
CRank: 5Score: 10360

Just because they didn't get a complete 10 score doesn't mean they aren't exceptional. If you mean to say that you need a collection of AAA good games then you ought to wait then. Xbox has 8 so called "exceptional" games by your standard, but tell yourself how long has that system been out?

6235d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How some of these trolls were shouting flop and doom/gloom crap when they saw that 6 and 7 review and now that heavenly sword is getting all these 8/9 scores they are all like, "Its not a great game" Im sure if it got scores around the 8/9 range they are considered great ones. It looks as if people are trying to find a reason to complain about this game and its stupid, And if you dont have a ps3 in the first place why even bother to complain about it? (power of green, first knight, ...

6235d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mart shut the hell up with that bull. You told us to mark your words that mgs4 would be revealed for 360 AT E3 and when E3 came, and nothing was there, YOU DISAPEARED FOR WEEKS. Shut the hell up please.

6245d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

What does bioshock, mass effect, and halo3 have to do with this other than the sake of pushing out fanboyism? But then again, its you.

6245d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

EA sports. Its in the money. (F**k the game) Peter moore being part of EA makes the situation all the more worse.

6246d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simple. They wanna be fanboys. They want to say "well it wont be AAA" or that it doesn't match up to BIOSHOX or GOW when nothing of the genre is even remotely similar. Fanboys do whatever they can to keep their console in best intrest and trash the others. Thats their mindset. And thats why you'll find fanboys of a particular console, in the other console's area trolling their ass off with nonsense. Its nothing new.

If heavenly sword wreaks of AAA, we've got the autho...

6247d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Max payne showed you where the bullet was going. You couldn't make the bullet move. Thats why its called after "TOUCH" not after "look"

6247d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats the reason im guessing she's so.......dilusional.

6250d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People (especially gaming sites) really need to stop showing and spoiling the game.

6250d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the mart's article?

6250d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

You sure do sound like a true MS/360/hd-dvd fan. You weren't the boy with the magic marker were you?

6252d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Umm no. I don't get angry at dumbass ignorant people. I laugh at them though. Who said anything about this game being ps3 exclusive? Like I said there you go with your stupid ass generalizing. But then again stupi d people do very stupid things.

Its nice to see that your charade has evaporated. All for the sake of bubbles right? Sad. Very sad. Fanboys these days are just completely dumb for no reason. They want to be quick to call someone one thing, but they are exactly the sam...

6253d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just a second ago you were complaining about the sony fanboys, and now you're coming off as a dumbass xbot with that stupid ass comment. Jesus I hate these hypocritical dumbass fools. Funny how someone will try to call someone out on the negative when they are just as bad if not worse as the next fanboy.

Just a second ago you were complaining like some fool, and now you feel its alright to do the opposite? Stupid is what that sounds like. Tell your moms to...

6253d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

With the damn dumbass stuff you say on this website, you've got no room to even consider calling ANYONE a fanboy bladestar. You know that. You think that your words alone can change the way how people are going to act which is stupid. While you sit there shaking your head at one particular group of fanboys, you need to come out the closet with your own xbotsexuality.

And why are you that worried about what people say about any particular game of your beloved console? Are you t...

6253d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the game wont be doomed to failure

6253d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its good to see the old dumbass hyper 360 sensitive fanboy known as bladestar back out the box. The charade was getting dumb lol. Still generalizing like an asshole and still have the MS dildo shot up your ass. Too funny.

Its even more hilarious how you consider calling sony gamers fanboys, but whoot and holler in every degree for your 360. LOL what a shame. You're worse than they are. These damn idiots on n4g are something else, and you are one of the frontrunners.

6253d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Go read the 1up show and you'll see the reason that they made the hair they did. You're trashing a game, because the hair looks bad to you? Thats dumb. But then again xbot fanboys are dumb to. You even admitted to being one.

Not one respectable gaming site had a negatory thing to say about heavenly sword. In fact they loved it. Tell me how a crap game recieved so many awards on its first showing at last year's e3?

Following E3 2006, the game the was awarded &quo...

6254d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just another dumbass xbot troll. His recent posts state it all. Had it been a 360 only title, he'd probably shoot his load to it.

6254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and saying that it looks like one is a clear indication that you've never played it before. Every respectable gaming site has said different

6254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and saying that it looks like one is a clear indication that you've never played it before. Every respectable gaming site has said different

6254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment