
CRank: 5Score: 10360

Before you tell anyone to pick up their "rattle" first you need to stop sucking on the "MS" pacifier.

6348d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean DAMN. Thats pretty funny now. There were hordes of them fools up in the ps3 news area screaming "black diamonds and pearls" to their 360 when they read that splinter cell conviction news. And now when it all falls down, Where the hell are they now?

Thats what ALL of them get for talking so damn much and not knowing the least bit of what they are talking about. And xgamer, if you believe that folding at home is what ps3 does best then thats like saying so far th...

6350d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thats all I had to read from your post to know that it was just another case of fanboy bull. You xfools do it all the damn time. you've been an xbox360 guy from the jump and you've proven that quite well along with xgamer and then its funny how you try to use him as a valid witness of what he "supposedly saw" in the trailer when hes just as fanboy as you. To sit there and say that you saw n64, or god of war 1 is completely crazy in itself. Why do fools like you even waste your time?...

6351d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That comment wasn't even necessary because you knew it would only get something started that wasnt even needed. Grow the hell up. you knew what you were doing. Dont be that person.

Kane & lynch along with trusty bell were once 360 exclusives, but do you hear anyone yapping off "Wasn't this a 360 exclusive once?" No because it would do nothing but get some bull started.

6351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It wont look like 4 years worth? If im not mistaken you xbox were the main clowns hoping that it jumped ship and now that its not you want to downplay it? real dumb.

6351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah one year to port oblivion to ps3, xbox360 has more content and STILL ps3 gets rated higher than the 360 version. Please explain.

6351d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How you try to comment on the "fanboy banter" back and forth yet your post contributed nothing whatsoever to the article and was completely off topic just like Mart's? It may not have been as biased as the mart's was but still, all in all it was off topic and contributed nothing

Basically all I heard from you was how you loved GOW, hated resistance, didnt like HOME, Thought xboxlive was better, How you didnt want to buy a ps3, and some other fanboy complaint bull. DO ...

6352d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is hurting my Brain!!! NO comment!

6353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You trying to call him out on it is like the pot calling the kettle black.
*wink!* *wink!*

6353d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It looks as if a fanboy *bladestar* has found and commented right below you. Fanboyism at its BEST. Gotta hate them xbots.

6353d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Then explain why Rockstar says that it is making limitations
Explain why kojima can't work mgs4 on it
And Explain why oblivion looked better on ps3.
Its supposed to be "better" right?

Both are great systems but to use some link as old and November 2006, when the ps3 debuted and when nobody knew a damn thing of what it is capable of (especially to this day) is totally stupid. And what makes it even more fanboy is people sitting here on this site wh...

6353d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Its funny how you try to generalize me as being a sony boy when this is like my 10 or 11th post on this website. And you throw the fanboy word at me because im calling you out?

First off what do the "elite sucks" and "dvd drive too loud" articles have to do with me? ask me that. You've never seen my name posted on any of those news yapping about how elite or the 360 in general sucks. Ive never even been to the 360 news area becuase im smart enough to stay ou...

6354d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats not what ign and 1up had to say about it. I swear to god these fanboys are so damn ridiculous. You fools just cannot get enough. And to make it even funnier, you even admitted to not having played the game. Real smart. Crackbabies are somthing else I swear!!

6354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bladestar wont. And he'll continue just like the rest of the MS fools who blow stuff out of proportion and who blow their load to anything pro MS negative on the ps3 site. Its not that damn serious.

6354d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because they will. Like always.

6354d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Read before you speak. Read the article. There is nothing talking about kissing sony @ss or anything like that. You sound so stupid because you're taking this whole Jaffe fiasco in a completely different direction. This proves that you're nothing but a dumb MS fanboy. You didn't even read the damn article to see who he was talking about. Sony had no part in him staying quiet. Goes to show how stupid fanboys can be.
Look in your blog and you'll find nothing "sony" related maki...

6354d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude what the hell are you talking about? Sony's not the reason that he's deciding to go in the dark because if you had ears and eyes you would know that Sony were people who said that david jaffe has the right to say whatever he wants to in response to his blu-ray comment.

IF you knew how to read you would see that he wasn't talking about sony, he was talking about how people took his calling all cars discussion out of context on his blog and making it into this big issue. Son...

6354d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fanboys deserve to get shot. Especially the one above.

6365d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its funny how when its bad news about the ps3, the people flock to it like flies on manure but when its good news about the ps3 or games, it gets oh so quiet. (shhhhh!!!) lol.

6374d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both sides do there fair share of crap all the time,but to sit there and say that sony fanbots are coming out in full force when you've got just as much xfags IN THE PS3 NEWS SECTION saying that it trumps over everything the ps3 has to offer is just as ignorant. Don't act all brand new. I don't see why news like this is in the ps3 area in the first place. Its going to do nothing but stir up flaming between the two. You calling the sony boys out when you've got the xbots doing the same junk is...

6374d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment