
CRank: 5Score: 32950

Everyone is right. I think the PlayStation 4 Pro will determine it more than anything. PS4 is already wining. If you aren't at the same price point, it could really hurt Xbox, especially in Europe where they have POTENTIAL to make up ground. It's basically even in North America and Japan will never buy an Xbox.

2755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I picked it up day one on Xbox One. It is what it is, another great, solid entry to the COD series. I am one of the few who likes COD for what COD is, I don't need them to reinvent the wheel with every entry.

2759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When anything is popular, people are going to bash it. Still that is so silly and stupid. Why? What is it that compels people to feel the need to spread their hate? COD'S sales say a lot of people are still enjoying it. What's wrong with that? Ugh. I will never understand people. It's one thing to say, well COD just isn't my thing, but a lot of people like it so I must be in the minority. No, people have to literally call people stupid and idiots for liking a game. I say play ...

2786d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's what I wrote before on COD:

I don't care how much hate I get. I love COD. It's an event every year now. COD does what it does. I do not expect them to reinvent the wheel every year. If I want a different experience in my FPS I go play Bioshock, Far Cry, Borderlands, Fallout, Halo...I don't ask, nor expect COD to be anything but COD. And judging by the sales, most feel as I do. Yes all you high brow gamers who are pretentious and think you know it all...

2786d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed. I am exactly the same!! I own both and buy all for XB1 and exclusives for PS4. Exactly!! Xbox Live was still running when PSN was down or crippled. I love my Elite controller. Another one the ease of adding an external drive and have all my games instantly available. 6 TBs (1 internal - 5 external).

2787d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't care how much hate I get. I love COD. It's an event every year now. COD does what it does. I do not expect them to reinvent the wheel every year. If I want a different experience in my FPS I go play Bioshock, Far Cry, Borderlands, Fallout, Halo...I don't ask, nor expect COD to be anything but COD. And judging by the sales, most feel as I do. Yes all you high brow gamers who are pretentious and think you know it all can bash COD all you like, but your hate hasn't made a...

2787d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fine, but outside Uncharted 4 I can't really think of much that is truly hyped. I own all machines so I get to experience every machines offerings, but this Christmas Xbox One seems to have with just Horizons 3 and Gears 4 alone the best offerings.
Sony has VR and Pro. Which I will buy both eventually, but games Xbox One has me much more excited.

2790d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft was criticized at E3 for showcasing hardware more so than GAMES. Sony has nothing this holiday, but that's ok. No biggie. Xbox has the sterling Horizons 3 and the monster Gears 4. In truth Xbox One has the goods this Christmas it SHOULD win, but won't.

2791d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment
2794d ago Show

Monster Hunter, Yokai and POKÉMON...will buoy the Japanese market. They favor handhelds, but this being both. It will be interesting how much the Japanese market embraces the machine. Nintendo still does solid there.

2802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks fun. I'll have to give it a look.

2803d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amen. He is a complete moron. That is not even an opinion.

2803d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

My point is that even if when looking at the same stretch of time it is remarkable that the PS4 didn't triple or quadruple the Wii U sales in Japan when worldwide sales are considered for each systems 1st 2 and a half years.

2806d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I meant to put this as a reply to you. Sorry.
REALLY!! The PS4 has sold 40 million plus in the same amount of time span to 13 million for Wii U and you think it taking this long to surpass the Wii U in Japan shouldn't be surprising, WOW!

2807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

REALLY!! The PS4 has sold 40 million plus in the same amount of time span to 13 million for Wii U and you think it taking this long to surpass the Wii U in Japan shouldn't be surprising, WOW!

2807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox has NEVER beennable to get ANY traction. 360 had a tiny bit, but Xbox One has fallen, rather plunged, back into obscurity. Another issue is consoles, it took the mighty PS4 over 3 and a half years!!!! to pass even the Wii U there! It just happened recently. Consoles are really, really struggling there. It's all phones and handhelds. The Vita has done ok there while it has floundered every where else. Xbox will likely never have a presence there.
Xbox needs to COMPLETELY fig...

2808d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

That's where you are wrong. I'm 45 and have been there since Pong, early arcade, 2600 on. I own EVERY system going back to NES including 3DO, Jaguar and Neo Geo. I understand all too well.

2812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. One thought I had was, I can't remember the last time I had to worry about dropping my console!! In other words, it's portable and if you drop it not only is your handheld perhaps dead, so is your home console. Plus those detachable controllers worry me too.

2812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haters...ugh. To make a 3rd console that is pretty much another XB1/Scorpio or PS4/PS4Pro would be stupid. GameCube proved that that will not matter. To simply add a 3rd system to the console battle...it won't work. Nintendo knows that. Handheld has been their only bread and butter except the anomaly of the Wii. What I described allows them to continue to play to their strength and also still have a presence in the home console business.
Nvidia is said to have wanted to get into ...

2812d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's what I wrote recently about developers interest and benefits and also Nintendo's.
Here's the thing that should make developers interested. Nintendo's strong suit has always been handhelds. The Vita was a gorgeous handheld, but failed sales wise. Yes both are somewhat failures if you compare them to last gen DS and PSP because of tablets and smartphones, but the NX offers something incredibly tantalizing for 3rd parties AAA and Nintendo as the hybrid.

2812d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment