
CRank: 5Score: 4480


"360 people are trying to carve really deep( in the internet) for something negative agains the ps3"

It's pretty obvious that the videos were made by SOMEONE WHO OWNS TWO PS3s! Xbox 360 owners have *NOTHING* to do with this.


"Yes Blu ray performance seems slower than the PS3 phat, but game startup times and game load times are way faster. "

The videos show that GAME STARTUP and CONSOLE BOOT...

5500d ago 4 agree18 disagreeView comment

"PS3 Slim..faster loading times for games + faster startup times for games"

Are you commenting from another planet? Did you read the article/watch the videos?

Without a doubt -- the videos clearly demonstrate -- that the PS3 Slim **IN FACT** has slower game load times and slower boot time...

And here you are, saying *exactly* the opposite of what everyone here can clearly see is *NOT* the case.

From a person with 8 bubbles...

5500d ago 2 agree27 disagreeView comment


" Preformance should be...better on PS3 slim" because of 45nm die size...?

Uhm, no.

The same chip merely smaller performs exactly the same, with less energy and heat. Clock cycles and instructions are unchanged due to die size.

What you see here is something else -- perhaps a firmware change on the disc controller or disc drive? Perhaps a performance problem due to actual hardware changes.


5500d ago 6 agree29 disagreeView comment

IMO, Mass Effect and Gears of War are the best new IP this generation - on any platform.

Crackdown was good, I expect Crackdown 2 to be a real-breakout hit. Crackdown has a lot of very real street-cred, and Crackdown 2 will be their 2nd title -- they'll have learned a lot for this 2nd title.

Crackdown 2 is going to move into a niche that appeals to the Halo and GTA player -- very very good market to aim at.

I'm really looking forward to Crackdown ...

5501d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


"I would say I think PS3 will beat 360 worldwide this holiday"

Do you _really_ think that? Honestly?

Their is almost no chance that will happen, seriously.

5501d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The heat issues were resolved over a year and a half ago.

Put another way, if you believe that latest poll result w/r/t the heat failures, you've got a brain defect & and agenda.

No sober observer could possibly believe that nonsense.

5501d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Who _cares_ about Amazon sales numbers? PS3 (for some reason) sells well from Amazon - who knows why, but at the end of the day, it finishes, reliably, predictably and virtually without fail last in the USA sales every month.

Taking a single-retailer's numbers -- when everyone knows they contradict the USA (and worldwide) market -- and holding them up for some special attention is silly.

The PS3 finishes last worldwide every single month, ins...

5501d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


So far the Xbox 360 -- worldwide -- has outsold the PS3 every year.

And, same goes for "Total Spending" and "Games".

5501d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Their is an incredible amount of demand for Xbox 360 waiting for the right price.

When an Xbox 360 -- with any size-HD -- hits $199 they're going to out-sell Wii.

5501d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

EXACTLY(!) which features will GT5 have that Forza 3 doesnt?

Go and have a look at -- does GT5 have any of that? Hell, that was all FM2 features FFS.

How about simulated tires? MS and Penske (?) collected data about how tires perform over time, based on heat and race conditions. They took that data and now cars in Forza 3 have race-realistic tire conditions.

Does GT5 have that?

5501d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


If you dont want to rewind -- which is a fcuking awesome feature for people who want to race & have fun -- THEN DONT REWIND!

IF you want the definitive racing simulation of the generation -- just enjoy Forza 3.

If you want to have fun with, enjoy Forza 3 -- rewind if you like, or DONT.

5501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Heck, I have a 20gb HDD and I can only do one game install at a time."

Which is of course, utter, sheer bollocks.

For starters, the Xbox 360 has *optional* installs. Totally unnecessary. However(!), if you choose(!) to install the disc, you can certainly have "more than one" with your 20GB drive.

Game sizes are 3-6 GB per install.

Lol wut?

The press doesnt hate sony. That's a knee-jerk reaction by people with no attachment to reality.

5508d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Ps3 is sold out BECAUSE THEY HAVENT BEEN SHIPPING THEM to prepare the channel for the smaller unit.

Nothing to see here.

5508d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Leave it to N4G to advocate pirating Xbox 360 games. Great.

5508d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Today @ PC World. News, opinion, and links from the PC World staff."

This is a PCWorld STAFF MEMBER.

Not some fanboy blog. This person is payed to write for PCWorld.

5510d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

What gets more and more ridiculous is the amount of reality and intellectual honesty amoungst the most-faithful-SDF.

This is *PCWorld* yesterday it was Forbes(!) -- saying this is too little too late -- and here you lot are, with your fingers in your ears shouting at windmills.

I'm sure we'll get a grand rebuttal to this article shortly from someshiatlittlesonyfanboyblog. com and you'll all jump overyourselves agreeing with it.

5510d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment


Forbes is ignorant of a the multi-billion-dollar video game industry.

Dont lose faith Troops!

5511d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment