
Reasons Why Xbox Scorpio is Better Than PlayStation 4 Neo

Well, the battle between Sony’s PlayStation and Microsoft’s Xbox is endless. Keyboard warriors on the Internet debate and even fight for the console they prefer. The new upcoming consoles from Sony and Microsoft are again competing against each other. Microsoft claims that the Xbox Scorpio will be the fastest console ever made, but is it really true? So lets cut straight to the chase! Here are the reasons why GeeksULTD thinks Xbox Scorpio is Better than the PlayStation 4 Neo.

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Bzone242909d ago

I'm most likely going to get a Scorpio but we don't know enough about either one to know which is better yet.

Cindy-rella2909d ago

Id love the writer to tell me tomorrows lottery numbers.

With such logic he might as well say a pc with 2 1080s is better than project scorpio not knowing anything else about the pc or scorpio.

SpringHeeledJack2909d ago

The writer shouldn't be comparing them. PS4k or neo is just a mid gen upgrade. Scorpio is a brand new next gen console started very early, is going to be a very expensive high end console to compete with high end PC gaming.

2909d ago
2909d ago
S2Killinit2909d ago

How old is the writer? Anyway i would rather get the brand that delivers games.

2909d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2909d ago
Errorist762909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

I know which one will be better..the console with all the great games.

Errorist762909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

@condemnedman <- right spelling

That's what I was hinting at. Every person will have a favourite, which one it is depends on other personal factors.

sammarshall1022909d ago

Gears of War 4, Dead Rising 4, Ori 2, Scalebound, Crackdown 3, State of Decay 2, Forza Horizon 3, and Recore for me

Condemnedman2908d ago

Errorist I know how to spell it
can't be bothered to explain why tho.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2908d ago
uth112909d ago

Ten reasons why a console that doesn't exist is better than a console that hasn't been announced. This is what games journalism has come to.

Kingthrash3602909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

Lol. All we know is 6tf....and this make it better? The amount of games don't matter? Price don't matter? Exclusives don't matter? Just power? We don't even know the specs for either console.....too soon and too click baited to be taken seriously.
Lastly the scorpio is a next gen ms steambox....the neo is a current gen console...

Afrokk2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

See the end, I've said that both have their own Pros and Cons. I'm a PC gamer, so I'm completely neutral here. As far as the exclusives are concerned, both have their fair share. Forza Horizon 3, Gears of War 4, etc. and Gran Turismo, God of War etc.
Price? Ofcourse, PS Neo will probably be cheaper, but Xbox is more powerful. It all depends on the Price/Performance ratio.

OB1Biker2909d ago

'Scorpio is coming sooner, xbox play anywhere, MS is trying hard to win...'. Haha seems to me your trying hard. Nice one too about the 'keyboard warriors' as if your trying to flame things up.
To be honest we don't know much about those consoles yet and one thing is certain, a console existing only on paper is not that good until it's out there.

ziggurcat2908d ago

"... PS Neo will probably be cheaper, but Xbox is more powerful..."

you won't know that until Sony confirms the specs.

Afrokk2909d ago

"Lastly the scorpio is a next gen ms steambox....the neo is a current gen console..."
But Sony's top dog and competitor of the Scorpio is the Neo. So the comparison is fair. You aren't saying that Xbox Scorpio is in its own league right?

Kingthrash3602909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

i would hope so, its a next gen pc/console thing.
xbox s is the competition for ps neo. scorpio is the lone too early jump to next gen. its more accurate to say the nx is the scoripos competitor.
the neo, as stated time and time again by sony isnt a new generation console... just like the xbox s.

sure you want to say xbox scorpio is more pwerful than the ps4neo....but thats expected from a new gen console. will is be more powerful than sonys next gen? doubt it. but who cares anyway? its not the power, its the games that matter.

but lets say we put the neo up against the scorpio....the neo being a ps4, has already sold 40+mil, has over 1,000 games, costs wayyyyy less, is going to have a cheaper vr with better vr games at launch, has exclusive games, better devs, more devs, more games announced for the future, made by a company fully dedicated to games and gamers.

the scorpio has 2 more tflops.....awsome.

Edito2909d ago

Actually it is... Neo and Scorpio are not on the same league it's like comparing Xbox One S to NEO.

magiciandude2909d ago

The Scorpio and Neo are both next gen systems.

Kingthrash3602909d ago

Sony themselves stated it's not....ms dodged this question like it was a question about cloud computing.
What, you know more than sony about their own product?

leoms2909d ago

Nah, Neo is not next gen. I can say nothing about Scorpio as MS haven't confirm yet

ILostMyMind2909d ago

He is a magician from MS. He knows everything.

Filmicfps2909d ago

"Lastly the scorpio is a next gen ms steambox....the neo is a current gen console..."

Where do you keep pulling this nonsense from?

Saigon2909d ago

I don't think he is stating nonsense, because MS hasn't answered the question and honestly when I saw the announcement for Project Scorpio, i said to myself, this is the next Gen console from MS. It was presented as such, at least to me, during E3 because the specs were out there. Many are calling this system next gen, at least until MS confirms that it is not. Project Scorpio can fully support the XBO but it doesn't mean it can't have its own games.

2909d ago
extermin8or2909d ago

Still calling it current gen unless it has games that can't run on ps4 and have bigger differences than just graphics settings. If I buy a ps4 neo game and it's the same disc and price as a standard ps4 game, and I could put it in my normal ps4 and have it run. Then yep it's same generation. Plus diminishing returns means the power jump isn't as big as you think. By the time it releases all Scorpio is likely to be is a low-grade high end pc effectively. I'll bet you could build a better pc for a fair bit less than what it sounds like they will be charging. Don't hear about steam boxes anymore? Why? For the same reason Scorpio is bound to not do all that well.

joeorc2909d ago

You do not think its Microsoft's version of a steam is?
You cannot be that clueless now, come on..i mean take a look at Microsoft's direction with Xbox as a platform.
Its moved from being a games console to now a games platform on windows 10!

It was never about growing a game console for the game console market, it was about turning the game console. Market into a direct clone of the PC market.

Microsoft. Makes now Windows UWP , directX and made sure now Windows 10 powers the Xbox moving forward.

Tell me exactly what is so different about an Xbox and a windows 10 powers PC for game purposes. Now?

All this was set to do , is try to get developers to code for windows OS 1st over coding a game for playstation or a Nintendo system..this was the very Sam tactic they have used extensively in the Pc market to keep developers to code realm only for the Windows OS and for making DirectX the default graphics Api.

Use the PC hardware manufacturers. To make sure that the basic Bios support a Windows OS over Linux or other Operation. Systems.
Went to make sure a GPU vendor making drivers made once again DirectX the default graphics driver over others.

And now you do not think Microsoft. Is not trying to do the very same thing that they have done in the PC market , to now try to do the same thing in the game console market?

Sony even stated the PS4 Neo was made to try to keep gamers on Playstation from switching to mainly gaming on PC..Microsoft is now telling the consumer, Xbox 🎮 & PC 💻 are one unified platform sharing all their games.
And you do not think its a steam is type box?
Xbox one keyboard & mouse support
Xbox getting UWP support
Xbox & PC now share windows store which will have PC & Xbox games distributed. On the online store front.
Xbox will share PC peripherals
Xbox will have play anywhere
The Xbox is now just a platform 👉 under windows 10👈
Just like the media center PC was..its no different..same tactic Microsoft. Has been using for years.

fatsodubmo2909d ago


You dont see the difference between 2x power improvement and 5x power improvement?

If, and that's IF THE 5.5tflop rumor is true, scorpio is still almost doubling the performance improvement over the Neo's 2.75x improvement.

And here's the thing...

6tflops will not bring us native 4k gaming at a stable fps with anything more than a mediocre graphical setting. So what does that extra hp give to scorpio owners? The logical answer would be other assets like improved ai, aa, framerate oncreases at 1080p etc... But how can such a game exist on both systems? How can Battlefield be played online scorpio vs bone? Is that extra power waisted to keep parity with the bone? Or, drumroll please......scorpio is actually a generational leap and gets its own games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2909d ago
Condemnedman2909d ago

kingthrash you wouldn't agree on anything if it benefited the xbox even if it was fact.

2909d ago Replies(1)
AAWELLS092909d ago

It was all about the power with the PS4. Is it different now?

ILostMyMind2909d ago

Let me guess, you bought a PS4 because of its power, right? If not, you do not know why people bought it.

Silly gameAr2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

Wasn't about the power to me. Looks like you're taking MS's point of view on the situation. It we up the , power, then maybe we'll actually sell consoles, because all that matters is the power.

JackStraw2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

you don't even know anything about the neo. neither does the author of this lame article. microsoft hasn't labeled the scorpio as a next-gen console, and neither sony has labeled the neo as a current-gen console. you pseudogamers need to shut up and stop it. the fanboyism is showing and it's pitiful.

leoms2909d ago

Sigh, Sony labelled the Neo as current gen. Please get your facts right before calling fanboyism

JackStraw2906d ago

@leoms no they haven't, dumb nigger. stick to being a pseudogamer.

thoract2909d ago

I agree with you. When the PS4 was shown to be more powerful than the XBone, these fanboys denied it. Than they said the xbox is better because it had more games and power does not matter. Xbox fanboys also said the power of the cloud will make the console more powerful than the PS4. So what happened to this cloud power? Now that Scorpio is more powerful than the Neo, power matters again.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2906d ago
Rimeskeem2909d ago (Edited 2908d ago )

Here let me write an article about how something that no one has seen and is only confirmed to be 6 teraflops which half the people dont understand is better than this thing that has only been confirmed to exists and there is literally nothing else about it.

Jesus this is such a pointless click-bait article. Why are people allowed to "fix" lame and "other" reports now?

2cents2909d ago


This reads like it was written by a 10 year old. Is this article really needed here? It's just a lame attempt at stoking the fire.

Don't bite.

iNathan2909d ago

Doing useless articles about things we haven't seen yet, yes you went full retard.

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Exvalos3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Im still confused as to why we never got a remake.


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Nook3d ago

As a note, this is topical because it's currently on Kickstarter for funding.


NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry

The NVIDIA RTX Remix tool is redefining the gaming industry and the modding community in the best way possible.

Einhander19721d 17h ago

"NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry"

True, the especially for all the industry that gets put out of work by it.

generic-user-name1d 14h ago

Have you ever used a self service checkout in a store? Should we ditch alarm clocks so that we can hire people to shoot peas at our bedroom windows to wake us up like they did in the 1800s?

Einhander19721d 14h ago

Working at a grocery store as a checkout clerk used to be a respectable job that could support a family.

romulus231d 14h ago

I try to avoid them at all costs, why should we do a cashiers/clerks job without any training and without being paid for it? Comparing people losing their jobs to A.I. to people from the 1800's shooting peas is hilarious, good try though.

just_looken1d 3h ago

Gues you never saw the fast food joints that had ai everything even cooking was done by robots.