
CRank: 5Score: 7150

I hope u can find ur mate in coop this time around in ROFLMAO 2. I dont want to give area description to my buddy to find me in case one of us get lost.

Edit: At ken. How do u find time to post here every min when u have a full time dishwashing job at Mc Dees?

5976d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wasnt he/She prime minister of England in 80s? JK

Anyway, so we now know the identity of the surfer girl.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"A fair comparisson would be Halo 3 vs Killzone 2...right. "

Yeah fair comparison, compare a 2006 game with 2009 game. Why dont u compare KZ2 with halo1 while u're at it. Or COD2 to KZ2 since both have 2 in the end or maybe Halo2 vs Resistance 2.

@6.1 KZ2 is no way comparable to COD4. HAave u played COD4 or watched the intense action and gritty environements on video or trailer? KZ2 looks like a walk in backyard of a pre-school. The 4 guys shooting at ...

5976d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

No, i think droids want more playtime for their bluray games so those hiccups and freezes will give it additional playing time.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Boring kids game, no grown up would like to walk and act like a homo and turn into a cardboard box to fool enemies. I guess cell coudn't make them smart enough. Dint even like MGS 3 on ps2, the damn aligators saw me from 500 feet away.

5976d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

There goes their highlight of the year (2007). KZ2 2009, home (actual non beta 2010). Yes every year ps3 owners can look for one must have.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To Online president...Money talks bul$hit walks. Go take a hike.

5976d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Time to put ps3 out of its misery and release a games console.

5977d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

On another note, Sony announces 100% attach rate for BD movies.

5977d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


NO we're not talking about ps3 games. 360 owners buy games unlike 2 million gamers and 7 million movie watchers which comprise ps3 base. What happened to ur exclusive games like R&C, lair, warhawk, HS sales?

5977d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

10 min gameplay, 10 min cut scene, 10 min install every level, then glitching and freezing and frame hiccups will take rest of the time.

5977d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Talk about cheating the bubble system.

5977d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Essentially, we don't have either party's sales figures for the week, but Ephraim believes that the difference of 5000 was enough to put Sony ahead of MS's release of GTA IV "

He believes it so it must be true. Typical, all sony fanboys will believe this guy.

5977d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

ANd yet people play games for hundreds of hours to beat the high scores in games like THE CLUB, PAC man, TETRIS and i guess all arcade type games.

Achievements give some sort of gratification of hours or effort put in doing something. When u hear the sound and see the popup on the screen it makes u feel good. ANd its not that all achievements are tagged on to make people play more games. They are mostly given during natural progression of a game to give you some sort of a pat...

5977d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pointless only to people who dont own 360. You can compare your score with your friends and get motivated to beat their score. Why do u even have score in video games? Is there any point for having high score as well?

5977d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stardate: 43232 The ps3 releases Cyber home (once known as home). This will be the year of ps3 since our line up is looking better than XBOX 129600. WE have Resistance 200, MGS 99, FFXXIXXXIIXX, KZ2.

Edit: I've noticed over past few months more and more ps3urds are attacking 360s. I guess waiting doesnt' make them disciplined.

5977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed if it had halo3 like theater mode. Yest online, i had an RPG and was testing it out on an AI vehicle and right at that moment when i fired the rocket at the AI vehicle an enemy car passed me by shooting at me and hit that AI vehicle which at the same time got hit by my rocket thus blowing up the enemies in the other vehicle. They flew out of the car. That was quite funny.

5987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ahhh, now its: 360 owners buy more games, 360 came out year earlier, 360 has twice the user base blah blah blah..

And before the game hit the streets it was: PS3 will crush 360 sales, GTA is ps3 franchise it will sell double the numbers of 360, 360s will RROD so noone will buy gta for it blah blah blah..

Comeon u guys can do something better. HOw about acknowleding that people are buying for 360?

5987d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I guess u're more intersted in loin cloth and biceps. Well to each his own.

5987d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sigh another jack@ss droid with new account. Is it ken/kaz/shmee/tanod/lary007/ph ill ? I'm guessing another 2 days and u'll be back on single bubble. Go suck a sony d!ck.

5987d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment