
CRank: 5Score: 98400

That must be bait, the reaching is astounding.

Who really finished Ratchet in 8 hours? My first playthrough was 22 and while I know hours could be cut by not wondering the world and appreciating the efforts, anyone beating Ratchet in 8 hours is literally trying to beat it in 8 hours. Returnal being hated by most is also a hard reach. I've yet to meet a person who actually played and didn't like it. People not interested didn't buy because they unde...

951d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wait is it really 1 biome!? I legit was going to give it a go once the coop dropped and releases cooled down a bit. That's actually disappointing, I assumed they only showed gameplay for 1 to keep spoilers away like how Returnal did

951d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

It's a good deal but Crash team racing Nitro fueled gave new tracks and characters completely free

952d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Think development started as a ps4 game initially so does make sense the ps4 game doesn't skip a beat either while the ps5 upgrades everything.
Only really becomes a issue if it was initially a ps5 game and they gotta downgrade it to work on ps4. That's when it goes from being impressive to a disaster most times.

952d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

No way this article is a thing

952d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not only mobile tracks... Also switch is a mobile console so they'd be mobile by default lol

952d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Free? cheap sure but not free lol.
If you're talking rip off online. I wouldn't consider that free if they're trying to incentivize people to get expansion lol

952d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah, not sure why they're saying only 2 like 2 isn't actually a luxury in that case lol

952d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm probably grabbing on PS, but foreal once I see epic exclusive the PC version doesn't exist anymore for me personally lol

952d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Best way to put it. The offer is great in price and content. But the issue is this is 2 generations of the same game. Adding already existing stages doesn't fix the issue of wanting a entire new game. This was like a cheap cop out especially when you see alot of the stages quality so far for the new ones aren't up to par

953d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Seeing Zelda for Nintendo is like final fantasy with square Enix. The game needs about 40 more delays before they can say it's ready to drop lol

953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo doing everything in their power to get people to pay the higher price. Once people start doing it, what happens? They'll eventually remove the cheap option and that will be their way to gradually get people to pay more. The thing is, if they just add common sense features like party chat and an actual messenger system, it wouldn't even be so bad. But it's not a good deal no matter what when you realize you don't even got basic functions. It's crazy how much the vi...

954d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yup, my old one varied from 12 hours to about 2 if I allowed max load vs saver etc.

954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not that quick though. Why'd you play without vsync? That's literally maximizing the energy pull. Modern games shouldn't be nearly that bad as long as they're optimized decently and you're not trying to play uncapped where the game is pushing more frames than your screen can produce

954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, but any game strong enough to be a issue generally has an auto boot setting based on your hardware. It should be in your hardwares range. Also steam itself would do alot of the background work. You just do final adjustments like anyone does generally when starting up a game with brightness etc. Just you can choose quality and such. Just use Vsync and for the most part you're good

954d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I loved it as a show in general, Klonoa 2 was one of my favourite games as a kid but I had the blue disc and it was scratched while my ps2 had issues reading it so it always froze on the surfing stage. Finally get a chance to finish it, Chrono cross was hype too. Alot of the multiplatform stuff was just hype. One of the few times I cvan say my jaw dropped.
But as Nintendo itself goes, their showing was disappointing, not getting hyped for a Xeno game again after 2 was meh, fire emble...

954d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ever since I owned number 2 on ps2 but my bros friend came over and ruined the disc before we could actually play. I've always wanted the second game re-released. Literally jaw dropped seeing this was announced. Plan on buying on ps5 and switch just to support Klonoa, may even buy on steam as well

954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rather a brand new MK, 8 has been milked enough

954d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Second game was meh. Don't care much for this, but nothing wrong with it existing. Hopefully a upgrade

954d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I came from Nintendo and Super Nintendo born early 90s, don't assume dumb stuff. Some people like to think logically and understand that Microtransactions doesn't make a game automatically bad. 90% of the good single player games have had it in some form the past 10 to 15 years. It's not that big of a deal. How about wait to see how it's used before crying. That's everyone's point lol

955d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment