
CRank: 5Score: 3140

Only reason COD is so popular is because of the impossible game machanics compared to real life military style battle. What i mean is in cod games you have people that aim with super sensitivity, knife melee jolt from 5 feet away, small map battles that make no actuall sense and impossible things such as insane single shot gun quick fire which some people make mods for. Sure it is very game like and maybe not meant to be realistic but if you ask me, Battlefield, a much more reaslistic warfare...

5010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow! and not too long ago i envisioned using a device like this to take advantage of Gran Turismos head tracking feature!!! In other words playing GT5 with this and using head tracking along with surround sound directly into your ears with a racing wheel AND 3d makes for a true driving expirience. lol. Imagine looking into your cockpit and actually looking at it without having to keep your eyes on the tv.. Sorry 4 my spelling but i can care less at this momemtn!

5010d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just hope that the hackers don't hack online and start cheating using cheat programs on ps3 like they did on psp, that would ruin online for me and i don't know what i would do... I think though however that sells of games while obviously sells may not be as high as originally thought, will still be good as they are on 360, wii, psp, and pc, all which have pirates lurking them........

5013d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It may be true that pc has better graphics than console games, depending of course what pc you have or what cpu and or graphics cards you may have, but the problem is that since there are so many different pcs with so many different cpus and GFX cards, sound cards, etc it is not as easy to code a game to use the full potential of the pc compared to a ps3 or 360. Ps3 since there is only one ps3 that always has the same chips inside can allow devs to gain expireince on coding and thus produce g...

5032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmm well now that you mention that, it might also be able to play ps minis.It would be a great way to expand the ps minis market... I would really not mind haveing that phone if it does get minis, then i'll be able to play android games, ps1 games, psp minis and if the phone is rooted then nintendo and other emulators which would worked EVEN BETTER on the psp phone!

5046d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i see what you mean however even though Hitler thought what he was doing was for the best of Germany, he tried to take over the whole world and in the name of religion yet ofcourse failed. I'm pretty sure he was not a Christian. communism/fascism = atheism in its purest form...Oh btw the Jewish God is the same as the Christian God unless your a zionist jew... anyways enough of the religious talk lol, 4:20 may, to many Americans mean national weed day but it is also Hitler's B-day.

5048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360s with RROD's will make great ornaments on my tree this year! lets just hope they dont fry the tree up O_O

5050d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow! this just made me want to buy GT5 even more now, however i need to save some money so that when i do buy it i will also buy the GT5 wheel!

5050d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

fake and g.............

come on now.

5058d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but don't forget that more pixels= much more space required on disc. lets just hope Nintendo and Microsoft turn to bluray if thats the case.

5081d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

It will never happen.

5082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahaha heres an easy one

Mario: http://www.geekologie.com/2...

5082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, you made it at first sound like something the Xbots can agree with which is also a fact that each generation the limits are less and less then you go on to say how the ps3 basically is that much of a beast being able to show the unbelievers that it has powers yet to be unleashed (even still) yet the xbots deny that as a FACT lol....

Can't w8 4 KILLZONE 3!

5087d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

gonna miss the good old days going to the good old blockbuster to pick up a few movies, and games :) while grabin a few packs of popcorn than not returing the movies and games for like another 2 weeks lol... good times.

Well i'd say 50 years from now everything will be digital infact maybe even 20 years.

5116d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here i am waiting for what can and will be a great game, and now i have to wait for an awesome trailer. I don't see how hard it is for SE to post a few videos on the internet. Why tease us! lol.

Well ones things for sure, i will be getting the game even it if takes 5 years to release *knocks on wood*.

5116d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well now that hacked ps3 users can do this soon more than liekly someone will create a homebrew psn store for thier own apps. Sorta like cydia on jailbroken ipod touches....

One thing i know is that the psp when it was hacked the online was ruined, well if hackers can create their own netowrk than we dont have to worry about anoyying hackers shooting millions of rockets at cheating and such.

5117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i wouldnt mind a psp phone but the only thing i can see that would really bother me is getting a call or text message while playing a game, that or having to worry about battery life since i would always be playing it lol

They really need to come up with new battery tech. Like biological batteries that rely on self producing cells. haha.

5118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

may be your opinion, but IMO your opinion sucks lol. GOW3 is epic and i don't see how someone who has played the first 2 would prefer them over this mind blowing game.

5119d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

you only seen like 30 secs of leaked video and like 5 secs of combat and your already complaining? TISK

5121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment