
CRank: 5Score: 3140

connection has timed out... hmm they must be updating the stream so that it will play for us millions to watch

5123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats actually a pretty neat idea. If ps4 has no b/c for ps3 games then this type of device can be released along side seperately from the ps4 thus allowing sony to make ps4 even cheaper than if it had b/c and the device will likely be cheap. I would buy it.

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

come to think of it, what IS an x-box? lol at least a name like playstation makes sense. Nintendo gained it's name popularity over the years and everyone knows what a nintendo is(gameboy,ds,snes etc...).

5129d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ironstar is more of a Social gaming site than a gaming news site... I can agree that their profanity and rudeness is something no body wants to hear but in reality im sure other "journalist" are not quite the saints... I can agree with the girl though that it is not like the original ratchet and clank games even if it is a spin-off. It looks ok but i prefer the classics. Average gamers will prefer this game though..

5131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the first Cole in the first game always reminded me of Nathan Hale in Resistance lol... The new cole looks similar to the old one in that maybe he gained a little weight, grew some hair and hopefully is evil voice is gone.

5142d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It is ridiculous how you can not deactivate your ps3 ever no matter what. I mean technically by not allowing to do so, Sony is allowing more money to be lost since those accounts with activated accounts are "stealing" where it would be way easier if they can just allow you to deactivate a ps3 thus allowing for more devs to recieve money as the other users would have to buy the games or that the devs would no longer loose money.... Plus if you can not access your content then you lo...

5145d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe if homebrews and such get created if maybe eventually a network on the ps3 will be created. Sorta like on the Xbox 1 when it was hacked and microsoft banned consoles then hackers joined togehter to make thier own network to play games, multiplayer and such to use xbox live for free...?

If that were to happen on PsJb ps3s then people can still play online but through the hacker network lol... Who knows.

Oh and on the hacker network the psn store would ha...

5145d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If this is the case then perhaps the keys to the ps3 were not really stolen as said in many articles arounf the web but as thx to geohot it was rather obtained through revers engineering from this exploit, so this may make it harder for Sony to bring Psjailbreak to court over something such as stolen property as that may have never happened in the first place...

As for homebrew, i would imagin it being very difficult for homebrewers to create since the ps3 has a complex way t...

5146d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Valve, the company that hated SONY sooo much, came up with this for their hate towards sony and since receiving debug units decided to make a few extra dollars after reverse engineering the units and using what they already know thus producing th PS Jailbreak, hahahaha OHHHH JUST KIDDING.

But seriously speaking Sony will just change the keys and change boot sequence as everyone is saying, but then the PS Jailbreak producers will just update there stuff prolly with downloadabl...

5149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

reminds me of how the psp was hacked, as an alternate way in the case that i mean the way of the battery/ magic memory stick hack which is Sony's method to revive dead psps... Well it seems that this time on ps3 files have been "borrowed" and now some chineese manufacturer is making these things with those files to enable debug mode... I am going off of what most of you are saying, so for all we know it may not even work that way...

No matter though because if ...

5149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, games are supposed to be a way of escaping reality, and they still are, don't get me wrong... But the games theese days are just getting closer and closer to being the real life shooter or the real life rpg lol... No wonder i freakin enjoyed games back then that just plain out did not make sense (spyro, crach banicoot, mario, final fantasy, etc... games that were so far from being real.

Even so tho, i do love games of this generation as well.

5188d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

prescription drugs are more harmful than 3D. Sympthons only affect som people not all, glad i am the type who never had any issue with 3d movies and such. I however will treat 3D gaming as a gift and only take part in in every maybe 2 time a weeks, to do it every day is just too much, i wanna be able to say " alright today is gonna be one hell of a day playing killzone 3 in 3d with move support!" lol

5189d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

it is understandable that games like counterstrike were good in terms of gameplay but not in graphics but do not forget that-that was generations ago when graphics really did not matter. WELCOME TO THE NEXT GENERATION where graphics DO matter, and infact every ps3 game that i have seen that has extreme graphics, gow3,killzone 2, uncharted 1 and 2 etc... all have MAD gameplay, not to mention those game are created by talented game devs... SO... DO NOT STAY STUCK IN THE PAST! Graphics is the ne...

5191d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

LAUGH OUT LOUD, i do not know why but for some reason when i saw the video of this game, i seriously was like WTF and then cracked up!

Anyways, when will there be true "ADULT" games, you know... hehehe jk.

5194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It actually doest look full on real life. I mean pretty dang close but... I would say the picture was taken of real life car then edited to fit the stlye of the web site, if that made sense lol...

As for GT5 i wouldnt be suprised if they suprised us with that car in that game, then again they can lie too remember the dude who akes god of war and twisted metal said twisted metal was no coming to ps3 currently, then at e3 it showed... lol on g4 he even sed he lied.... pretty mu...

5194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

until u posting that comment, i didnt realize how many exlusives sony had, come to think of it that is very impressive. Of course tho u missed up a few upcoming ones, i think...

5195d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i sure hope THE OTHER company, *cough* MICROSOFT *cough*

will LEARN from it's "past mistakes". *cough* RROD *cough*

oooohh i crack my self up.

5195d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea i think it's only a matter of opinion to determine if 360 is better let alone if ps3 is better, that is of course how you see it as far as features go... In the end, ps3 is technically better in terms of more features (amount of game exclusives uncluded). Then again this is just another flame bait article... lawl

5195d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

well, i have never had any issues playing games and having motion sickness. If I do have motion sickness at times i obviously don't notice it or i'm too much into the games... I guess this new 3d will test my guts, then again if i can handle 2-3 hours of 3D movies in theaters then i'm sure i'm good to go... As far as other people go, well could always be the T.v no? perhaps some t/v show differenct outcomes in terms of motion sickness sympthns and just so happens for u to feel...

5206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And the girl friend was never seen again...

5206d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment