
CRank: 5Score: 14420

Seriously, we need a secret theatre for MGS4.

5653d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it possible to say "took them long enough" too many times?

5654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Training mode...

5656d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"In 2009, Maeda will begin to push Nagoshi on a more worldwide level."

Indirect Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan! and/or Yakuza 3 localisation announcement for the win?

"Maeda believes Nagoshi could be the next Hideo Kojima, meaning a game director that could produce games that appeal audiences on a large scale."

I always saw Kojima as more of an innovator and director of badass cut-scenes, myself.

There was an article a while back w...

5656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Second video, dude.

5657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it's as simple as Kojima wanting to make the best games possible. He's not going to give a damn whether he can make more sales by making a game multi-platform.

Perhaps if MGS4 hadn't done as well as it did, Konami would have been able to force his hand. But, as it is he's going to continue working with the best hardware available to him.

If another team wants to port the code as best as they can, I doubt he'll care. But he'll make sure his version is finished...

5657d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, I think a spinoff series starring Raiden with Kojima's team working with Team Ninja would be absolutely amazing if done right. Typical MGS stealth, story, cinematics and some cool guns (even if their use gets toned down some) along with NG close combat fighting, ninja maneuverability and a range of awesome melee weapons.

5658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never said anything about double download sizes compared to game size on disc. I said you need double the amount of storage on your hard drive to install something you've downloaded because you need both the space for the installation as well as the files being installed.

For example, if KZ2 is 20GB to download then you'd need 40GB+ on your hard drive when you begin installing it. Which is why it will never be downloadable unless huge hard disk drive's become standard for the P...

5658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just wondering but isn't uncompressed 7.1 surround sound supposed to take up a lot of disc space? What use is a feature that few of the best titles will even be able to utilise?

5658d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So basically they expect us to hate our PS3s because bandwidth costs go to the publishers instead of us? Can't say I see the logic in that.

If there was no profit in sticking various videos and demos of games on the PSN then they wouldn't do it. Considering I'm still seeing some pretty crappy demos appear, they must somehow sell a lot of games.

5662d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh... people here seem to be forgetting that you need double the space to install a downloaded game. Those claiming KZ2 would be a 40GB download should immediately see that it's impossible to install a game that big, even on an 80 gig console - which is really a few less.

40 gigs for KZ2 sounds kind of high so I'd rather agree with those who said 25, which wouldn't be capable of installing on a 40GB console. As well as the obviously huge download, I don't get why anyone would ex...

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except most people seem to think MGS4 is better than most of them. Go figure. If it's not your kind of game that's fine, but don't go around making statements as if your opinion is the global standard.

5678d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you read the article...? They said it was announced in the latest Famitsu. Additional information:

I'm pretty sure this is the source of the rumour of BlazBlue's PS3 release as well as unfounded statements of exclusivity:

Probably because you don't follow Japanese arcade gaming, good 2D fighters or play Guilty Gear.

Another article based on nothing... there was some leaked info that let people know the game was coming out for the PS3. It never said anything about the game being exclusive and anyone who thought so was simply making illogical assumptions. It's pretty rare for a fighting game to make more profit by being exclusive.

Hope there's an English release for the EU/US so I don't...

5680d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm agreeing with you that the problem is Square-Enix at the moment but claiming that their last good game was FFVII is bull. They've released loads of great games since FF7; it's the last few years (and primarily in the introduction of 'next-gen gaming') where they've let us down.

But... it makes a certain amount of sense that we're hardly seeing any JRPGs from other companies considering how PS3/360 games need huge budgets and developers would rather go with the easy option of...

5695d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The start menu has a couple seconds loading time... the easydrive menu doesn't. It's clear which is the better choice. Why the hell would they need to explain how you lost? The events are pretty self-explanatory.

5706d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Edit: responded to the wrong post.

5706d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My tastes are pretty much the same as yours (well, they are only video game characters ^^;). The article sucks.

5708d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously. What? Sony don't pay for exclusives and have stated as such. It's something many people have considered a weakness in the past considering how little problem Microsoft has shown doing the same. Now, Sony are really starting to show off their first-party developers and thus aren't being looked down upon so much.

However Microsoft convinced S-E to give up exclusivity for XIII (many people assume money), they obviously couldn't get them to do the same for Versus. Or, they...

5736d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

They need to keep at least one (although more likely two due to all the complaints) analogue stick even if they do add a touchscreen. With the graphics nearing PS3 levels, they can't attempt to get away with what is pretty much 2D gaming controls like the DS does. Using the touchscreen for movement is not fun, except in rare inovative or unique games, mainly due to it requiring your main hand for any degree of accuracy and cutting down on buttons.

Don't you think your point about...

5739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment