CRank: 5Score: 2000

What's good DJ, how u doing my lil friend.

I don't care if it exclusive or not, i just wanna play it(on ps3).

6384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i read the article and i don't even know what game
is this(redfaction). can u guys help me, i think i'm lost.

6384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


what's good homies, how u guys doing, some of u know me and some of u do not know me, but it's cool. i've been working and playing gears of war, and guess what i beat it and i didn't like it because it's a short game and the multiplayer is suck.

"Give us the 20Gb PS3"

i don't know about them, but i'm getting the 60GB one.

6384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't hate MS or 360fans, i'm just mad, because when 360fans read something good about the ps3 they star talking like if they knew everything about sony. if sony says something u see 360fans saying " no, ps3 is a piece of s!@#" stuff like that. it seems like if ps3 is the evil and 360 is god to 360fans n i don't know y.

i own a 360 n i'm getting ps3, i never said that MS can't beat sony, i'mn just mad bacuse almost everybody in this website is against ps3. i think b...

6450d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
6450d ago

will be the best game on ps3. i cant wait!
i think ps3 will have a good time next year.

ps3 (the king)

6450d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

cant wait!

power of green II, i don't know what the f@#$$ are u talking about, the game isn't even out yet and ur talking s@#$ go and play GOW that short s!@#.

360 is BS.

6451d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

are funny, at the end M$ and Sony fans will be palying together."i like this website but in about 2 weeks, i won't be here no more. y? because ps3land.com and ps3portal.com are working together on a new website, and it's going to be all about ps3.

6454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ur a 360fan, So u come aroud here everyday just to talk s!@# about ps3, so i don't listen to u.

how about this, let's talk about 360 maybe u have some good news about it, cause i know ur a 360fan, so u don't wanna talk about the bad things 360 has.

6454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think your the only one who's having problems,i think u don't even have a ps3. MY friend has a ps3 and he doesn't have any problems with the ps3. So i think it's u!

6454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i cant wait for this one, i'm a fan.
ps3 gonna have a good time next year! Devil may cry 4, MGS 4, Motorstorm, heavenly sword, GTA 4 (also on 360) Lair " this game looks good" warhawk, killzone 2 and much more, those are coming out only on ps3. I can't wait to get a ps3.

6454d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

y u guys hate ps3 so much? y u guys cant say the truth? u guys make the 360 so perfec that ya think it looks better than ur girlfriend "if u have one". i'm a sonyfan and i know sony made a lot of mistake, they were liying to us and all that s!@# but 360 isn't as perfect as u guys claim it to be. 360 may sell more units than ps3 cause 360 is a great console too and i'm glad that i spent some money on it, but my friends ps3 isn't that bad and 360 isn't that good. we have to stop this ...

6455d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

are the technology, like it or not. ps3 has the new technology, i mean, ps3 is the technology and u gonna see it next year. by the way, 360 didn't have a game as good as RFOM at lounch. ps3 is and will be better than 360. when i read 360fans comments i can see they are scared or something wrong is happening to them. I own a 360 and i had to wait 3 month for GOW because 360 didn't have good games. After play GOW 360fans have to wait untill HAlO 3 comes out, while ps3fans have a good game since...

6455d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

sorry but i have to say something, you talk a lot of s!@$#. u look like president BUSH when he has to say something, "blablablablablablablabla blablablablablablablablablablab lablabla" that's all ur doing.

6456d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i respect his opinion, but now he has to hear mine, i think ps3 is better than 360 (my opinion). all we have to do is wait and see.

6458d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

it looks good.

oh my god cant belive it 360fans didn't blame this game, no war yet. keep it up 360 and ps3 fans no console war! i mean, NO WAR PLEASE.

by the way, 360fans, this game is only on ps3 not on 360.

6458d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they talk alot of s@#$, i mean s!@#$. they say 360 does this and that but i really can't say it, and i palyed ps3 at best buy and i think ps3 is better than 360.

that's all i have to say.

6458d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

GOW is and will be better than HALO3!

6460d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i'm agree, i think GOW is a lil bit better than
Resistence even though i'm a sonyfan. i own a 360 and i will get the ps3. i'm not saying RFOM
is a piece of s!@#, im just saying the truth, it doesnt matter if u are a sony or M$fan, u just have to play both console. i'm glad that ps3 has a good game at lounch that's good for us (sonyfans). cant wait for MGS4, KILLZONE and much more.

im out!

6460d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

if i'm going to get the WII. i think i'll get my ps3 first then if i have enough money to get the WII i'll get it. i loved the first ZELDA on N64. whatchu guys think?

6460d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment