
CRank: 5Score: 4480

Oh tell us how it's Linux on the Desktop year again. Snore.

5512d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Right. Because the president of Activision should be considered an "idiot" in the industry.

If you think men with that kind of power say *anything* in public they dont mean or dont intend to be taken seriously you're fooling yourself.

*rolls eyes*

5512d ago 9 agree28 disagreeView comment

Google Linux. Snore.

5512d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Bubble Bobble NEO!

I cant wait for that game. It was pushed to after Summer of Arcade - hope the release soon.

5512d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry -- and I'm trying to be delicate and respectful -- but I cannot see how you could possibly reach that conclusion.

The PS3 is *well* back in 3rd place. PS3 sales since last Fall have been worse than the the year prior (ie: A further decline/distance in 3rd).

Game sales have been very poor.

3rd parties are saying "increase the install base or we drop you". Carmack has said "Sony will release PS4 first" due to the obvio...

5512d ago 13 agree43 disagreeView comment

I think the author is dead-on-the money.

I've said many times -- and heard it oft repeated -- that the ps3 slim is just a non-issue frankly.

Sony must start a price war to jump start it's install base -- just as Activision warned -- unless they do not, they will continue to languish and fail in distant 3rd.

I expect a $230-$260 PS3 by January - slim or not, things arent looking good for PS3 (PS3 sales are in freefall and titles are not earning sale...

5512d ago 19 agree92 disagreeView comment

HOW THE FRCAK did this story get approved with that flame-bait picture added?

Where are the mods? Who approved this?

Utter tripe.

5513d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

> how about asking Microsoft to actually keep their first party studios instead of dropping them?

How about Xbox 360 owners ask MS to fund great games no matter where they are being developed instead.

This diversity leads to better games, and more competition.

Gobbling up Studios, to prevent them from being able to Develop for other platforms is anticomeptitive and stifles innovation.

MS's model -- to write deals to get great exc...

5513d ago 7 agree16 disagreeView comment

Bubble Bobble NEO!

5513d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Slim, fat, squat, wide, narrow, rotund, bulbus, round, square or boxy -- it doesnt matter.

If Sony doesnt cut the price to $200-250 and start a price war, this will mean nothing.

5513d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


"3RD: he noticed Natal, but ignored Eyepet"

Natal is **NOTHING** like the eyetoy or Xbox LIVE Vision.

Nothing. Nothing at all. Repeating it doesnt make is so.

Natal is a 3D Vision and Audio system. eyetoy & Vision are 2D webcams.

Please stop comparing them. It really only makes you look silly.

5514d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

The world needs another Linux distribution?

Want Linux? Here ya go:


5514d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Xbox 360 attach rate dwarfs the PS3.

Even with the pirates.

Reality trumps your un-reality, sorry.

5515d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

> but they dont respect the ps3 community

Are you KIDDING? They are a BUSINESS. Developing games for the PS3 is *MORE* expensive than other platforms -- just to get _EQUAL_ performance.

This has zero to do with your fictional child-frat-party-ps3-community . And *everything* to do with the facts on the ground for the current game industry:

A) PS3 in far last place for install base.
B) PS3 has extra development costs that do not add va...

5515d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

> Buy or not buy his game?

Actually, if you only own a PS3, Gabe already made that decision.

So, it's clear, just as pizza says, that Gabe can code, and what is the point of this nonsense?

Clearly that hakis86 belongs in the OpenZone -> with such worthless fanboy drivel. Why on earth are you defending it?

5515d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you really making an argument here?

Valve considered the Risk vs. Reward/Loss and decided that PS3 isnt worth it.

That actually makes them more professional. More professional than being force to hold back the Xbox 360/PC titles because they dont want to burn money eeking out equal performance on the PS3.

Making these decisions based on REALITY instead of your-type of drivel is what makes Valve so damn awesome.

Portal, Half Life...

5515d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why would they?

It's time to accept reality, in the USA -- the largest market in the world -- the PS3 has utterly shiat-the-bed. It has a very very small user base compared to the Wii & Xbox 360.

This user-base problem woudlnt matter as much if Sony hadnt decided to make the developers jump through hoop by relying on DSPs instead of multi-purpose CPU Cores -- and that costs money. That money is being burnt by the millions and not being recovered.

5515d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's twice as long as the amount most people can stand of MGS4.

5517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game is *NOT* "4-5 hours long". That's FUD.

If you only play a tiny tiny fraction of the game, know where you're going, and run / speed through it -- you can do it *very fast* (as with any title!).

The article is worthless FUD.

5517d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wouldnt bet on any more deals frankly. Get an OEM version from Newegg or Tiger on launch day.

5519d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment