CRank: 5Score: 21840

PS2 at time of God of War2 120 million to 140 million install base. Wii at time of NMH 20million install base. God or war was a sequel and NMH was a new IP from a company that is not a major corporation like Sony.

Oh before I get into this let me say how nice it is to have you comparing a major Sony game to a small niche game as if both are on equal terms. That says a hell of a lot about the game itself and the Wii but I doubt you will ever see that...If the Wii is a fad for har...

5559d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why does it feel like you could run this on PSP? Well because you lack any real knowledge of gaming that is why. Game would have to be cut in half to run on the PSP. Sure you could get that game running on PSP at that graphical level but you'd only be able to kill 1 zombie because that is all the game could load.

5559d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pwnsauc, That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.... Games like Carnival games make the system a fad... So PS2 was a fad as well then right? because it had games like Carnival games on it. In your rush for an excuse to hate a console you just not only made yourself look stupid but also insulted the best selling console in gaming history. Great job dude... Well thought out response,

Oh and one more thing. NMH is Suda 51 best selling game EVER. Beating their PS2 era sales w...

5559d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looking forward to it. Also really want to see more on Excitebots.

5560d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

DeBlob = 700k at 49.99 each. LBP = 2m with bundles and a 29.99 price tag( at times)..And people wonder why dev's are switching to Wii.Duh they can acutally make money. They probably dont want to end up as the next Factor 5.

5560d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony fanboys are the worst type of fanboy. Not the typical one though. I mean the ones that infest N4g and act like them only supporting Sony means they are a gamer. No if you only support 1 console chances are you are a fanboy and no amount of lies and spin will change that. Like Jtucker who claims to be a NIntendo fan yet every topic it is Wii is complete garbage. PS3 is the greatest ever. Not really hard to see where his true allegiance lies but he will deny it because he thinks he has mor...

5560d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hated UNreal 2k4. It was the worst game in the series ever. What hurt it was being built on the PS3 then ported to PC. I spent 8 hours patching and adding programs just to get the game to run and even then it would only do online matches, never saw the campaign. From now on any game built on the PS3 will be a game I pass on. Not worth my time to have to do the level of work needed just to get the game running when if they had used a PC first I wouldnt have had a single issue. Not buying ano...

5560d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game isnt going to be "Just a rail shooter". EA has already stated they are going to try to take rail shooters to the next level. You cannot do that if you offer the exact same gameplay. Motion plus is likely for melee or things like that.

5560d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good news I guess. Still waiting for FF7Wii to be announced

5560d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok so I reported Jack Baurs obvious troll comment and let's see if it ever gets deleted.

5561d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
5561d ago

Yeah only 2 are exclusive.. If you look over the NIntendo exclusives of course and Conduit, Boom Blox,Overlord,Ready to rumble, and many others.. Your gaming knowledge is pathetic.

5561d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment
5561d ago

This game on PS3 or 360 would be all graphics no substance. Like most of the games coming out for those systems now. Developers spend so much time getting the graphics level just right they have little time to focus on what is really important game play. It is on the best console right now and I hope it stays that way.

5561d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dont know much about gaming do you? If so you'd know Platinum games is making a 360/PS3 game and it isnt Mad World.. Got all excited thinking you found out a big secret and it was just based off of your lack of knowledge of the developer..

Nice to see though how many people completely trash the game feel it will be a AAA must own the second it goes to another console. Guess we now know how you really feel about the game and just cant admit it because it is on Wii.

5561d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It wil lbe great on the Wii. Never see it on 360. The only reason they have those dev kits is because they are making a PS3/360 game. This is just a case of some random fanboy getting excited over nothing.

5561d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see the usual troll is here to make some comment that has nothing to do with the article..

Anyway ignoring the trolls, this is great. I now know not to even bother with this game. Built for the weak PSP, plus it is a remake of an old game. I'll pass. But I am sure when the game bombs it will be because the Wii is a casual console not because Wii owners dont want 7 year old ports rebuilt for gimped handhelds and just thrown on Wii as an after thought.

5561d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Funny how the highest rated game this gen is on Wii. Also care to name all those massive games that take more thn six hours to beat on PS3/360? Call of duty isnt, Gears isnt, HEavenly sword isnt, Bioshock isnt. Sadly you are the perfect example of an idiot. So busy trying to trash one product you do not comprehend how bad you make your own console look. Let me put it this way. Wii has the highest rated game this gen. Nothing on PS3 compares to it. So if Wii games are complete garbage because ...

5561d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That isnt fanboyism. The only thing that can cause someone to be that ignorant is massive inbreeding. Imagine the hills have eyes and you'll get a hint of how bad things have to be for someone to be that low on the intellect chart. He's probably joined at the hip to his sister/wife.

5561d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

When I bought my Wii I got everything I needed for gaming in the box with no need to buy any other products. Whate exactly was your point again? Oh yeah right you want to judge companies based on some lame double standard. You do not need any of the otional PS3 equipment and that is fine but some how you are required by law to buy ever piece of equipment offered for the Wii.. Complete BS.

5561d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment