
Microsoft to offer Xbox One trade-up program for Project Scorpio

With 6TFLOPs of performance and a new semi-custom Polaris + Zen AMD SoC to enable 4K gaming. Luckily Microsoft wants to offer an Xbox One trade-in program to shave off some of the cost and make Project Scorpio more accessible.

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Thatguy-3102909d ago

That's good to know since I'm more than positive that scorpio won't be cheap. Hopefully Sony does something similar.

PFFT2908d ago

Yeah here is hoping Sony does something similar as well. If they do ill be trading in my Ps4 and XB1 towards the NEO. And ill just pick up the Scorpio once it releases with money.

UltimateMaster2908d ago (Edited 2908d ago )

This is huge and a great step for Microsoft.
Sony should look into it as well.
It all depends on how much they give for your console.

VforVideogames2907d ago

Great idea ill be trading my Ps4 and XB1 towards the SCORPIO. And ill just pick up the Neo once it releases with money.

Ceaser98573612907d ago

I will be selling off both the xbox one and the ps4 and get the Neo and Scorpio/PC later... i may even get the Xbox Slim version too ...

Unspoken2907d ago

Too bad Sony doesn't offer great programs likes this. If I was a Sony fanboy I'd post in an Xbox article begging them to follow MS.

MS once again giving gamers options.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2907d ago
butchertroll2908d ago (Edited 2908d ago )

People should consider that Xbone S won't worth much then. 150$ AT MAX. trade-in price for Xbone S when Scorpio goes out. Can't imagine that retailers will offer more than that. And also i expect that Scorpio will cost somewhere between 450-550$.

Well, that's a peanuts. Probably better than nothing.

Kokyu2908d ago (Edited 2908d ago )

You're way lose unless MS is eatting most of the cost.

MachuchalBrotha3162907d ago

It probably will depend on what model you have, obviously with the 2tb model probably getting you around $200 in trade in.

2907d ago
vallencer2907d ago

Microsoft offers really good trade deals at their stores typically for upgrades. They had great 360 to one upgrade deals. Pretty sure that's where the good deals will be.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2907d ago
butchertroll2908d ago

People should be aware of this :

Right now vanilla 500GB Xbox One console gets you $100 in GameStop store credit, or $80 cash.

Don't expect then 150$ for Xbone S next year.

Ripsta7th2908d ago

Trade in prices is different
when ps4 trade in deal was going on , you could get $150 for ps3
same with the Xbox one

noksucow732907d ago (Edited 2907d ago )

Yep. I'll just keep my xbox1 and maybe put it in another room. Gamestop won't give u much at all. Can't even buy 2 retail games for what they wanna give u. I Can imagine it will Be Worth way less when Scorpio releases

conanlifts2907d ago (Edited 2907d ago )

If ms offer a trade deal i would assume this is in addition to the trade price offered by ebgames/gamestop. It might be that you get $100- $150 for the xbox from ebgames/gamestop but ms then offer $50 Cashback via redemption or 2 bonus games etc.

merciless2907d ago

This is what I'm thinking. Right now, considering that I bought the XB1 at launch for $500, trade in prices are awfully low. BB offered me $90 for my launch system so late next year it'll probably be worth $50.

So I'm wondering exactly how much this trade in program will be worth? Will they jack up the price and essentially give me extra money to upgrade?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2907d ago

I'll be trading in my xb1 and ps4 for a NEO and then buy the SCORPIO with money. Then I'll trade the NEO and SCORPIO in for money and buy myself a sega Saturn

With money.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2907d ago
christocolus2909d ago (Edited 2908d ago )

Nice. I just want the data transfer process between my original Xbox one and Scorpio to be as seamless as possible. my 4TB external hard drive should be compatible too.

turdburgler10802908d ago

Shouldn't be a problem. Just login to the new console and make it your primary and plug in your external and presto.

rainslacker2908d ago

If it's anything like how Windows now does profile and data transfer between computers on a single live account, then I think it should be pretty smooth. It's nice being able to log onto another computer and having all your stuff there if you need it, as well as all your preferences and bookmarks and things like that.

Downloading a lot of data for games will obviously take a bit of time though, but that's just the nature of the beast.

ScorpiusX2907d ago

Should be seamless for all 3 not just S to Scorpio but Xbox one to Xbox One S to Scorpio .

PimpDaddy2907d ago

How did 1/3 of your total votes end in "down" votes? I think this is a great idea. I'm going to do it.

remixx1162907d ago

Some people don't like positive xbox news...

Rude-ro2907d ago (Edited 2907d ago )

Septic usually creates all sorts of fan wars by creating click bait biased opinion pieces. Welcome to n4g

OT it is not great news. They want to move on as fast as possible thinking power is what is going to get them back in the market.
Especially that game stores always do a trade in program every time a console releases. This is not new or news. It will not be any better of a deal that has transpired over the last few cycles.

vega2752909d ago

That's great news. Still.debating on getting a xbox s for the 4k player.

hadowajp2907d ago

If you have a 4k tv and want a 4k Blu-ray it's a wise decision

Maybay2908d ago

This is Microsoft learning from their past misdeeds.

TheCommentator2908d ago

No, this has been a practice for as long as there have been chains to trade in consoles. The big 3 have all worked with these retail partners at various times to offer trade in incentives towards an upgrade.

Death2908d ago


Microsoft did the same for the Xbox One with 360 trades. What past mistakes are you referring to?

Maybay2907d ago

They learned to be more consumer friendly.

MachuchalBrotha3162907d ago

@maybay, agreed MS has come a long long way. Is it sad if I say that their customer support is one of my favorite right now of any company.. It wasnt always like that before.

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Exvalos11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Im still confused as to why we never got a remake.


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Nook4d ago

As a note, this is topical because it's currently on Kickstarter for funding.


NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry

The NVIDIA RTX Remix tool is redefining the gaming industry and the modding community in the best way possible.

Einhander19722d ago

"NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry"

True, the especially for all the industry that gets put out of work by it.

generic-user-name1d 23h ago

Have you ever used a self service checkout in a store? Should we ditch alarm clocks so that we can hire people to shoot peas at our bedroom windows to wake us up like they did in the 1800s?

Einhander19721d 22h ago

Working at a grocery store as a checkout clerk used to be a respectable job that could support a family.

romulus231d 22h ago

I try to avoid them at all costs, why should we do a cashiers/clerks job without any training and without being paid for it? Comparing people losing their jobs to A.I. to people from the 1800's shooting peas is hilarious, good try though.

just_looken1d 11h ago

Gues you never saw the fast food joints that had ai everything even cooking was done by robots.