
CRank: 5Score: 10360

All the way from their Kung fu mix days. (anyone remember that game on xbox??) But now I really don't know. All of their babble on blaming others for their financial woes was annoying and all their "going exclusive is suicide" tripe makes me look at them a little negatively.

Every gaming developer goes through their hardships when they make a game and they go through serious risks ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU GO EXCLUSIVE, but don't go off the negative end just becau...

5008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every comment that says anything even remotely negative or critical of the news on turn 10 shafting its consumers gets "flagged" as spam, trolling, offensive, or off topic.

Theres some tomfoolery going on here.......

5008d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

News flash, it hasn't even been a week yet. For places it was day one. Maybe if you tried to dig a little deeper for some clarified info, you would have gotten that.

Not bashing you or nothing, but pump your brakes before you go strolling.

5022d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

You're an idiot. Just because you have a gun in a game, DOES NOT mean that its a shooter. It contains WAY more elements than a reliance on shooting alone. Uncharted has platforming, and puzzle solving to clear objectives.

And metal gear is a game where stealth is heavily emphasized, hell the game can be completed without killing a single soldier.

Get your facts straight.

5024d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Its remarkable that you believe the tripe you spit out. In another thread you said this,

Since 2006
"Microsoft has shown up to E3 and owned it. From so called stealing franchises away from the competition, to showing their own titles on the Xbox 360 performing. Sony has been playing catch up every E3 this generation."

lol. You're not a gamer kingslayer. You were, and ALWAYS will be a 360 fanboy. quit perpetrating. Its both sickening and ...

5033d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

As well as the circle jerking, and the console bashing, and the "us only matters" tripe. You fools are pathetic. In 24 hours you 360 fanboys will just disappear back to your caves and hibernate till the next NPD shows up. To start the "sony's ps3 is is teh doomed" party again.

We should give this day a name when the NPD comes around. Console circle jerking day.

5033d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

To be honest I think this site is more of an equal number than what people try and make seem as if there is a more demographic of users other than the other. It simply depends on what topics are being discussed, and whats big in the news.

I think you see more news posts on things ps3 related from websites is because it generates more hits for them. Positive stuff works, negative stuff works, and sensationalist controversial stuff is webpage gold for hits way more so.

5033d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

So let me get this straight...360 fanboys are busy playing games when the news pipline on n4g for 360 is less than favorable, or when the ps3 has great news, but come around when the npd shows up or when some anti-ps3 news show up they suddenly have time to spring up on n4g and spend their time on the website?

Lol. Thats a good one. N4g is a melting pot of fanboys, fanatics, stealth trollers, idiots, and such like yourself.

5033d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is like the only time you see 360 fanboys as a whole come out of their cave holes. Either when NPD results show that their system is on top, or when a blog gives a negative opinion on anything ps3 related.

Quite amusing really. Instead of noting good numbers for all consoles, they tout how great their console is doing for outselling the competition, how the US is the country that only matters, and about how ps3 fails and such.

Forgetting the fact that th...

5033d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

like you're one to talk about someone hating on something they have no intention on buying in the first place omega...

you do it everyday in ps3 articles.

5037d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh cry me a damned river. 3 years ago you couldn't say anything positive about ps3 without getting jumped on so, please don't go on some "TOO MANY PS3 FANBOYZZ!!" tirade. No one made an issue about it then, so dont go on some campaign about it now. it wont change a damn thing. times have changed and tables have turned unfortunately in you and any other "360 centric" gamers case.

positive ps3 comments have WAY more agrees than disagrees because th...

5037d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh please don't EVEN dare say anything murderdolls. You've got no authority to throw in legitimate two sense when we KNOW everything you say is absolute fanboy.

Not like you could anyway with one bubble and all.....

5043d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well actually LBP's price was dropped, because a special edition version was created to take its 59.99 dollar place. Just putting it out there.

5047d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make no mistake. He still is. Its a tactic fanboys use to get more bubbles. Say a neutral thing here and there, and once your bubbles are back up, flame away back to your old self.

Bladestar and Giantenemycrab were masters at it.

Feelings aside, the footage looks astounding.

5053d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

And it didn't make a fucking bit of sense. You sounded more like an asshurt bitter 360 fanboy who's grasping at very thin straws to turnaround this news into some sort of negative bash against the ps3 version and its pathetic.

You convinced yourself in an act of doublespeak that somehow, ps3 now becoming a platform for the mass effect series, is hurtful to ps3 gamers. And that is "genuinely" ridiculous.

5054d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well thats a dumbass reason. You sound just as ignorant as the rest of the people you speak ill about.

5057d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its no longer hot news. What the?! Now why would n4g do something shady like that? PLEASE dont tell me you guys are on good terms with those asshats.

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lbp isn't simply just a map editor. Its an entire game based on creating tools, a storyline, and nearly everything else. not just maps. Theres no way you could compare the two on dates when they have almost nothing to do with each other.

There were games that had map editor WAY before forge did anyway, BUT the creators at Bungie chose to use Little Big Planet as an example.

5071d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its says "uncharted 2" of racing games. Not "crackdown 2", or "alan wake" of racing games. Didn't you two fools catch that in the title? Lol.

5073d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're already here mr uno bubbles. Pot can't call the kettle black. You OF ALL people have got no room (or bubbles) to make such a statement.

5073d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment