
CRank: 6Score: 52510

This game is a 7 or 8, it is not that bad atall. I love it, keep turning it off but keep wanting to go back for more. I'm baffled by the bad reviews, completely baffled.

5865d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

over the last couple of years I have learnt that there is so much b*llsh!t in the media. I only really started to follow the games news heavily in that time, and I'm a fool for news and reviews but blimey do they way differ. I find it incredible that a site can give haze 9 and then another 4.5. Same with GTA, you may aswell havwe given out free 10's to all sites and saved them reviewing it, Ive played it about an hour and cannot see 10/10 quality On the other hand ive been playing haze and...

5866d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I absolutely 100% do not understand all of the negative press. Ok, so I could understand some 7's or even 6's (but still harsh IMO), but 4's and 5's, that is complete rubbish. I'm playing Haze and having loads of fun (more than when I put in GTA I have to say), its a very very playable game. 4.5, pah. Must be ps3 haters, why be so harsh when clearly its not THAT bad....?

5866d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I absolutely 100% do not understand all of the negative press. Ok, so I could understand some 7's or even 6's (but still harsh IMO), but 4's and 5's, that is complete rubbish. I'm playing Haze and having loads of fun (more than when I put in GTA I have to say), its a very very playable game. 4.5, pah. Must be ps3 haters, why be so harsh when clearly its not THAT bad....?

5866d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just think it was a good solid fps, the nectar adds something new, as will the nectar when you swap sides, I think the whole game has a lot to look forward to. and the graphics are great, no popin or slow down, just a nice fps to pick up and play anytime you like. Ive pre-ordered mine, looking forward to it

5880d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I can see why it sold soooooo well, but I kind of regret being hooked by the hype as I don't rate the game that highly at the moment, in fact I have probably only played about an hour, gets a bit repetitive. of course that is just my opinion and not saying its not a great epic game of course.

5883d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

will there be some kind of feedback for konami? Ive been playing the beta and I think it is excellent, however there are a few flaws. one is the weapon balance, I was shooting a guy today with the M4, unloaded a full clip in his gut, didn't die, he shoots me once and I die....I know the whole headshot is best but c'mon, a full clip! also there seems to be no way to run, or climb up a level or climb through windows. I'm looking forward to the full release tho, excellent game and thats just ...

5892d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

doesn't look as good as i thought it would, love the silent hill games, hope this one ends up nicey nice. gotta love the radio static!

5898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok, heres a better idea DOOMZ, lets release it now, and then when it has bugs, errors and doesn't meet the public expectation, see thiese forums go 10 x more crazy. Tell me if you were building a car, and lets say you KNEW that a few things weren't quite right, would you release ot regardless, or would you tell the recipient that you need to delay the car delivery because you want to it to work well?

5898d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

we like rumble and it is coming back, but it wasn't 100% sonys fault we couldn't use it before now, it was that lawsuit/disagreement thing.
anyhow, I find the motion sensitive controls good fun, as long as its not overused, using them in dark sector at the moment to control the glaive, really good

5898d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

well the ps3 has onlt been out 1 year in the uk, so if they bring it out end of this year, that's 18 months. not bad really. What annoys me is all the hype the internet creates, it gets peoples hopes up and everyone starts assuming and creating rumours just to be let down by the official word. Its the same with in-game XMB, all it takes is one article to be posted on N4G titled "in-game XMB next Thursday?" and that's it, 300 comments people going "yay cant wait, I knew it, y...

5899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure the ps3 sales are slow due to the rumours of new bundles coming soon, i.e. GTA bundle/ gun metal MGS bundle, If I was looking to buy a PS3 I'd be waiting in anticipation of the bundle

5899d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, so its been delayed again....no worries huh, we have some great games coming out, all of which we knwo will have some sort of home integration, I'd rather they get it right than launch a half-product, good news I say (in a roundabout way!). I guess for me being in th UK, the PS3 has only been out 1 year, so to experience what I have, and see the progress the PS3 has already made in that 1 year I'm well chuffed anyway, I think it great to be where we are so early on the life of the consol...

5899d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nice one, well done for pushing and securing the release quicker than initially thought for the UK. its nice to devs working with sony to get things done

5899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that article is absolutely hilarious. I think we could sum it all up with this:

" Yer but, no but, my controllers better init, its not fair so yer but my er, um what else, yer I need my hard drive for episodes of raggy dolls, init, and mines just better so therreeeeeee"

5899d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep getting username/password incorrect. And if you try 3 times it temporarily locks you out too

5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ 15.1

nice one, that's cleared that one up for me!

5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

alphanumeric: a password consisting of letters and numbers i.e. password20

5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"niall77 - 1 hour ago
in EU it opens at
midnight tonight CEST or 23:00 GMT "

so a I correct in saying, UK is 2 hours behind CEST so we will get it at 10pm? GMT

5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"It is certainly worth a rental if you like first person shooters but you’ll certainly feel short changed if you buy it."

Please correct me if i'm wrong, but when was this a FPS...?

Also, I think this game is very underated, I'm on chapter 7 now and I have enjoyed every minute so far, very atmospheric, great graphics. ok a few minor glitches but nothing to write home about. The one frustration is when you get to boss battles and there is absolutely no...

5900d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment