
CRank: 5Score: 32950

Yes call me gramps. I grew tired of mouthy, smart assed people long ago. I have zero desire to ever return even with mic muted. Plus these people often treat my young boys, whose exuberance can get the best of them, awfully so no thank you.

I apologize for their annoying behavior all the time. People have little patience for those that are not 'exceptional' at a certain game. The superiority attitude is insufferable. Just as soon skip it. I'd love my boys to too, ...

3046d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I understand about lack of story mode to Smash Bros, but you are bringing in characters from already established backgrounds in their own game. While not impossible, create one would be stretching things quite a bit. Plus it's never been expected.
I'm talking stuff in Smash from the beginning. Like 40 to 50 characters off the bat. Trophy a galore. Customized Miis. Amiibo support - even if not that interesting. I could go on and on.
A simple arcade made is an expected s...

3046d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's what I wrote to a review giving it 95/100...crazy.

This score is crazy. I've loved Street Fighter since its first iteration on SNES. This release is insanely sad. Unless Capcom intends to be like Nintendo with Splatoon, it's disgusting. Btw, I already know they aren't because I saw a DLC pack on PSN for 6 more characters for $29.99. This is kinda deja vu ala Star Wars Battlefront. It's dearth of fighters is ridiculous as it is, but I could nearly s...

3047d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

This score is crazy. I've loved Street Fighter since its first iteration on SNES. This release is insanely sad. Unless Capcom intends to be like Nintendo with Splatoon, it's disgusting. Btw, I already know they aren't because I saw a DLC pack on PSN for 6 more characters for $29.99. This is kinda deja vu ala Star Wars Battlefront. It's dearth of fighters is ridiculous as it is, but I could nearly swallow that if it had an arcade mode!! Yes the most basic and expected experienc...

3047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own all three. Wii U is simply where it's at for the most unique AND exclusive experiences. Sadly, there are way too many wonderful 3rd party experiences that would be missed only owning a Wii U. A Wii U with a XB1, PS4 or even PC makes the most sense. Having said that of the 'non' Wii U systems - btw I don't PC game - my Xbox One easily is second with the PS4 3rd right now. However, with Street Fighter 5 and Ratchet hitting this year could shift things. Microsoft you really...

3049d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I own all three. Wii U is simply where it's at for the most unique AND exclusive experiences. Sadly, there are way too many wonderful 3rd party experiences that would be missed only owning a Wii U. A Wii U with a XB1, PS4 or even PC makes the most sense. Having said that of the 'non' Wii U systems - btw I don't PC game - my Xbox One easily is second with the PS4 3rd right now. However, with Street Fighter 5 and Ratchet hitting this year could shift things. Microsoft you really...

3049d ago 5 agree17 disagreeView comment

My support is a drop in the bucket. Nearly silly. We are told everyone's purchase or as in elections 'votes' count, yet I know if only a tiny fraction of people buy this game and I'm a part of it it will still be a failure. Even still, I will buy this game in spite getting it free on my PS4. I do believe in supporting developers if my pocket book allows. This will likely be a fair prices game and since I got the other free, I will buy it on XB1. I'm tired of all the hate X...

3051d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I do see the issue with this. Even if many never will put together a gaming PC, just the stigma of the option to get many XB1 exclusives on PC, it can have an indirect affect of steering people to buy a PS4 because most of their exclusives are not GENUINE exclusives.
I am NOT a PC gamer and never will be one. I own a XB1 and a PS4 so none of this applies to me, but XB1 gamers might have a small reason to bemoan this development. Microsoft, however, as a company likely doesn't care...

3053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Talk of XB1 fanboys and damage control...you didn't read my comment. Reconcile this?

Why does everyone want to pronounce the XB1 dead because the PS4 is selling early twice as well worldwide?? North America they are nearly neck and neck. Japan XB1 is non-existent and Europe nearly 3 to 1 sales. I think the PS4 will sell around 120 to 130 million. The XB1 60 million. Does that mean my PS4 is better and the XB1 suck? Um, no. I love my XB1. I...

3058d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well yes. I think it's reduced presence in everywhere, but America will take its toll. While they are very close here in America, I think the PS4 will likely SLOWLY widen the gap even in the US. This all leads to a much greater PS4 market share and a diminished XB1 in lifetime sales versus last generation. It's possible for XB1 to make it to 70-75 million. This could hinge on Nintendo's next machine further eroding XB1's marketplace. It's just a guess. We will see. I certa...

3058d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why does everyone want to pronounce the XB1 dead because the PS4 is selling early twice as well worldwide?? North America they are nearly neck and neck. Japan XB1 is non-existent and Europe nearly 3 to 1 sales. I think the PS4 will sell around 120 to 130 million. The XB1 60 million. Does that mean my PS4 is better and the XB1 suck? Um, no. I love my XB1. I also like seamless integration with my 5 TB external hard drive. My PS4 I upgraded my internal to 2 TB. That means I have to watch my inte...

3058d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

It is big and isn't to stylish, but it certainly doesn't bother me. If it's design is essentially a Sheman tank and is reliable for decades to come I could care less how it looks. I love mine. My PS4 is a bit more stylish, but if the XB1 outlasts it -that's all that matters.

3078d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a bit of restraint, but I own 40 to 50...I haven't counted them in awhile. I hope they aren't completely dead. I love them.

3087d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I really hope they never over 'Sim' this game. They should leave that to Forza, Gran Turismo and now Project C.A.R.S. I, personally, like an arcade lean to my physics, but I am fine where this game is on the physics spectrum. It reminds me of Project Gotham Racing, but maybe a bit more simy. For me that is a great comparison because I loved that series back to the Dreamcast days as Metropolis Street Racer*! Since that series seems to possibly now be defunct, this is an excellent succe...

3087d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't give 2 craps what anyone says 'The Order' was awesome. I get so tired of people thinking every games has to be this or that. You want more action or shooting elements play COD. I thoroughly enjoyed the 'cinematics' and loved the QTE and FPS bits. It was gorgeous of course. I have hundreds of games I certainly don't need my games all being Xenoblade Chronicles X/Fallout 4 long!! I certainly could use a few more succinct games as long as they are extraordinarily ...

3104d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are more correct than all these people are giving you credit for. This was MORE important for MS in other ways than sales. It was a coup to have it first. Sony wasn't going to bid is against them, they have Uncharted. It's a feather in MS's XB1 cap. It's a talking point. They knew it would be every bit as epic as the last Tomb Raider and receive all the accolades. Coming a year later and going against Uncharted next holiday means it will make next to no noise on PS4 any ex...

3107d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I own it and it's flippin' amazing!!! Just like its predessessor!! However, if I were Microsoft, I would buy out Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics and just OWN Tomb Raider and Laura Croft and have your PERMANENT answer to Uncharted! Then also have your ace-in-the-hole Japanese presence with Square Enix and mine Crystal Dynamic's past IP's and resurrect some franchises and have even more exclusive games! I'm sure Sony only people wouldn't like that, but I own both the XB...

3107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The headphones and obnoxious stuff is very 'Japanese' and a PG trademark. Play Bayonetta;)

3109d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@RAINSLACKER: I think every thing you said was the likely close to verbatim what I would say. Platinum Games is almost always a critical darling whose games almost never sell as well as they should. Actually, I don't know is ANY Platinum Games made game that has sold multi million units. You would have to return to Capcom for that. However, I don't know that Nintendo with Bayonetta, nor Microsoft with a fresh new IP in Scalebound actually care about the final numbers. Nintendo saw a g...

3109d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just revisited the Nyko Bank and Nyko suggests only upwards of 2 TB and even then it's as it says a 'bank'. You will still need to move it off the internal
And onto this and vice versus. XB1 seemlessly reads the external WITH the internal to see it as one drive and will read games directly from the external. Do your homework,

3113d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment