
CRank: 5Score: 74570

@ Theknight

There's countless evidence. Just look at reviews for EVERY OTHER GAME OUT THERE. Games all the time are docked for poor framerate/performance, bad gameplay decisions (like weapons breaking every 10 minutes), etc...

2508d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

They've changed the retail version pricing to 75% less. So it's not a big deal now. 15,000 credits for upper tier heroes now, vs the previous absurd 60,000.

2508d ago 2 agree25 disagreeView comment

BotW is the worst example of a breaking weapon system in gaming history. It's ridiculous, absurd, and a completely silly inventory management system. There is nothing "fun" or "entertaining" about having to constantly replace your weapons at the frequency that it happens.

If ANY other game had done what BotW does, it would have been crucified by every gaming journalist and gamer out there. But because it's Zelda, it gets a free pass on everyth...

2509d ago 36 agree8 disagreeView comment


The Vega is 30-40% worse performing than a 1080Ti. Later champ.

2511d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

From the distance most people sit from their TV. You can barely tell the difference between 1080p and 4k. It's only when you're close or playing on a large monitor up close that pixels begin to really matter.

2511d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'll never stop. Too many gamers with disposable income that'll keep buying this shit. With Ubisoft announcing microtransactions surpassed digital sales - it's game over for any hope of this stuff slowing down.

2511d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hardcore PC gamers get Intel and Nvidia. That is not a high end PC. That's a budget rig slapped together by someone going out of their way to make it seem like this console is equal to a high end machine.

2512d ago 20 agree40 disagreeView comment

Hey dirty -

I know you think it was a sick burn, but has the Scorpio edition in stock right now. Can ship right now. No waiting.

2512d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Holy shit Microsoft. WELL DONE.

2514d ago 58 agree3 disagreeView comment

Reviewers consistently give Nintendo games a pass on mechanics they complain about, and dock points for, in other games.

2515d ago 14 agree16 disagreeView comment

All Nintendo games are.

2515d ago 15 agree34 disagreeView comment

30fps for most games isn't PC-Quality standards.

Stop trying to blur the lines between the two platforms.

2516d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looks more like the PS4 Pro version is running HDR and the X version isn't. Clearly unpatched xbox stuff going on there, cause that lighting on the X isn't impressive, it's just bright - it's not contrast.

2516d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it looks odd.

2517d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People THINK they want it. Then they'll play it and realize how garbage classic WoW was compared to all of the countless improvements that have been made over the decade plus.

2517d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've got an i7 7700k and get fluctuations between 49% up into the 70% range during this game.

2518d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It shows that at any point if you are not giving 100% love to Sony/Playstation that the people on this site will spam disagree.

2519d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I had doubts about Horizon because it was from a primary FPS developer. It was amazing.

I will no longer doubt Sony studios. Sucker Punch is going to nail this game.

2520d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've wanted an open world samurai/ninja game since I started gaming as a kid.

I really hope this game is amazing.

2522d ago 41 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gaming dreams coming true. Wanted an open world samurai/ninja game since I was a little kid.

2522d ago 37 agree0 disagreeView comment