versa with BF3.

EDIT: Why am I getting disagrees for asking a question?

Hicken4702d ago

What preference? CoD would have you believe their game will look better because it's running 60fps. But it's sub-HD.

Consider the original Super Mario Brothers running 60fps. Would it look better than New Super Mario Brothers running 20fps? It's somewhat of an extreme example, but you get the picture, I hope.

The graphical prowess of a game is more than just how high the framerate is. Hell, if it were running 100fps in sub-HD, I'd still pass on it.

Agent-864702d ago

@LOGICWINS, exactly. MW3 is more of an arcadey twitch shooter, so it needs the higher framerates to pull off a "smoother feel". BF3 (and most other console shooters) go with the higher resolution to present a graphically more "realistic feel".

LOGICWINS4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

@Hicken- Some people prefer 60fps at the expense of an HD game as opposed to an HD game with 30fps. Thats the preference I was speaking of. Considering the growing popularity of COD since MW1, it seems that COD games being "sub-HD" isn't bothering too many people. Heck, Black Ops was sub-HD and I believe it ws the first PS3 game to break 10 million units sold.

"Hell, if it were running 100fps in sub-HD, I'd still pass on it."
Yeah..thats called YOUR preference.

Foxgod4702d ago

yeah, but the majority doesnt.

fr0sty4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

Wipeout HD runs at 1080p at 60fps. The thing is, just dropping the resolution from 720p to 640p isn't going to let you double the frame rate. That isn't half the number of pixels, so the math doesn't add up there if you look at it strictly in the terms of what resolution it is running at.

Battlefield 3 is going for a much more realistic look than MW3 is. It has more post processing effects, etc., all of which are taxing on the CPU/GPU. It's a design choice... do you want to immerse the player in an ultra realistic world, or do you want the screen refresh to be lighting fast but have a less realistic look? Again, Wipeout HD runs at 1080p60, but it's nowhere near as realistic looking as BF3. To say your game runs at 60fps doesn't mean it looks good by any means, and it's not a requirement for a good FPS game. In a perfect world all games would be 1080p60, but since we have hardware limitations to work with, you have to play a balancing act of choosing exactly how good you want your game to look vs. how fast you want it to run. Nothing wrong with choosing one or the other, so this guy is doing nothing but making an ass of himself by "calling out" the other guys for making a different design choice, as if they genre requires it for a quality experience.

radphil4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )


Sledgehammer is playing it off as 60fps automatically = better, which is not always true. Considering more than 1/2 of games that people played to date was around 30-45 fps, they're trying to catch people on the "numbers" game.

Joe29114702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )


Your totally right, it comes down to preference. I know that a lot of people prefere the 'feel' of CoD compared to Battlefield. 60 fps on CoD is better for its fast paced gameplay, whereas battlefield is sluggish in comparison. Again it seems to be the cool thing to hate on CoD. So disagree if you must, but there is a good reason CoD has got to where it is. People prefere CoD, no matter what it looks like.

Edit: Also, as logic said below, I don't know if you guys mostly play PC, but on consoles, CoD is a much more responsive feeling game to me. I imagine in battlefield they try to emulate a focus on the actual weight of the soldier on all of their heavy equipment and such, but is that more fun.. hell no it isn't.

Battlefield is still a game I enjoy very much, but I have logged a lots more hours playing CoD than BF, and I don't see that changing (unless MP is broken on CoD :| )

LOGICWINS4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

Yeah Joe, I feel if the majority of PS3/360 gamers preferred a more realistic game with 30fps..then COD sales would have died down after MW2.

radphil4702d ago


Then that just boils down to people being impatient.

Hicken4702d ago

It's impatience, to a certain degree. But more specifically, it's the desire for instant gratification.

No need to work at it: just run out there, gun some people down, win. That's all it takes to satisfy people these days.

radphil4702d ago


Oh I don't mind that, and I'm not discouraging what Joe said, it's just that I feel that now a days people have to have action, have to have MP, etc.

I just see people not sitting down as much for RTS style games, or Puzzle/Strategy as they did years ago.

saladthieves4701d ago

"What exactly does MW3 running in HD or not have to do with it running at 60fps? "


+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4701d ago
Theyellowflash304702d ago

All this you said is true but when your in a competition with another company you have to point out your advantages you have over them. And whether thats by their design or limitations of the consoles Battlefield is going to be 30FPS on the consoles. Sledgehammer has to ride that cause thats one of the big advantages over they have over Battlefield.

Pandamobile4702d ago

Hardly something to boast about considering all of the cutbacks in graphics they have to make to keep it at that frame-rate.

id can boast about having a 60 FPS game because it actually looks good. IW/Sledgehammer are just grasping at straws here because it's the only feature-set that have over BF3.

JeffGUNZ4702d ago

What are you talking about? How is that not a good advantage to boast about? I love both franchises, but the smoothness with COD ovetr BFBC2 was apparent and made it difference to me. I will end up buying both, but I know I will have a smoother experience with COD.

Panada, it's hard to take anything you say serious when you show such bias. We get it. You loathe COD and I see your insignificant posts in every COD/BF article. Dude, millions of people love COD. Sure, it's not a graphical masterpiece or the best/most innovative game, but it's extremely fun and that's the important part.

Why not play both for what they are.

Pandamobile4702d ago

I don't loathe Call of Duty, I own COD2, 4, WAW, MW2 and BLOPS.

I'm just saying that this is the only publishable feature that COD has an advantage over BF3 and IW/Sledgehammer are going to peddle it to people like it really makes a difference in the games' quality.

Theyellowflash304701d ago

And thats where we differ, some people care about graphics more and other people want 60FPS. Personally I like 60FPS more. i can't stand 30FPS. It gets on my nerves when a game moves at that framerate.

And you basically said what im saying clearly Battlefield looks better, but at the cost of framerate, and they have some other features that are better but if your working on Activisions side you got to say something to point out what you have over the competition. What do you want them to do just say Battlefield is better? If thats the case make sure you never get your own business cause your not always going to have better features than your competitors.

Wizziokid4702d ago

and i call you out for using a dated engine

madpuppy4702d ago

Remember when Glen Schofield put together Visceral games and created the first Dead Space...In interviews he seemed like a pretty nice guy. Now that he has moved over to Activision he seems to have been infected with the Acti virus. making him irritable and arrogant.

Hufandpuf4702d ago

"You can go out and name your engine and call it whatever you want, right. You know, I’ve done that before; I’ve seen that trick and the bottom line is, this game will suck and not have dedicated servers. - Sledgehammer Games

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Recently, players of Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone were met with a new bundle featuring the B.E.A.S.T. Glove, inspired by King Kong's armament in the Godzilla x Kong movie. However, the $80 price tag attached to this themed accessory left many Call of Duty fans feeling underwhelmed.

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Kaii32d ago

Morons that allow themselves to be milked continuously by this company is the definition of irony.
Spend more $$ and you'll end up In easier lobbies so you win both ways when ya spend that cash

melons32d ago

Controversy in the COD community feels like it happens within an alternate timeline. Activision will take the piss with something, there will be a momentary fuss about it, and then they will forget about it and carry on anyway. Repeat this cycle literally every year for the rest of time.

Gridknac32d ago

They call that a crack head! Thats what this is really about, its an addiction. People who dont smoke cigarettes look and laugh at the addicts that spend $8-$10 a pack, but they cant help themselves, they are addicted. That same analogy applies perfectly to the whole MT industry. Only an addict that was not thinking clearly would spend this kind of money on something so frivolous. A round of multiplayer provides the same high a person gets from scratching a lotto ticket, or putting money on a sports bet. MT in general need to really be regulated because you have a generation of kids becoming adults who grew up only knowing the MT era of gaming. Its normal to them and they will in turn teach their kids the same by just being a gaming parent and getting their kids involved with them in gaming. Thats why no matter how ridiculous the headlines keep getting out of the MT industry, it never seems to fade or go away.

X-2330d ago

I'm so tired of hearing about what they're doing with this game, its never going to change and it's never going to value the consumer over money, furthermore the people who engage so heavily in the microtransactions I guess allegedly are having a blast and can't wait to do it some more this year when the new version of the game drops.


Cheech And Chong Are Coming To Call Of Duty Because Everything Must Be Consumed

The famous comedy duo is the latest example of pop culture becoming one big grey blob

Christopher46d ago

Certain to have some sort of reference to their online store for CBD/THC chews, which is advertising heavily online the last month or two.

Sciurus_vulgaris46d ago

The randomness of the multiplayer characters is one of reason I quit playing COD after briefly returning in 2022. We got Space Marines, rappers, tree monsters etc. all in a series called “ Modern Warfare”.

OtterX46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

I think if there was ever a time for a competitor to rise up and take away some of Call of Duty's thunder, the time would be now. A military shooter that takes itself seriously, not sold out to Fortnitism. Easier said than done, I know... but the time is ripe.

I can't stand this stuff either.

Palitera46d ago

There are tons of MP shooters that make no profit, if you're looking for one of those

fsfsxii46d ago

You guys have been saying this shit since 2009. Fortunately, nobody’s bringing down cod anytime soon, if ever.

crazyCoconuts46d ago

I agree. I really didn't like how the silliness takes away the gritty origins. That and all the crazy effects... dunno. I'm still playing it but I'd love for someone to steal their cheese and cater to grittier players

OtterX45d ago

@fsfsxii It's not so much wanting COD itself to die as it is wanting this silliness to die. Like CrazyCoconuts said, it takes from the grittiness. Many OG COD players want a straightup Military shooter experience, not silly costume time at Carnival.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 45d ago
Profchaos46d ago

is this what the kids want these days a pair of iconic stoners who were big in the 70s and have kind of held on I enjoyed their movies decades ago but I never recall the movie where cheech infiltrates a enemy base while chong snipes for support guess I must of missed that one

Man I'm getting to old for this

Knightofelemia46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Cheech just looks so wrong in the picture.

Profchaos46d ago

Why just why. cod up in smoke

anast46d ago

They charge too much for a game that is kitsch.

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