
CRank: 5Score: 14200

Well the question "why do so many people want another multiplat machine" is easy; many people, myself included, don't have the space in their budget for multiple consoles. It's easy to call people out for crying about not getting the third party support on the basis of appreciating the good job Nintendo does at working on their own stuff, but it's important to be considerate of why so many people want this to happen in the first place.

So yes, I agree ...

3321d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

(Just doing an experiment here...)


(Now to study activity...lol)

3323d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment


This is getting exciting :3

Anybody remember the name "Nintendo Stream?"
...this could be one helluva console.

Flash memory + backwards compatibility for DS with the option of free downloads of games you already own + streaming with servers for ridiculous graphics or physics


This really could be something meant to exist along side both the handheld and the U and just offer to...

3323d ago 6 agree22 disagreeView comment

Gotta get serious with the rounds, now :)

This could be so awesome

3325d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Grew up with Stronghold, I love building castles, and this seems to have its own approach to the idea. Bring it to the U for sure!

3326d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am pleasantly surprised ^_^ and I do give these reviews weight as well as any other review I see out there. The idea is to average all of the reviews you see, then make your mind up.

As for Famitsu being credible or not, obviously it has some credibility or the majority of us wouldn't be taking the time to comment on this lol

Looking forward to play!

3326d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. I just got better in the last few days of playing, but I used to not do all of those things, so I'm guilty of being the cause of losing. But I managed to get way better at Splat Zones by not being dumb and just getting killed all the time.

However, once I did get better, Rainmaker came out and I have yet to figure out a good strategy for this. I need more practice, but losing is too costly. Have you played this mode yet?

3329d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol I quit playing after my tenth Rainmaker loss. It's so frustrating, cause even after deciding to be more strategic, I wasn't contributing at all and we lost anyways. Just decided to wait for the mode to rotate out to something else :/

3330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh wow, where'd you hear that? That's exciting! I have the second one with all of its dlc and love it, but I would love to play it on the NX...as long as the three are ported AND the next one gets released on the console as well. Fingers crossed that the thing gets marketed well

3355d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't think I would cry, but I did and I am. So much right now

He was trying to help us enjoy life

3363d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Satoru Iwata, I had hoped of one day working for you. I will continue forth with extra honor for you, and your smile will be remembered always :)

3363d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It says "...new 3D visuals..." so does that mean it will have the upgraded graphics that came on the 3DS?

3377d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously, I really feel that if they took Sonic back to its roots, gathered their owned characters and titles, then invested what money they've got left, Sega could enter the console field again with a basic console priced at half of that of the other three and frame their console as the cheap alternative that is designed to play multiplat titles but with lower (but still HD and pretty) graphics settings.

Sorry this is out of the blue, but seriously, a well made Sonic g...

3379d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All of that true, but I was mainly referring to the current situation with new games being released. With the current lack of support, I found it weird regardless of all the games from back in the day. But again, the 3DS and apparently a (wii version) make it more understandable to me because those are more recent.

3392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can understand that. I always forget it came out on 3DS cause I never have gotten a handheld :/ totally makes sense since you mention that.. I guess it's just a sore issue with me so I see every little thing like that as "well, WTF??" Lol

3393d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's to not caring about those characters in SB if we don't even have their own next game on the U. Just sayin. Hey, let's get Handsome Jack and Lara Croft into Smash Bros. as well, while we're at it!

Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds this a little ridiculous...

3393d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Good then we can for sure count on it for Fall instead of hoping, as I had suggested. Do you think it will stay vehicle based, or be more like the GCN games?

3466d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

After the recent announcement...I feel a void in the fall where a certain something used to be : (

I hope to see some Starfox, hopefully bumped over to the fall to spread things out and at least two more decently big games revealed. Like others have been saying, Xenoblade will definitely be more than enough to keep people busy throughout the year. A huge world, loads of exploration, and you get to have mechs! With that, the loss of a particular game isn't as hard a blow ...

3466d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


3472d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I get what you're saying, ChickeyCantor; let the system's existence sell itself kinda like a viral wildfire would. It makes sense and is ballsy

But still, just one well-played and good looking commercial showcasing the hardcore games on it would be money well spent. Showing Bayonetta, like Concertoine mentioned, as well as X (damn those mechs!!! So beast) and Splatt would not look bad on the tv every so often in between the XBONE and PS4 commercials.

3481d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment