
Gametrailers The Witcher 2 Review

Gametrailers official video review of The Witcher 2.

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PhoenixDevil4731d ago

There was a rumour not long back about this coming to consoles, at the time I didn't really care.

Now I wish it was true, this game looks amazing.

Ranshak4731d ago

Please consoles have ruined many good rpgs, why would you want them to ruin another good franchise. Get it on PC, that way you get it cheaper, you dont pay a royalty to Microsoft or Sony and you support the developer directly by paying them more(since there is no middle man here).

grailly4731d ago

the game's already out, how would it be ruined by being ported to consoles? besides, it would seem that it plays very well with a controler

Ranshak4731d ago

This game wont be ruined however the next one may be dumbed down.

Watch what happened to Crysis, Dragon age. Do we really want that happening to this franchise as well?

starchild4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

-"the game's already out, how would it be ruined by being ported to consoles?"-

By the fact that the next one would likely be made from the ground up to cater to consoles.

If they make a proper PC game and then later find a way to port it to consoles, then fine. But I don't want them to compromise future titles in the franchise in order to play to the lowest common denominator from the outset. Believe me, it would hurt the series. We've seen it happen too many times already.

Get a gaming PC and enjoy this outstanding game the way it was meant to be played. Don't wait for a watered down port that may or may not ever come.

I_find_it_funny4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

developers themselves said many times they want it on consoles, they're looking inti it, and might get to work after PC release, but PC only gamers will cry about losing this game lol

also devs stated that the game was built with controller support in mind, stop whining

it will be on consoles 100%

grailly4731d ago

wow PC gamers are really hate consoles lol. Seriously, look at the game, it was built with a console version in mind. It's still an awesome game, and having it be on console down the line won't change that.

also, stop blaming consoles for dumbing down PC games, blame developers for not doing a version that would work well on both.

pr0digyZA4731d ago

@ I_find_it_funny
Of course PC gamers want it to remain on their platform of choice, same reason PS3 players didn't want Final Fantasy 13 on xbox, because now you know the sequel will also be multiplatform and it is not the way it should be made.

The comfort that I have is that they said they will release an expansion at the same time as a port to please the PC crowd if it happens.

PhoenixDevil4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )


Of course I'd get it on PC if I could, I wouldn't have complained about it not being on console if I could do that. While I like to support devs I'm unaware of how the royalties or how much they actually get from sales and that would not influence decision on what platform to get the game.

While I understand the standardisation that consoles bring (consolisation seems to be a suitable made up word) which has resulted in PC games being dumbed down its not always a bad thing. My PC is actually a regular stock laptop which cant handle Portal 2 on its lowest settings with out lagging I'm not going to even attempt the Witcher 2, while any good game that plays on one PS3 will play on them all at equel quality which is a nice easy situation to me.

Consoles have produced some great RPGs too such as Demons Souls which the review said provided inspiration for this game so don't hit too hard on consoles but I can understand your point and it is a no win situation unless you have consoles and a high powered rig

EDIT: reading the other comments now, I agree Crysis 2 was nearly broken due to being on consoles (I reviewed the PS3 version on N4G) tho tbh Dragon Age 2 was horrible for most players I don't kno if that was directly cause of the consolisation

@ I_find_it_funny

Yh thats prob where i heard the rumours from originally we'll see hopefully it will :) I dnt mind getting less graphics providing the core gameplay is there and all the quests and stuff and I do think that the PC version should be the best unfortunately in the 'political' gaming climate devs have to make all versions 'equal' which is what the PC gamers are worried about


well said its a good point its a tough situation, shame they dnt just make all games the best they can for that version

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4731d ago
chak_4731d ago

Just finished it. Man I feel empty.

razorpakk4731d ago

Very happy that's getting the attention it diserves :D

F4sterTh4nFTL4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

ESRB rating suggests it might come to an Xbox 360, but I doubt it unless they tone down the graphics for the Xbox 360 version. Probably an E3 announce coming for the next Xbox seeing that Epic also showed off their Next Gen technology, which they wouldn't unless Microsoft was not up to something, as we all know how the relationship between Epic and Microsoft is:


Apollyn4731d ago

I doubt next gen consoles will hit the recommended spec for this game they would still need to tone down graphics.
Just saying

Ranshak4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

Next gen consoles would have to be as big as some PCs today to match the power we enjoy on PC today. There are some reasons for this:

Heat- current GPUs put out alot of heat to generate the power they do. Putting such a gpu in a closed down casing like a console would cause a melt down. (hello rrod, ylod)

Power requirement- Consoles would have to start shipping with a real PSU like on PCs to support the power requirement current gpus need.

in other words consoles will become even more like pcs. Big, heavy except they will be locked down and controlled by MS and Sony and will require a royalty per game.

jetlian4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

consoles are state of the art on release day a pc today won't need nearly as much 1-2 years from now.

Apollyn4731d ago

@Jetlian, How do you figure that out when the ps3 and 360 came they was not state of the art. My 9 year old system out performs them both and that wasn't even an ultra high end PC. The next Gen of consoles wont out perform my current system thhat I built 3 years ago.

The idea that console hardware can be on par with PC is delusional even on day 1 launch.

jetlian4731d ago

what game you run looked better? please do tell me!

Apollyn4731d ago

Wait a minute WHERE have i just mentioned looks ? I said PERFORMED the original crysis still looks better than alot of console games including crysis 2, Especially with natural mod.

Im not on about a sodding graphics war as even putting consoles with pcs there is ridiculous as consoles just CANT compare stop being a delusional fan boy and face the facts.
Consoles have not and will not be on par with PC hardware for a LONG time.

and let me just add i cant wait for uncharted 3 <3

jetlian4731d ago (Edited 4731d ago )

is 07 xbox/ps3 05 and 06. most people on here think crysis 1 looks better than 2 which isn't the case.

mods over the years have made crysis 1 look so good. performing and looks are interchangable depending on what programmers trying to do!

Same reason gow3 textures look good. If gow3 was a full fledged 3d game its textures would come down.

People hate cod yet it sport 4 player splitscreen which is why it won't ever have a major graphics over hall

Apollyn4731d ago

I give up again must I state that I wasn't on about visually performance has so much more than a graphics card to worry about.

Do you not realise that pretty graphics mean sod all if rest can't keep up that's the problem.

A game that out performs most console game is WoW. Pretty much any RTS Christ CnC generals out performs. But hey trying to have a conversation about hardware performance to someone that seems to constantly revert back to graphics is harder work that trying to convert a radicalised Muslim to Christianity.


jetlian4730d ago (Edited 4730d ago )

can do rts on console just without keyboard be prepared for complex button set ups.

my whole point was the next gen won't need towers just to be on pc level

consoles don't need everything a pc needs to function yet still can match on certain things

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4730d ago
Mr Patriot4731d ago


Pass on the crack you're smokin

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Xbox Store Kicks Off Shocktober & Publisher Spotlight Series Sales

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just launched two new digital game sales that heavily discount various Shocktober games, games from popular publishers, as well as Xbox 360 games that are backward compatible with Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One right now!"

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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 10 Years of CDPR on Console

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition debuted on Xbox 360 10 years ago, laying the foundations of CDPR's console releases.

kevco33749d ago

10 years and I'm not sure they've done anything better since...

pietro1212749d ago

I take the Witcher 3 over part 2, but Cyberpunk was a disappointment. God I hated Johnny Silverhand so much.


Xbox Black Friday Game Sale 2021 Starts Now

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale ahead of PSN, featuring tons of recently released, AAA, and indie games with huge savings for Xbox gamers right now!"

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prophecy899d ago

Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale -ahead of PSN- - Did they get kickbacks for saying this?

Here is a link to PlayStation Indies -1349 items

Here is a link to November Savings - 590 items

Here is a link to the Under $20 sale - 230 items

PlayStation's Black Friday sale starts tomorrow with hundreds more games.

It's kind of a joke to act like xbox is EVER beating Sony to a sale. Sony always has 3-4 sales going on with thousands of games. PSN having 1000+ games is just another Tuesday on PlayStation.

DJStotty899d ago

Relax, it is just an xbox black friday sale....

prophecy899d ago

Listen, this site decided to make it a competition. Why don't you ask them why they needed to add that part about PSN.

DJStotty899d ago


The same reason if it was the other way around, it would be worded "PSN black friday game sale starts now before XBL"

Nothing in it, just stating one has started before the other, if this kind of thing triggers this kind of reaction, speak to someone.

prophecy899d ago

I have never seen a PSN sale article that mentioned anything about xbl, much less made it seem like any type of competition.



Livingthedream899d ago

PROPHECY just took fanboyism to a different level. SMH seems like some people are insecure about their console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 899d ago
Chris12899d ago

Not everything in life is a conspiracy. Chill out........

DaveZero899d ago (Edited 899d ago )

Agreed sometimes fanboys just need to stop because there is nothing going on to support fanboynonsense.

Do not know why people just cant enjoy games and have to ensure all sorts of cracked up conspiracy drama.

Gaming4Life1981899d ago

Chill and just buy all the games you want that's on sale. All consoles will have a black friday sale.

BenRC01898d ago

Omg dude, you'll get some aaa games soon I promise! Let xbox have its month in the sun.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 898d ago
BrainSyphoned899d ago

Thanks but my rental service is all I need on Xbox. Like the other article states if I want to buy a game to keep it is physical on PS.

CBaoth898d ago

Yep. Buy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party on PS, double dip on 3rd party PC, buy occasional 1st party on Nintendo, and rent on Xbox. I'll never buy another game from MS since it's apparent developers get paid quite handsomely off GP contracts according to Xbox fans here

Father__Merrin899d ago

There's no need for them to say ahead of PSN they have done so due to paid shilz nothing more