
CRank: 5Score: 45420

The difference is that this game is 100% for kids. Living in Japan during this huge craze, you cannot convince me otherwise. Back when Pokemon released in the west did kids have smartphones? Tablets? Minecraft? Pokemon? Skylanders? Etc etc. The 3ds is way more popular in Japan for young kids than it is in the west. In fact, this game bombed until they released the anime almost 6 months after release. That is when it started getting very popular. Last time I checked, western kids don't rea...

3456d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

A children's game based off of mythical Japanese monsters that kids in the west have no clue about? Not likely to be as big as Pokemon. The story is good, the side quests are plentiful but the combat gets old fast.
I haven't played the second one but the first one just didn't quite do it for me(combat wise). You fight with 3 monsters out of your party of 6 on a wheel. You spin the wheel to choose which you want. All fighting is out of your control except each monster has a...

3456d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure they canceled the 3DS version, they announced it last year or something for 3ds, ios and android. Now they talk about it at this hugely 3ds centered announcement party and they removed 3ds from the image. The Japanese says 2015年夏(summer 2015) サービス開始予定。(scheduled to begin service) this sounds like a f2p smartphone game. The only time I see サービス(service) mentioned in gaming is when they are talking about f2p or mmo.

3456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They keep the actual Japanese name of the show/book But they need to change the characters name? That doesn't make much sense.

3457d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And to top it off, a brand new franchise with manga, anime, movie, toys and a game already in the works called SnackWorld. Complete with NFC products to make even more money. Game is for smartphones and 3DS. What a disappointing event. Nintendo might as well buy Level 5, as that is all the seem to care about now. I know it was super unlikely but I was hoping for a ni no Kuni 2 announcement...sigh...a man can dream.

3457d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And Youkai watch smartphone game, Youkai watch attraction at USJ. And a second season of the anime. This is Level 5s money maker now. And a deal with hasbro for toys in the west. And now they just announced Youkai Watch 3 set in America.

3457d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then why don't they have it listed? To me this picture says, it will be on iOS and android.

3457d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It has not been announced for 3DS???

3457d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Got the game on Thursday. My only complaint is that it looks...bad. It plays great, no drop in frame rate from what I've experienced so far but the graphics...not that I care about graphics, but even for a 3DS game they look pretty bad on my 3dsLL. If I were to do a review of the game I wouldn't knock off a point or anything crazy like that, but yeah. The price point of the game was also a nice touch, cheaper in Japan than even some 2 year old games(for a new copy)

3458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In no particular order. FE Awakening, Mario Kart, 3 Zeldas, DQ VII, Kid Icarus, Luigi's mansion, Persona Q, Bravely Default, MH4 and Smash Bros.

3460d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Picked it up on Thursday. Only played for about 10 minutes. Combat seems like it is going to be interesting. The 'monado' is a pretty cool weapon as well. Will play more today.

3460d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only 2 more months =D!

3460d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh boy do I hope so. An absolutely stunning game with a great story and a!azing soundtrack. Fun combat too. I loved just running around the world map listening to the music.

3460d ago 42 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lucky for everybody in the west I guess. Handheld games are more often than not a lot pricier in Japan than the west, maybe Nintendo knew they wouldn't be able to get away with this pricing in the western market. But I'm willing to spend ¥9,000 on basically 3 full FE games. Seeing as FE awakening is still ¥5000 for a new copy.

3461d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, from what I read, both games are roughly the same size as FE awakening. They are basically releasing two games on the same day, they just happen to take place in the same world. And a 'third path' DLC which I am assuming will be quite large as well. Seeing as it is priced the same as the second game for DL version (¥2000). Would you rather they release one game in June and the next game the next year? This isn't like Pokemon red/blue.

3461d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait. Definitely buying the DL version(get both versions in 1, just have to pay an extra ¥2000 for the story you didnt choose the first go through. 2 different stories? With a 3rd being DLC(another ¥2000)? June 25th can't come fast enough.

3461d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

R&C ToD was the first PS3 game I played that made me say, yep, this was worth the purchase of my ps3 and it still looks fantastic now. Can't wait to see Ratchet in fullhd glory.

3461d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

He posted an opinion piece, and I gave my opinion in response. Not my problem some people can't enjoy all Sony has to offer. I don't have to import and I have no problems with Japanese. Y'all missing out on some great games.

3461d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So...it is SMT gameplay with FE looking characters...meaning it is basically just Persona? I wonder how the P team feels about this.

3462d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

IMO, Yakuza Ishin, Yakuza 0, Dragon Quest Heroes and Infamous SS are all amazing games as well.

3462d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment