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It could just be a PSN downloadable version of that same game which comes out really soon. It would make sense since Sega have released so many sonic and classic collections that people probably don't even notice them. This would get them noticed.

5745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No one knows the awesomeness that is the DJ Max series. The PSP is worth buying for them alone. Plus you can get 100+ hours out of Disgaea easily with the sequel coming out soon.

Then there's FF Crisis Core, Dissidia, Tactics, Jean d'Arc, MGS Portable Ops, Monster Hunter, Tales of the World, Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean, LocoRoco, God of War, Patapon, Mega Man, Wipeout, Syphon Filter, a bunch of great fighting games, alternate versions of sports games that are actua...

5747d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Clearly the people I was responding to don't so your statement is pointless. Besides, how is a PS3 Best Games list off-topic when someone starts talking about PS3 games in a thread about a 360 Best Game list? And how does said list warrant a disagree?

5847d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are you kidding? Without checking the others, I can tell from an initial look-through on that list that at least 13/14 titles are also on the PS3.

Uncharted, MGS4, Disgaea 3, MLB 08: The Show, Warhawk, Ratchet & Clank Future, Super Stardust HD, Pixeljunk Eden and PJ Monsters would make the list and considering the 360 list is random enough to include COD2, Resistance plus many others would fit too. SCIV, Burnout Paradise and Bionic Commando: Rearmed should easily be on both ...

5847d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually, what he's said makes sense if you take even a moment to consider that perceptions other than your own do exist.

The companies that create JRPGs are used to making them for a Japanese market. The 360 obviously isn't doing very well in Japan so they are attempting to adapt to the American/360 market (which as a whole isn't so much JRPG fans as they are FPS/XBL fans) in order to sell more games. Clearly, this is causing games of a standard below we're used to expecting - ...

5863d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

And you missed one of the biggest games coming out on the system soon: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. The sudden influx of great games (plus Agito announcement) are the reason I finally got around to picking the PSP up. Playing Disgaea: AoD right now, getting D3 soon. ^^

5867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The PSP needs more Brain Trainings and less generic racer/shooter #21 to thrive."

How about neither... the PSP doesn't need to become the target of shovelware.

5879d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your point makes no sense. Sure they have Xbox originals above 350MB; and sure they've raised the cap on XBLA games a few times. That doesn't suggest that they'll immediately raise the cap up to several Gig. And they obviously won't add a separate category just for Burnout Paradise - a game that's already sold on disc.

Of course, if some high up guy in Microsoft gets annoyed that it's only online on PSN then they'll add it just to make the point that they aren't behind.

5883d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know much about this so: does it reduce the possibility of getting the RROD? I want a 360 (if only for Fable 2 and some other RPGs) but I'm waiting till it gets more stable hardware. Also, do I need to pay for XBL for Fable 2's co-op?

5889d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the point people are trying to make is that Lost Odyssey was 4 discs. FFXIII is expected to be bigger game than LO, so a 360 version is presumed to be 5 or 6. Far more than FF7's 3 discs.

5890d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Edit: clicked the wrong Reply button.

5890d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They fail for releasing a demo of FFXIII - something that everyone wanted them to do?

But, uh... March '09 is a bit of a long time. Hopefully it means they plan on releasing the game soon after but I remember a long-ish wait between the FFX demo and game. :(

5895d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nope, sadly there was an article a while back that said Sony had canned them to put the money towards some other game/s. It's too bad since I was rather interested in Eight Days but if the money is better spent improving another great game or two, it's not a big deal.

It's good to be reminded that Sony have got a major advantage over Microsoft after FFXIII went multiplat - I've seen so many people say they're not getting a PS3 now, it's disappointing. With so many more exclusives...

5901d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree that Resistance 2 should have been in this list and GT are clearly going out of their way to ignore it. They'd rather show off SFIV instead. No offense meant to SFIV of course - it's looks good, but then again so does that PS3 Naruto fighting game. Soul Calibur IV isn't exactly behind it graphics-wise either.

5903d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mei Ling was awesome and anyone who disagrees should simply stop playing MGS games.

And who complains about "Snake? SNAKE!? SNAAAAAAKE!!!", it's one of the defining quotes of the series.

5904d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How do you expect co-op to work well on the Wii...? Most likely it'll be cut from the Wii version and you'll be stuck with the AI partner throughout the game. That seems like a major negative point in gameplay to me. :/

5905d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Give it a rest, guys. He originally wanted everything to be fully destructible, completely realistically. It's pretty obvious his vision of what Next Gen should be far exceeds current capabilities of the consoles - probably even maxed out Crysis PCs. He'll continue to make great games that other people couldn't so no need to worry/complain.

I'm just slightly worried that he'll start making 720 exclusives if the PS4 doesn't come out soon enough.

5906d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I completely agree with Sonarus on this one. Since when has Microsoft ever passed up the chance to push a lot of marketing for the games they know will sell well on their system? Besides, the game's not supposed to be coming out till 2009 and, as previously mentioned, there's to be no word on 2 until the PS3 version of 1 is released.

After reading the article, I can see that cp68 completely twisted it with his title. The update doesn't help any and pretty much clarifies that he s...

5908d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you really think that Half Life 3 will be out before the xbox720 is released? HL2: Episode 3 probably will, but there's no chance of HL3 being on the 360. You'll be lucky if it's done within 5 years of Episode 3 (unless they do episodes again).

5910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't know what you're talking about at all. If any game can be considered an addiction, it's WoW. Of all the people on the college course I just finished, the only ones that failed/nearly failed were my friends that play the game.

They literally stayed up all night playing it at times, took a lot of time off and ended up with very lax attitudes about bothering with the work - not that I was much different. Everyone else sailed through the course. I also had another friend w...

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment