
Mass Effect 4 To Have Emotionally Believable Characters With Realistic Animations

The chances are good that if you played Mass Effect 3 and enjoyed it, then you played it multiple times.

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DarkOcelet3503d ago

Yes, we know Mass Effect will have Graphics. Now, where is the gameplay? Stop teasing us and show us the gameplay please.

vishmarx3503d ago

i hope its not as boring as da:inquisition.
controversial opinion yeah i know.

btw i would love a melee focused build in ME with lots of biotics, and i dont mean like vanguard and adepts.i mean a guy who uses melee weapons and a light pistol at most ,combined with heavy biotics.

also, ive always wondered , why has ME always looked way better than dragon age graphically...

DarkOcelet3503d ago

Mass Effect gameplay is great. DA Inquisition on the other hand could use a bit more polish.

Mass Effect 1 was my favorite in term of Biotics. Kaiden and Liara with Biotic Shepard was unstoppable even on Insane.

I played with the final boss like a fiddle. He couldn't even touch me.

I think Mass Effect sort of gives you the hint it looks better because it is futuristic with all the pretty lights and stuff.

While Dragon Age is in old time where there were barely any lights or cool stuff.

Still though Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect 1 are my favorites.

Saijahn3503d ago

i took a shot on Dragon Age before and really didn't like it. I love the inquisition, sorry you can't find the same level of enjoyment.

A melee build would be interesting to see in ME.

slappy5083503d ago

no youre right DA:I, with all the content it had, most of it felt rather irrelevant. Probably 15/80 hours was great, and that was the main quests. Now in this game they can get away with those big open environments because it's space so one would want to explore the planets, just not too many fetch quests pleez. Also I hope they dont use Inquisition's crappy party system and tactical combat, stick with mass effect.

MAULxx3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

DA Inquisition bored me to tears. I can't play it without falling asleep. The world is so stale. IDK, maybe I didn't push far enough into the game. I wasn't amused by the UI either.
Again, felt old/stale & annoying.

I also agree with DarkOcelet. I enjoyed ME 1 very much & 2 seemed like a step back in many ways with refinement in cover & some controls. I never got around to 3.
ME1 had more character abilities, energy weapons without ammo clips, the ability to crouch when not in cover & seemed more open & bigger with the landing on planets & exploring. Some had facilities/places to delve.
DA Origins wasn't bad either.

I had given up on Bioware games but with all the praise DA Inquisition was getting at launch I went against my own judgement & made the purchase thinking I may judging Ol Bioware to harshly. Unfortunately I can't get into the game & my suspicious judgements seem accurate.

decrypt3503d ago

DA Inquisition was intended for the wider audience a game completely dumbed down. Compare it to something like Dragon age origins and you see the game has been stripped off by everything that made origins such a tactical game.

Playing DA:I feels like playing a hack and slash game with little to no strategy required. I would think Bioware will take a similar turn with Mass effect.

showtimefolks3502d ago


I am with you I found dragon age boring overall. Yes there was a lot of do but most of it were fetch quests

And game play looked good but didn't feel good playing. I am in the minority but I thought DA:I wasn't all that

Also bio ware after the so called promises of every decision will matter than giving us 3 endings. You have no credibility. Prove it more than talk about it

E3 2015 ME needs to make a huge impact showing game play and more.

My ideal E3 lineup and games

Mass effect game play release window
uncharted 4 Game play exact date
halo 5 guardians live demo and release date
tomb rider demo and release
Gran Turismo no numbered entry just GT for ps4
god of war trailer or demo since it's already confirmed

Shenmue 1 and 2 HD remakes and someone actually buying the dawn IP from Sega(hopefully sony since sony supports niche games)

MGS 1 remake complete for next gen
MGS collection for next gen consoles
street fighter 5 gameplay

Sunset overdrive coming to ps4 (yes it is possible insomniac owns the IP) and xbox fans didn't support a game that was basically the best game of 2014 and a new IP

Ratchet and clank remake which is confirmed
a new SLY game
a new jak and dexter game
sony please buy crash Ip

Crackdown demo please MS please pretty please

Uncharted trilogy on ps4 remake
gears of war trilogy on Xbox one remake

What are media molecule working on
what are the 2 teams at guerrilla games working on

New shadow of colossus game please or a complete remake with more bosses

A complete ico remake

Some news if not actual demo and release of the last guardian

What are sony London working on

What about some of sony Japan studios

A new FALLOUT PLEASE and while we wait give us fallout 3 and new Vegas with all the dlc on next gen long with skyrim

A new resident evil game. I would love to get a complete remake of resident evil 4

A new darksiders games please

I hope at GT game awards we find out what the 2nd team at ND are working on

red dead redemption
bully 2
new my Payne
new mafia
new midnight club

Come on take two

and so much more

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3502d ago
ApolloTheBoss3503d ago

Probably not until E3. Good news is only less than 4 months left to go!

Jaqen_Hghar3503d ago

hopefully more like ME3 than 1. A man really enjoyed 3 and its versatile gameplay where you could do a cinematic mode or a hardcore RPG mode

DarkOcelet3503d ago

Hopefully this game takes the best of all 3 games.

Joey_Leone3503d ago

EMOTIONALLY BELIEVABLE lol, is this game going to have DLC packs on day one as well? LOL

IrisHeart3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )

"Yes, we know Mass Effect will have Graphics. Now, where is the gameplay?" Shut up it can be a "cinematic" experience! :D I'm expecting it to be exactly like ME3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3502d ago
Letthewookiewin3503d ago

Mass Effect is my favorite series. That is all.

Aloy-Boyfriend3503d ago

But which is your favorite color tho?

DarkOcelet3503d ago

+bub for funny. That made me laugh so hard.

chrissx3503d ago

I hope this game is more like the 1st mass effect than the others

Immorals3503d ago

I liked elements of 1, got really annoyed with the lack of weapons on 2.

But I preferred the combat in 3

Saints943503d ago

Lack of weapons? Each weapon was unique in ME2.. Unless you caunt the same weapons with different colors different..

ApolloTheBoss3503d ago

Yes, this is all I ask. Mass Effect 1 was my absolute fav.

Saijahn3503d ago

ME1 was perfect with the exception of planet traversal. The mako was TERRIBLE.

deafdani3503d ago

Weapon and armor upgrades weren't exactly fun, either.

Although I quite enjoyed the Mako sections, clunky controls and all. I'll take that over ME2's awful planet scanning any day of the week. Good thing they toned that bullshit down on ME3, and overall, that game was the best, gameplay-wise. It was the one that found the best balance between RPG and Combat and weapon and armor management, IMO.

The first ME game still had the best story and narrative and character development, though. But that may have been precisely because it was the first in the series, so it had to focus on story and development more, in order to introduce us to its universe correctly.

strangeaeon3503d ago

Especially the 80's Carpenter-esque sound track.They got away from a few things that made it stand out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3503d ago
Ogygian3503d ago

Well you're in luck, because given Bioware's trend, this game will be 100% gay characters, so that those cis scum who make up 97% of the world's population can be represented fairly.

Hang on...

Swiftfox3503d ago

The term "cis" is short for "cisgender" or those who feel their gender matched the sex they were born with i.e the opposite of transgender. "Cis" has nothing to do with homo, or heterosexuality. So do please research and understand a term before just reciting a word you read on tumblr.

Also roughly about 10-14% of the USA population is homosexual. 6-8% is bisexual and there are emerging pan-sexual and asexual demographics as well. Given those numbers 1 in 4/5 people are a different sexuality to heterosexual. Knowing this can I walk into a game store and see a 25% dignified representation in games of these different sexualities? No? Then isn't it fair we change that? This argument can also be extended to people of color in games but that's another post entirely.

Naga3503d ago

@ Swiftfox

Every reliable percentage I have seen places the number roughly between 2-4%.

And regardless of the statistics or your view on the matter, the issue of human sexuality has significant moral qualities attached to it. Therefore, any argument for or against the overt approval or praise of homosexual behavior needs to address these concerns. Simple demographical statistics is not a compelling avenue of persuasion.

That is to say, someone who has moral objections to homosexual behavior is not going to be swayed by any measure of demographics. Because after all, what is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.

Ogygian3503d ago (Edited 3503d ago )


Your stats are incorrect.

Here are some citations:

UK (2.7%:2011:16-24 year olds) http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/d...

Ireland (1.5%:2006)

USA (3.8%:2011)

Norway (3.25%:1988)
Sundet JM, Kvalem IL, Magnus P, Bakketeig LS (1988)

I used to think it was 5%, but that's not correct. The LGBT community is very, very small, and while that does not make them less worthy of rights than everyone else, it does mean that giving them a lot of focus in-game is a bit unfair on everyone else.

I mean why not give lesbian and gay players a romance option? That seems fair to everyone. But when Bioware make a big deal out of it and make almost every party member LGBT, things get a bit silly to be honest. Not to mention their consistent advertising of the fact that there are LGBT characters.

I think I'm being reasonable, and more than fair in arguing this.

SaveFerris3503d ago

Try Craigslist or Grindr.

S-So I've heard.

slappy5083503d ago

What I do give Bioware, is that their bromance scenes are some of the most Entertaining. Male Shephard and Garrus, and Inquisitor and Iron Bull just made me laugh

Sir_Simba3503d ago

then show something at GDC. a trailer or gameplay or even secret gameplay room which is gonna get leaked but wont look as good bcuz its not direct feed. Just anything.

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Mass Effect 4 and The Challenges of Canonicity in Choice-Based Games

Game Rant Writes "Canonicity can be a tricky nut to crack in franchises with continuing narratives, and that's something Mass Effect 4 will need to contend with."

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just_looken528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

wow gamerant forgot mass effect 4 came out years ago number 6 and 7 were cancelled.

The new mass effect which can be called number 5 will not have any of your choices why you might ask?

Well dragon age keep were your choices from number one can been seen in number 3 got unplugged from number one and number 2 is finicky.

Dragon age on pc requires a mod to get past the server login and non of your choices get uploaded to the keep even the dlc no longer works sense it needs a server check.

On xbox i teseted this only though local saves i was able to transfer choices from one to too but 0 of one dlc would work.

So if the more popular dragon age series is in this state why would they care about your mass effect choices?

Oh and that remaster that was tossed out still has day one issues and number 3 is still hard to play on pc do to lighting issues and ram limits imposed from 2014.

My expectations for the next bioware 2.0 titles is very low.

phoenixwing528d ago

They should redo the main trilogy

just_looken528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

They should redo the dragon age trilogy for sure on pc DA1 the ui is messed up sense it was for 4080p/720i days back in 2005. Getting to run is also very hard

The only way to play dragon age one is via xbox one backwards compatable state.

The ps3 version of dragon age one is pre throphy/ in game xmb so it has the freezing/crashing issues or just will not run.

just_looken528d ago

Well i am not American so please enlighten me on usa education before your country invades mine and forces us into your society

GhostScholar528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

@ just_looken

Did I mention education? Never said America did have negative points. I know for all you “enlightened” people you think everything is either all good or all bad, but in reality that’s not how life works. We have a government that traded a known terrorist for a basketball player who moonlights as a drug dealer. We aren’t perfect by a long shot. If you want to go political though how about your leader leaving his own country when the truck driver strike happened?

porkChop528d ago

Dragon Age is not more popular than Mass Effect.

shinoff2183528d ago

Yea I read that and was like I've heard way more people talk mass effect compared to dragon age. Personally I'm more into mass effect. It's got the whole dope ass sci fi thing going on while dragon age has the same old medieval thing

gold_drake528d ago

andromeda is a spin off tjo and not considerd a numvered title. as it has to 99% nothing to do with the trilogy.

i think they need to make the destroy perfect ending canon.
we need more of shepard. haha.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 528d ago

Mass Effect 4 Can Explore Post-Apocalyptic Themes

Game Rant Writes "Mass Effect 4 will likely treat Mass Effect 3’s Destroy ending as canon, and this gives it an opportunity to explore a post-apocalyptic galaxy."

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Rebel_Scum681d ago

Destroy is the best choice. Bring the relays back over the course of a new trilogy, maybe right at the end of the first game. Say it was Cerberus, Salarians or a bunch of keepers that created a relay.


Mass Effect 4 Needs to Make One Major Change with the Protagonist

Game Rant Writes "Mass Effect 4 has plenty of opportunities to change a lot about the franchise, particularly in the protagonist players can create."

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BrainSyphoned681d ago

Tons of opportunities since most anyone who made it special is long gone

ClayRules2012681d ago

“Mass Effect 4 Needs to Make One Major Change with the Protagonist“

To make sure the main characters face isn’t tired with the released game?