
CRank: 11Score: 46100

Between the 48m odd on Xbox and the 20m odd on PSN, that sure is a hell of a lot of revenue to be had. It'll be interesting to see how much Nintendo can grab now they're introducing their own online subscription.

2810d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

It's all part of the Xbox One "family" of devices. The reason for all the talk like it's a new gen is that Scorpio is utilizing all new, unreleased CPU/GPU technology not found in the Xbox One. However, all games/accessories are forwards and backwards compatible. It really is quite a feat of engineering and we don't even know the full specs yet.

2810d ago 9 agree22 disagreeView comment

Disregarding the moronic nature of the start of your comment and instead going to your last point, it's more that they see MAUs (people actively playing games, spending money etc.) in their ecosystem as more important data to the Microsoft business as a whole

2812d ago 2 agree30 disagreeView comment

We all know what you're getting at Aenea but it's not relevant to this article. It's an NPD article, which we all know only covers the United States. Don't worry, we all know PS4 is selling vastly better in other territories, I guess we and users like TheGreatGamer musn't try and congratulate Xbox on any good performance for their machine because PS4 is the superior piece of plastic.

2812d ago 3 agree27 disagreeView comment

"Xbox One was the only [current-generation] console with year-over-year growth"

2812d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Voodoo Vince remastered, Ori 2, Below, Ashen, Cuphead, Gigantic, Turn 10's next game (likely FM7) I know these are less-known titles but some of these titles look super cool

2812d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

He just hears things, we don't know if he's hearing what he hears from "a friend of a friend" or anything. I know his track-record has been fairly accurate, but he also said Kamiya took time off for mental health reasons and Kamiya shut that down. The only thing we can be sure of right now is that we simply don't have the full picture

2812d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

I don't know what to think right now, Phil's comments on Twitter yesterday were quite raw and he did apologize for the studio closure but also said that there are unannounced projects in the works from first/second party devs. Guess we'll just have to wait and find out.

2812d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

It's Microsoft's IP. Whilst such optimism as this is admirable, it is also folly.

2813d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think this will serve as a defining point from hence forth in the differentiation between the PS systems and Xbox. Xbox's strongest games have been heavily MP focused and given the trend of recent games (GTA online, Overwatch etc.) it's understandable to see why Microsoft sees this type of game as being more lucrative. If they keep doing it like they've done with Halo 5, free updates with the OPTION but not necessity to purchase in-game packs, I'm actually fine with this mov...

2813d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is one of the only logical and reasonable comments I've seen made on this site, even the internet, since the cancellation of Scalebound. Kudos.

2813d ago 30 agree16 disagreeView comment

Can we just take a second to take a step back and observe the overblown nature of this news. When Phil and Xbox released the Xbox One S just a few months ago, it was called the "comeback" and his leadership was praised for turning the ship around for the Xbox brand. He cancels a game that was missing deadlines, stuck in development troubles and looking in bad shape and look how quickly people are to jump back on the Xbox hate wagon. It's embarrassing we wish failure on any brand...

2813d ago 55 agree37 disagreeView comment

Platinum were seriously spreading themselves thin. When you have 200 people working on multiple projects, given that 200+ people normally work on ONE AAA game it's not hard to see that MS might've thought they were throwing their money away with Platinum. Rumours also suggest that the most senior staff on Scalebound took an extended break from development, I don't think MS is entirely to blame here.

2813d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

No, this should serve as a warning for any studios that fail to deliver on expectations and deadlines. Microsoft is first and foremost a business and just like with Fable Legends, Scalebound was years delayed and had failed to meet deadlines.

2813d ago 11 agree32 disagreeView comment

Platinum are infamous for not owning the IPs for games that they work on and it's quite the same for a lot of Japanese developers. Of course, Microsoft could sell them the IP but I doubt this will happen. They could license it to them, like what's currently happening with Fable Fortune but this too is doubtful. Like with Fable, I imagine Microsoft will retain the Sclaebound IP, even if there are buyers lined up, as a means of keeping it for future possibilities.

2814d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Microsoft own the IP and simply hired Platinum to make the game for them. They cancelled Platinum's work on Scalebound but I imagine MS will retain the IP for the possibility of any future Scalebound projects.

2814d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment

Still looking forward to State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves out of the AAA titles lined up for this year but hot damn this line-up is looking kind of weak especially considering the fact that MS are lining up Scorpio for this year. I earnestly hope they have a surprise or two in store for E3 (doubtful) because otherwise I can't imagine Scorpio having that many titles to show off its capabilities

2814d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Chances of them being ridiculed the same as Microsoft for not sharing numbers?

2817d ago 29 agree9 disagreeView comment

Glad they did this. There's enough misinformation in the gaming industry as is and it's commendable to see Sony correct their errors.

2818d ago 18 agree19 disagreeView comment

Xbox One S looked to do a lot of favours for Microsoft and Scorpio, whilst being able to boast as the most powerful console ever made, it will take a lot of right moves on Microsoft's part to avoid the issues that the PS4 Pro has suffered from. Their focus looks to be on ecosystem/hardware primarily this year, but that doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to the likes of Scalebound, Crackdown 3, State of Decay 2 and a few others (and the inevitable unannounced titles that might be...

2818d ago 12 agree28 disagreeView comment