
Japanese Singer GACKT To Play Villain In New RPG

Popular Japanese rock singer, actor and all-round hunk GACKT has yet another title to add to his rather impressive list of video game involvements.

At a recent press conference held in Tokyo for the upcoming PC RPG, Dragon Nest, it was announced that GACKT will be providing the voice for the villian Belskard. He will also be singing the game's theme song, which is set to be released as a single on June 16th.

GACKT's entrance at the press conference was spectacular, as he showed up dressed in Belskard's outlandish outfit, complete with glow-in-the-dark dragon and eerie fog-effects.

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Pozzle5160d ago

This man will single-handedly take over the Japanese game industry. I'm betting on it.

erathaol5160d ago

I'm not sure but he seems like a good fit for a JRPG. Even a good fit for a Hack-n-Slash game.

Gen0ne5160d ago (Edited 5160d ago )

Bujingai: The Forgotten City, and this game was pretty good to boot. One of the sickest parrying systems you'll ever see in a game. I'm actually really surprised nobody's ripped it off. It's PS2 and very rare ( I got one! ) If you ever come across it, check it out.

Edit: Oh yeah. The tie in to my statement here is that I think Bujingai is Gackt's first video game appearance. In a hack n' slash no less.

erathaol5160d ago (Edited 5160d ago )

I just brought it up cause he looks like someone from Castlevania in that pic I posted but its interesting to know that he was actually in a Hack n Slash game. I'll keep an eye out for Bujingai, I'd love to have it in my game collection, there are some real gems out there that the world just ignores.

As for copying the Parrying system I think you speak to soon. One day someone will Copy it and you'll be the first to say, "I knew it!"

MisterNiwa5160d ago

Believe it or not.

Gackt was Genesis from Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core. :I

I think he has the face for a good JRPG Villain.

va_bank5160d ago

Bujingai WAS pretty good - I should still have my copy somewhere. However, tt took me half a game to realize that Gackt was a dude.

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Yes_25160d ago

Heh. At least its not another Final Fantasy game he is in

Yes_25160d ago

So whats this RPG all about and why is Gackt in it?

Natsu X FairyTail5160d ago

The FFVII cerberus song from gackt was crazy.

booni35160d ago

his song Mind Forest is a great listen. this guys been called the male ayumi hamasaki. Hes a perfect fit for a game.

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