
CRank: 6Score: 80080

Microsoft was the one who confirms it and yet the usual diehard defenders dare to question it 😂 just wow.

496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Plus he will be free of the sexual harrasment at court. His life depends on this deal to go through. That's why he is so upset and desperate.

496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting that Nintendo and Sony are doing so good without trying to buy other companies in order to be so great. They just invest and focus on their own stuff.

496d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Low quality visuals and horrible setup configuration was what turned me off of PSVR 1 but now that everything is totally improved, it is the best to jump into VR

497d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

Acoording to Xbox, Game Pass ‘cannibalizes’ their game sales. We will see for how long Microsoft can sustain a business model that is eating away their sales.

While I like sales and cheap stuff, I also like a premium service that give me the best games and I don't care to pay for it.

497d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

The Xbox situation is so sad that when they get one ok game, they suddenly believe they are the king of the world. This actitud hurt Xbox more than actually help it as it brings out the barren situation and desperation.

While I celebrate good games, HiFi Rush is not a GOTY contender, maybe yes for an eco system that is not used to have good games but not when you take in consideration other games.

497d ago 34 agree7 disagreeView comment

I honestly didn't expect so much praise for PSVR2 but I'm very impressed for the previews and hands-on as the general consensus is that is AMAZING 🙌

497d ago 32 agree9 disagreeView comment

This man is very desperate. I bet many heads will roll when this deal is officially blocked.

497d ago 60 agree12 disagreeView comment

Wow.... Microsoft is out of control over this matter. I can't help but wonder how many people are they bribing to get this?

497d ago 47 agree11 disagreeView comment

Well Behtestha deserves that! For years they have been in bed with MS so. I don't feel sorry for them.

497d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

This process has helped us officially confirm that Xbox and Phil Spencer are complete liars. We cannot trust ANYTHING they say.

Sorry but Microsoft is a cancer in the gaming industry. Just looking to take games from others and not invest on their own studios or to invest on gaming.

498d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

So simple, clean and elegant. PSVR 2 is a huge jump from PSVR 1.

I need this beautiful peace of technology art.

498d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very sad for those impacted by this. I wonder for how long Microsoft is going to keep bleeding windows money to artificially sustain the Xbox division.

498d ago 32 agree11 disagreeView comment
498d ago Show

COD without Playstation and available on GP is a total asurred and slowly death but Xbox does care about that. They only care about sabotaging Playstation.

498d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

That user should be totally ignored.

498d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

" these statements are in stark contrast to what Phil Spencer said in the past, with the leader of the Xbox division who has often highlighted how Xbox Game Pass had never been a brake on the sales of video games according to the traditional model. The curators of Digital Foundry had instead revealed"

It has been officially confirmed by Xbox that Phil is a total liar. Nothing he says can be taken seriously.

"The curators of Digital Foundry ...

498d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

😂 The same one everytime

499d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment


499d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This week it was announced that 3 agencies EU, UK and US are aligned in their position to block this deal and how it will harm the market.

Not only this deal can harm the market and give power to a company that is more interested in keeping games out of other platforms than actually invest and innovate those games but this deal will also allow Bobby Kotick to get away with all its criminal misconducts without any consequences.

This "pay to win"...

500d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment