
CRank: 5Score: 45420

The game looks amazing and runs really well as well. I'm hoping DQ11 will look as great on PS4!

3487d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

First game on a console I owned was NHL 98 on PS1, First game? Can't remember, might have been duck hunter or pong?

3488d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They cost $70 because the CAD is in the toilet now. Kinda sucks because when the American dollar was doing terribly the Canadian dollar never saw a benefit.

3489d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Around $315 USD is what the Internet tells me. That would be for a hopeful bundle with games and taxes included as well. Anything over that is too much until they show long term support.

3489d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PT demo would be pretty effing terrifying. 'Don't look behind you...'

3489d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will set aside 10,000TWD. If it's more than that, no way I can buy it at launch. Hopefully Taiwan gets a fair price for it.

3489d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Luckily I already updated to a 1.5tb HDD.

3489d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've put in about 6 hours so far(PS4). The music is awesome, and the graphics are stunning. The characters have lots of personality as well. The gameplay is what you would expect from this kind of game, and I have no complaints so far!

3489d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let me preorder it on PSN right nowww, that will make the wait slightly easier.

3490d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

My guess is because it's made in Japan.

3490d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So a bunch of people who make video games for a living don't know what gamers are like..? Maybe you are just 'different'. I can guarantee you they aren't in it for the money.

3490d ago 14 agree14 disagreeView comment

Well, I love tv and movies more than video games. Beyond two souls and Heavy Rain are a couple of the best games on the PS3 IMO. Ruining the gaming industry? Lol. If you don't like it, don't buy it. But no way does this game deserve a 4. Another one of my favorites from last gen was Spec Ops. A very basic cover based TPS. That happened to have a great story. Game reviewers are ruining the industry far more than this game is.

3490d ago 20 agree9 disagreeView comment

A 4? Seriously? I am playing through the game now, on chapter 10 and nothing in this game shows it should be anything less than a 7. Where did all this hate come from? Did they expect this game to revolutionize gaming? The graphics are amazing. The story is really good. The setting is great. And the gameplay is fine. It isn't broken. Oh, it has QTEs!!! Guess it has to be a 4. Anything below a 5 means it is an unplayable mess. Which this game definitely is not. Thankfully game reviewers ...

3490d ago 23 agree12 disagreeView comment

My wife is going to think I'm silly when I use this badboy next year. It looks like my headphones will still fit while wearing it. That would be a major issue for me if they didn't.

3490d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

One of my favorite games from last gen. I would love to see a sequel on PS4.

3490d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS3, Persona 4, SotC, GoW1 and Madden 2004 are 5 I would like to see on the list.

3491d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The jump to consoles? It has always been a console game. P3P and P4G are re-releases on portable. P4G is an amazing game. The best RPG I have ever played. Amazing story, amazing characters, great level design, great combat, and a super fun 'life simulator' to round it all off.

3513d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, this is that dude who claimed to have taken down the PSN last year. He put up some threat against Sony on YouTube and everything. Lolz. What a puntz

3513d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Majoras Mask, The Order, Bloodeborne, Zenoblade 3DS, The Witcher 3, MGSV, Bravely Second, Persona Dancing All Night, Fire Emblem, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4 and Persona 5 are the games I am 100% buying this year, could be a few more games added if they look good closer to release.

3514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the vita version works great, vita. If the PS4 version feels better, PS4. I played Rayman Legends on the vita and it was fantastic. I played Rogue Legacy on both and I preferred it on PS4. I love portable gaming since I ride on trains quite a bit and it's wonderful having something to do while I commute. The real trouble I have is choosing between my 3DS or my Vita.

3514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment