
CRank: 5Score: 10360

Thats not good spin. Thats just desperation pizzagaki. to say that nearly 500k is not impressive, is ignorant enough.

Whats even funnier is you mosying on in the ps3 article defending your beloved 360 like you do so well any other time some positive ps3 news pops up.

You sound like you're hurting. Whats wrong?

5492d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

by the tone of your comment, I can only deduce that your @sshole is all stretched out in agony at the utter sight of this news. Its okay. They are just consoles. Nothing to huff and puff about m'kay?

Go on back to the 360 section. You'll feel a little better.

5492d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah. Keep telling yourself that. The joke would really be on you.

5492d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

How the hell would you determine that when the damn game isn't released on ps3 to begin with? There's no way you could make such a statement.

5497d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I need to bookmark this place just so I can take note of all these fools trying to make some big deal out of this.

5499d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

With articles like these are you sure its the droids going apesh!t over the news of the price cut? Or is it the ones like you? Obviously it must be the bots if they're desperate enough to approve stories such as these to alleviate whatever pain they are going through.

I think its the other way around. Thats not hilarious. Its just plain sad.

5513d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course YOU would agree with this article. Hell, any asshurt 360 fanboy would agree with this stupid ass article. You can tell by the fools who approved such trash to be shown.

Its a crying shame to see how far people will go to voice such stupidity. A day cannot go by on n4g without some "Fanboy approved" trash that gets thrown up as "news" and brings nothing informative to the gaming community other than to start a disturbance.

Only a fanboy...

5513d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

People were saying that sony was doomed if it didn't cut its price and now after today you've got the same damn idiots saying that its still doomed regardless.

Its crazy. Journalism has gone out the window and into the hands of ignorant-assed fanboy fools with a somewhat distorted and clearly F'ed up perception of the gaming community.

5513d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Either its Gray fox, Olga gurlukovich, Or Gray fox's lover who he killed accidentally in Metal Gear 2.

5597d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

She had the same eyes as her daughter. And she's also been outfitted with an exoskeleton suit before. Could she be the one in the magazine?

Another thing, the mystery ninja's forehead is covered up in the same place olga was shot. Just a theory though.

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You just came from a "ps3 fail" article doing the same damn thing you accused morganfell of doing 30 minutes ago. If morganfell is an "instigator" by your standards then you fall under the same catagory. Point blank.

Aint it funny how you can comdemn something and turn around and do the exact same thing? its worse enough you did it in the same damn sentence. Especially with the stupid "buy ps3 games this time" comment. Ray charles could see that too ...

5637d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Id expect none lower. Didn't you just come from an article screaming "Fanboy!!" because of someones complaint on prototype? I know im not the only one who saw that bull*beep*

And then you turn around and do the same thing. How hypocritical and stupid can people (like you) be? So does your complaint on what morganfell is refer the same to you? Or are you gonna BS with long paragraphs and run-on sentences filled with "blah-blah" sony this and "blah-blah&quo...

5637d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

The guy had only one critical point about the game and you go jumping off the bat screaming "fanboy" and you were the one who jumped in and threw INfamous in the mix out of nowhere when no one mentioned nothing of the sort. YOU opened that can of worms, and started that comparison bull.

And then to make it even worse by going off topic and on a stupid sony loyalist tirade when you sound just as stupid but on the opposite side, not to mention stating your typical yet obv...

5637d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Uh...didn't one get delayed? So if a company wants its game out first to garner better sales, for some reason that company is "scared". Your title makes no sense after reading your article. Ugh..journalism isn't for everyone.

5639d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

And its about damn time too.

5808d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

With a comment like that Im starting to think that the 360 is where the dumbasses are too. You damn xbots are wierd. You zhuk, mart, bladestar, pog, round peg, bloodmask, all of you are idiots.

6146d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

His nonsense can be read by everyone. Pretty frightening huh?

6170d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Keep living in that xbot dream okay dude??

6170d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Both got the same exact score from them. No difference they saw.

Obviously gamespot has some sort of "advanced sight" that allows them to see difference that are non existant to the untrained eye /sarcasm

its funny. Gamespot takes the most most slightest advantage and uses it as a negative point no matter how useless it may be. Ratchet ...

6170d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbot number 1: HA! another bad port

Xbot number 2: We got halo!

Xbot number 3: Besides motorstorm, resistance, heavenly sword, ratchet and clank, oblivion, warhawk, Guitar hero, the eye, Folklore, and others....Ps3 has no games!!!

Xbot number 4: We got HALO!!!

Xbot number 5: Wait beyond!! We never waited our first year! ps2 ports, Rumble roses, Kameo, and and DOA was the shizznit!!

Xbot number 5: We have more games (de...

6170d ago 21 agree18 disagreeView comment