
CRank: 5Score: 14200

I'll definitely try it! Love the idea of creating a character and adventuring :D

3039d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This will be why I buy a PS4. There are others I want to play, but this is the game I'd take the plunge for. It would be absolutely amazing if the other two got a re-release for the console to accompany it, but this alone is enough =^_^=

3045d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The sentiment and frustration Joseph feels is definitely something I can relate to, though just a couple points: Cartridges definitely seem to be the way forward from disks, so I don't find that worrying; and I am actually down with the screen as long as its primary purpose is to allow us to play our console games from anywhere there is WiFi. Other than that, he's right. Just make a console that developers will have no issues supporting and I'll be happy. I have a PC for amazin...

3053d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just curious...why is this featured in the Wii U section? I read it, and I didn't see any mention of Nintendo or Wii U.

3057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, the idea of a sexy ass handheld that can transfer on to a TV or monitor is something I'm totally down with. If they can pull this thing off while not compromising a smooth frame rate and awesome games, I ain't complainin.

3108d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks pretty cool :) they've got my money

3108d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Know what? Agreed. I actually had no issues with the motion controls when I played, so I should have worded that differently; I think optional motion controls should be included, though I do think traditional controls standard are a given based on the recent re-release.

The main point of my thoughts still stand, though, as I felt the world was way too confined.

3119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

IDK...the entire world was just one big obstacle course with barely any moments of just pure exploration. If they were to 'remaster' it, I'd kinda rather see some real estate added to each of the three provinces.

I personally love the birds and flying, and used them often just for fun. But that shouldn't keep the design from allowing the player to go from one province on the ground to another. If they were to add transitional land between each of the three, ...

3119d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This re-release is looking quite nice!!

Also, if I ever have the privilage of making a Legend of Zelda movie (don't laugh at me >:| It's my dream, alright??!), that fairy theme is going on the menu screen of the Blu-Ray. Just sayin.

3150d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I believe a good RPG is long by default. There seems to be a misconception that 'long' or 'many hours of gameplay' necessarily equals a long story. To me, the idea of a role playing game is to experience character building and explore your character's world. These two elements, if executed well by the developer, should give us plenty of gameplay time, alone. The story mode just needs to be thoughtful, compelling, and mesh well with the gameplay mechanics.

3173d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just out of curiosity, how would y'all think Monster Hunter would be affected if it didn't have loading screens to get to each little area in the map? Like, if the whole hunt was seamless between areas, would that make the game better or worse?

I ask because I've played the MH3 demo on my U, and just found it kinda interesting that the game was designed lie that.

3217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally down for this! Will contribute first opportunity :)

3248d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really hope that's not the case :( I appreciate ingenuity and creativity and stuff, but the desire is very simple; an open world where you can pretty much go anywhere, do anything (within the mechanics of the game), and just have your own adventure aside from the story. That is the minimum, and it's a very simple one.

This sounds worrying a bit...but I hold my confidence...

3259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you; more like 90's GOOD LOL

At this point I have accepted that the split relations to this game are totally due to the game's style, as I have heard that the controls are not that bad at all. This game is totally going to be just some peoples' cup of tea, and not some others' cup of tea.

I am personally a fan of 80's and 90's action movies, so I'm definitely a fan of the cover. I'll be buying his ^_^

3259d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, your point is valid for sure, but it seems this discussion is about their next system; not their current one. You must have been confused, but no worries :)

3267d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I think the point of a hybrid console is that both sides remain happy. If this turns out as I feel would make sense, you can buy the handheld and play that way, buy the console with its traditional controller and play that way, or buy both. But the same games will be playable however you choose, save for some exclusives for both devices.
Iit seems the most likely way to mess up would be in the game quality and online service, but I'm pretty confident they'll pull it off...

3267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would be perfectly happy waiting for Zelda U if we were to get a straight port of the Gamecube TP.

Icing on the cake would be:
- it got an HD facelift
- the overworld was remastered to be one continuous world (seamless travel between provinces with no white screen loading)

Simple :)

3272d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I keep forgetting this game is coming out in December because the wait has been so long :/ but OMG it looks amazing. Hopefully Nintendo markets the hell out of this game for the U in commercials and stuff. Day one buy for sure

3279d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally, with the direction it looks like they are going with the handheld pretty much just being a mobile version of the same console, I would prefer for them to make the NX handheld the optional gamepad for when it interacts with the NX home console.

That way, the home console can be focused on being a high performance and quality piece of hardware with a solid classic controller such as the GCN or Pro controller, and having a Gamepad would be optional and possible by getti...

3294d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This makes me so proud to be a Nintendo fan. This is who I want to make games and movies for.

3309d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment