
How To Check if Your PS4 DualShock 4 is Fake

Whenever a product becomes popular, you’ll see a rise of fake versions of that product, and whilst it is sometimes very easy to tell if a product is fake, there are times when it is a little more difficult. Sony’s DualShock 4 controllers are extremely good quality products, but it looks like fake versions of this controller have started popping up. So how can you tell if your controller is fake?

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NotEvenMyFinalForm3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

This has become a problem because at first those fakes look real, both the controller and package. But then you use them and they break easily after using it for 2 -3 times, the plastic and face buttons feel super cheap, the battery only last like 20 minutes and the buttons become more and more unresponsive.

I have bought 2 fakes already from Amazon and it is a pain to exchange them because they controllers look so legit at face value that they thing you're playing them for fool when it was them who did. I have left some nasty review there, so always read the reviews to find out who is selling the fakes. Usually is a store that is just launching and they try selling them way cheaper than anyone else.

InTheZoneAC2999d ago

it's pretty easy not to buy fakes. When a new dualshock 4 isn't on sale and it's priced at $30, it's fake.

KiwiViper852999d ago

Its a fake if the Thumbsticks are in good condition.

UltimateMaster2999d ago

The first batch of DS4 had issues with the analog stick and wear & tear.
The red Magma DS4 in the US are from the newer version with sturdier analog.
I had to change the analogs on the first one that I had, I changed the Color too it only cost 8$ to get it customized to my liking which was way less expensive that those 150$ Xbox Elite Controllers.
It took about half an hour to get it fixed, but it was worth it. I think anyone who would want to save 150$ AND get the Color scheme they want would do the same.

TwoForce2999d ago

I have both PS4 controllers and they are not fake. But I agree with your opinion.

TFJWM2999d ago

"I have bought 2 fakes already from Amazon" "Usually is a store that is just launching and they try selling them way cheaper than anyone else."

No name store selling stuff cheap is always fake. Controllers are sold at pretty much cost, if everyone has them around the same price anything less than that is prob going to be a fake or an unmarked refurb.

starchild3000d ago

Well, considering mine came in the box with my PS4 I'm pretty sure it's not fake.

freshslicepizza2999d ago

why did one persona disagree with you so far? i really think this site needs to highlight who it is that is continually disagreeing with everything.

i agree, it would be the real deal if it came with your ps4 unless you bought it used then there could be a small chance its not.

MagicBeanz2999d ago

Xbox fanboys are just pre-wired to down vote on Sony articles, they dont know what they're actually down voting most of the time as reading and comprehension isn't their strong suit.

XanderZane2999d ago

True and the extra one I bought was on launch day and from Gamestop, so I know that one isn't fake. I won't be buying any new ones for awhile. Never buy them on EBay or Craig's list, that's for sure.

rainslacker2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

There are plenty of legit sellers on Ebay, but if you see someone selling a great quantity of controllers for less than $40, and possibly shipping from China or overseas while posting directly on the US site, then chances are, it's a fake. Distribution prices for the controllers range in the $42-47 range depending on model, and you won't see them for less than that even if the seller is buying them in bulk, and there are ebay/paypal/shipping fees that the seller has to consider....so anything less than $45 for bulk sellers is probably going to be a big sign that it's fake.

Due diligence is the key when dealing with sites that allow 3rd party sellers. They're allowed to sell knock offs....assuming they aren't actually breaking laws in their existence....but they aren't allowed to sell them as official products....so should one suspect a seller is doing that, one can have Ebay start an investigation....but practice prudence because sometimes Ebay can be heavy handed and it's not fair to make the legit sellers suffer.

THen of course you just have the people trying to offload a single unit of their own stuff for whatever reason....but more often than that, they will price it at average ebay selling prices....which is usually $45 or more.

1nsomniac2999d ago

The DS4 quality was always poor. The factory production workers even came out publically & stated it before it was even released to the public. Even Sony admitted it by offering free replacements.

I've gone through 4 controllers myself - Luckily all replaced free of charge through Sony so should all be 'authentic'... But again, I've been through 4 of them which should be enough evidence. I've never had to replace a controller in my 25+ years of gaming (apart from the old SNES 360' touchpad which was notoriously bad quality again)

There's always going to be fakes but lets not try to use this excuse to cover up what was factually a massive issue of quality.

Razuel2999d ago

I'm on my sixth, and it is only covered because of the extended warranty purchase. The refurbs they send us are just as bad as the year one crap.

gaffyh2999d ago

i've had two controllers since launch and had absolutely no major issues. The rubber came off slightly with one of them, but peeled it off and the rest of the stick rubber has been fine.

bloop2999d ago

I got 2 with my launch console and both of them are in bits. The R2 button popped out of one after a VERY gentle fall and the rubber came completely off both sticks on the other. On my 3rd now and treating it like a baby!! Great pad, but durability is shocking.

OB1Biker2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

I've had my two controllers for 2+ years. First one started peeling a bit on a stick. I put thumb grips on it and a new one I got a few months later I put grips on it brand new to be safe. Also I find it a lot more comfortable with thumb grips anyway since the sticks were feeling uncomfortable on my thumbs. Apart from that they are great had no problem.

raptorjacob2999d ago

I went through two right after ps4 launch. One has something wrong with the battery and the other has a broken thumbs stick. They were built like crap but I think they addressed the quality since.

dannyolfc2999d ago

Same issue but my 3rd has been much better alonalog sticks stick and rubber ripped on both my first 2

dannyolfc2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

On my 3rd but 4th needed soon but the 3rd one lasted a lot longer than the 1st two and felt better day one ps4 owner that controller by far was the worst.

gaffyh2999d ago

Mine is still ok. Maybe it's just bad batches

Dragonking0072999d ago

Dam im on my second controller but i know this one i got is better quality id very much like an elite controller for ps4

Condemnedman2999d ago

I said this before about the ds4 and was marked as trolling 😕


cash_longfellow2999d ago

I play 4-6 hours a day and still have my launch controller...then again, I always take care of my things though.

dannyolfc2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

I'm not gonna lie my dog always kicks em on 2.the floor but still I'm sure my 3rd one is better quality feels a lot better so at least they changed some thing. When working I think it's a excellent controller so comfy to hold

Vipre772999d ago

4-6 hrs/day? Damn, son.... Are you disabled or are you a developer or something? That's a LOT of video game time.

rainslacker2999d ago

Both my launch day controllers(one w/ system and one extra purchased) had the rubber come off one of the sticks soon after the warranty wore off trying to get through the DOA5:LR training sessions. Outside that, they work great with no other issue to speak of.

The red one I brought late last year is solid as a rock though, and I use it quite often. I put on some aftermarket covers on the thumb sticks for the launch day ones, and may try to replace them one day if I ever feel the need. Never tried to see if Sony would replace it out of warranty. I actually do find the covers better than the original thumbsticks as I have oily skin.

cash_longfellow2999d ago

@vipre77...that's probably a stretch at 4-6..more like 2-3. I work part time and I am a full time student, but I don't party or anything like that (these days, lol). So when I'm not working or writing papers, I game. :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2999d ago
MagicBeanz2999d ago

Just use it for gaming and stop using it to nail in nails or whatever it is you're doing. The quality isn't "poor" that's an overstatement.

cash_longfellow2999d ago

I don't know why I lol'ed so hard when I read this...it reminds me of a night about 10 years ago on mushrooms.

DafunkyRebel2999d ago

I have been using the same DS4 I got from the 2013 game console bundle and it still hasn't failed me, so either you're a troll lying pos or you need to take care of your own things

Perjoss2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Interesting, I'm still on my first one and don't even have any dead zone issues or eroded thumb sticks with 500+ hours of use, it feels almost like new.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2999d ago
shabz6662999d ago

my current d4 is just a pain to use. for starters the light bar doesnt work, and everytime i charge it, i get a question mark on the battery indicator on screen. and the controller gets super hot super quickly after a few mins on "charge".

X1 controller isnt great either. the left stick drifts to the right and the left bumper doesn't always work.

Bad luck with controllers :(

InTheZoneAC2999d ago

is that an original controller because that sounds like a fake controller

rainslacker2999d ago

If the battery is getting hot while charging, you may not want to use the controller anymore. That is a sign that something is wrong, and there are reports that fires can start from that problem. It's been attributed to using those faster higher powered charging cables/wall outlet things.....particularly if you charge while playing.

As far as the light bar, sounds like you just solved the biggest complaint people seem to have about the controller. However, I was under the impression the controller wouldn't connect if the light bar registered faulty, as Sony considers it to be tampered with.

If you're using the original that came with the system, then I'd suggest calling up Sony for a replacement. If it's not under warranty, then yeah, you have bad luck with controllers.

shabz6662998d ago

yeah i spoke to an electric engineer friend of mine, he said the battery is resisting the charge thus producing the heat, its the original controller i got from the system. its still working so i'm using a low powered usb cable to charge. and it does the trick. but the light bar is just gone. i'll have to replace these things if they decide to use the morpheus for it someday.

I checked it online it seems to be an actual fault with the controller, i was watching the giant bomb guys stream the other day and noticed the same issue with one of their ps controllers.

Bad luck with controllers indeed

Razuel2999d ago

this just described their refurb. warranty service.

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France Fines Sony for Combating Third-Party PS4 Controllers

PlayStation LifeStyle says: "The French antitrust authority Autorité de la Concurrence has slapped Sony Interactive Entertainment with a fine for taking measures to combat third-party PS4 controllers. In an attempt to fight off counterfeits, Sony implemented technical measures that negatively affected the functioning of third-party controllers, according to the regulator."

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jznrpg266d ago

I never buy 3rd party controllers. They’re usually crappy or too expensive for what they offer

DarXyde266d ago

I feel like the age of crappy third party controllers ended. I might be wrong, but I only ever hear of the high end third party controllers now.

Either way, I feel like people should be able to buy and use these devices, even if they're bad quality.

Sure, it's Sony's box, but no company should do this unless it's some shady device-bricking controller.

Majors266d ago

Wait So Micro$oft gets away with it by disabling 3rd party controllers Whilst Sony gets a fine for only affecting them >?


PlayStation 4 Controllers - All Color Variations & Limited Editions

The PlayStation 4 offers a wide range of controller variations, encompassing a diverse selection of colors and featuring some unusual and distinct designs.

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darthv72317d ago

Consolevariations.com is a good site. The gamestop ones I added to their database. Cool to see my pics being used in this piece.

Freecs317d ago

Yes thank you for the pictures, this piece is meant for casual players to check out all variation in one place, consolevariations is an awesome website of course especially for hardcore collectors.

gold_drake317d ago

my .mate made me a custom see-through controller and its the best one ive ever seen and had ha


Playstation 5 Dualsense Unpacking And PS4 Dual Shock Comparison Video

Here is a look at the new Dualsense controller for the PS5 as Skewed and Reviewed unboxed it and compared it with the DualShock 4 Controller.

Themba761422d ago

Just got mine today it feels heavier than the ds4

Garethvk1422d ago

First thing I noticed and my wife did as well.