
CRank: 6Score: 80080

Sadly, Microsoft is a big-time liar and can not be trusted. It is better for Sony to wait for the final decision and then negotiate.

579d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment


579d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was magical. Coming from Super Mario 3, this game felt glorious with its graphics, colors and music. A masterpiece.

579d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is amazing that PSVR 2 has better games support and launch window than other regular consoles.

579d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering the technology, how good it is and how good the overall product is, the price is very fair.

579d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

Once again, putting all hopes on 1 game. I remember this happening since the first Titanfall game where all hope to save Xbox was on the back of that game.

Really pathetic specially knowing that it takes more than a few games to change the fate of a console.

579d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not enough convincing. Their only point is "we are Microsoft and we have money".

Microsoft destroyed their own flagship franchise Halo, who was not as big as COD. Why give them ownership of COD? Just because they have money? Nah. Everyone saying this is good will eventually eat their words as Microsoft reveal their true colors.

579d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course is win win... for Microsoft. They take away a sales monster from its main competitor to put it on their subscription model which was made because of their low sales situation.

This is a big win for Microsoft and a big fail for the gaming industry. We will witness the fall of COD as we did with Xbox own franchise Halo.

580d ago 49 agree45 disagreeView comment

Nintendo doesn't care. They rely on the casual and family segment of the market. COD main market and sales are on Playstation and that's what MS is after... sabotaging Playstation with the deal.

MS don't even care if COD stay relevant after the deal or if it ends up just like Halo. For then, it is just about taking away from others as they know COD on Playstation is a beast.

Xbox is a cancer on the gaming industry and I hope that at least the ...

580d ago 40 agree1 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is a cancer in the gaming industry. I hope the European Commission has the balls to stop them and teach them a lesson. MS doesn't care about gaming. For them is just about control and their ego to feel superior to the competition.

580d ago 52 agree23 disagreeView comment

PSVR 2 is going to push VR on Playstation like never before.

580d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is not on the market for the passion or growth of gaming like Sony or Nintendo. They just sabotage the market and the competition. You don't see them bringing new experiences to gaming. They are all about buying what others are doing in order to gain control.

That's why they are called the cancer of gaming.

580d ago 31 agree5 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for Xbox to spend all that money and still be the last on the market. They will learn the hard way, and it will cost them their gaming division.

580d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's the point. Xbox is not about investing on growing gaming like Sony. For Xbox is just about sabotaging the competition as it has been clear they cannot compete fairly.

580d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even with this deal, Xbox position will remain the same. What is Xbox going to do after spending all that money and everything is still the same?
Then what is going to be the next excuse or the next 'wait til E3'?

Will they buy Nintendo and Sony on their never-ending quest to fuel their ego? They don't care about gaming. They only care about controlling and feeling superior.

580d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh Nintendo... you will know the consequences of laying in bed with Microsoft.

581d ago 69 agree29 disagreeView comment

Wow this feature is amazing. Imagine a Silent Hill VR game with this feature. So glad developers are harnessing PSVR 2 features so early on.

582d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally well deserved. Sony's first party studios are in a league of their own.

582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's awesome, considering many buy games digitally.

582d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

Most reviews agree PSVR 2 is a Mario 64 moment.

That's amazing.

582d ago 17 agree0 disagreeView comment