
CRank: 5Score: 24950

not bad, looks playable.

5180d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Next we get Korea building a Taekwon V owning both of them lol.

5180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Its part of growing up, and with that some people lose that feeling when you first discovered and indulged in gaming. when you gradually grow up you lose that feeling bit by bit because its not new anymore,as a kid it was, becasue you've never seen it before. but when you grow up its not as strong as it was when you were a kid.

5180d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

^I'm saying if this beta was exclusive to the ps3,
you would have probably hear a big outcry/outrage from the 360 audience (similiar to what happened with medal of honor)
whereareas you dont see that happen so often with the ps3 audience.

ofcourse it sucks for the ps3, but there wont be anything near like what happened @ medal of honor dev blog because it doesn't have as many mass nerdraging 13 year old FPS addicts spamming the forums and blogs.

5180d ago 5 agree17 disagreeView comment

well... I see no reason for this being exclusive to the 360 but anyway.
To the 360 audience : enjoy the beta.
should satisfy all those that were nerdraging about the medal of honor beta for the 360 even though 360 gets exclusives all the time. ( like this)

goes to show the difference between the 360 audience and the more mature ps3 audience.

5180d ago 10 agree24 disagreeView comment

I miss the pc exclusive games that pushed the graphics bar like crysis
you know, if the pc platorm was still in top condition we would actually be very close to real true next gen games.
As the devs focus exclusively on the pc platform with all the awesome technology, there would be alot of mindblowing games out every year.
but sadly the process is slowed down because the pc in its current condition is not the most viable platform to work on for devs wanting to push th...

5180d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

well... I see no reason for this being exclusive to the 360 but anyway.
To the 360 audience : enjoy the beta.
should satisfy all those that were nerdraging about the medal of honor beta for the 360 even though 360 gets exclusives all the time. ( like this)

goes to show the difference between the 360 audience and the more mature ps3 audience.

5180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well.... so far I'm leaning towards epic fail (casual targeted)
lets see what MS does with this after some time.

5181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^ sure looks to be that way... unless something happens which widens the gap.
I don't expect significant changes either really.

Seeing how they are both on each others toes. and countering when needed (like a pricedrop) It doesn't look like any side will casually let the other widen the gap so easily.

5181d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Square heres one golden tip.

you want it?

let me spell it out : G.O B.A.C.K. T.O Y.O.U.R R.O.O.T.S

your welcome

5181d ago 26 agree4 disagreeView comment

any higher then 120$ and count me out <.< not that i was that interested in the first place anyway...

5181d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not expecting much honestly...
seeing as they're not going all "MINDBLOWING GAME ANNOUNCEMANT INCOMING!"
must be some ds game lol.

5181d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

As always 360 has a firm grasp on the US market for the time being, but like always taking into account worldwide sales there's a different outcome.

I wonder how long this constant one upping between the 360 and ps3 in the US will go on.

5181d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

Released in Japan only.
Don't get why it doesn't have a english release yet, even though the voices were fully in english. they just need to translate the menus and put it out...

oh well i'll never understand some of these publishing company's.

5181d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

a new solution.

5182d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is getting retarded.

"hey 360 slim scratches ur diskz"

"say whuuut? epic fail right thur"

"ps3 does it too! fuck u gaiz"

*this article gets posted*

"no it doesn't! eat crow bitchaaaz"


5182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's certainly interesting at first sight but I have to agree.
It's a pointless tech demo with the purpose of impressing audiences
but fails badly.
I don't get where Molyneux wants to go with this.

5182d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

This was interesting at first but became lame very fast.
They need to integrate it better.

5182d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

haters gonna hate

5182d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's great although i'm STILL disappointed they didn't manage to match the gameplay of the game to the first trailer they showed a few years ago and the sequel doesn't seem to match it either. I think that sort of gameplay is possible if they put the effort needed.
I hope Level-5 steps up their game and outdo themselves in the future.
I'm still buying the game to support JRPG devs.

5188d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment