
CRank: 5Score: 98400

Klonoa was good but Klonoa 2 was a masterpiece that wasn't known. I found out about it from a demo disc. Think it was the one with Dynasty Warriors 2 or3, Final Fantasy X, Crash Wrath of Cortex, SSX tricky etc. Then finally found a copy years later at a 2nd hand store and it always froze of the first surf stage lol. So sad. I did get to play more like in 2010 but never got to finish it

842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's the hokiday sales. But the truth is Arceus was a tech demo for this game. It was likely being made along side it and that was to introduce the new idea and get feedback for the new game. I've been saying I don't like Arceus but not because what it's doing is bad. But because it's essentially a demo with a stretched objective, which does lead to a promising next pokemon game. I didn't think they'd announce this early but of course I'm not mad. It's day ...

842d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

yup this exactly

842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But here's the problem. Other games do the same thing and get critiqued for doing the exact same thing. It's one thing if it was accepted throughout the industry. But it's only accepted with these games. Which is why it's even a convo. Either people especially reviewers need to stop bsing games for difficulty or throwing you in blind or "souls" games should stop getting special treatment for being a souls game. There should be no single exception to the rule because ...

842d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

At one point I swear Sonic was beating Mario in these contests too even without no top tier titles. SEGA definitely fumbling the bag with him.

842d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'd say yeah and no. I think they just don't want a face to identify their games as a whole. Like if they did Sackboy, or Ratchet or even sackboy. Sure those would get attention, but then it also undermines the rest of the titles. Because with Nintendo Mario games is the main focus among teams it works better.

842d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Here's my thing. The game does NOTHING to help new players, you have to unlock and figure things out yourself because even descriptions suck in the game and are pretty vague unless you're well versed in these games. The game isn't near impossibly hard. I can start a new game and run through all the first area bosses right away without much issue now. Once I learned them. But that's not the issue. It's the fact nothing is explained. They drop you in the world and say learn ...

842d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Ps4 version doesn't run well in comparison. The ps4 versions performance is fixed by ps5 brute force. So it's not a version better than another. It's like lower settings on PC to get better performance

842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it really that bad!? That sounds almost as bad as Niers PC port was. If it wasn't for the mod for it that game would be the worse experience ever.

842d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's more of them just not caring. The feel of backstabbing in the game is great but lacks on everything else. Which is honestly fine honestly because not every dev will take advantage but it is a shame for sure

842d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

They really rarely reward you for things. The amount of times I've did things expecting rewards and all I get is some damn runes has me salty at times. Then half the stuff you get is damn near useless. Think the best reward I've gotten so far was I think it's called something like the maiden or empress staff can't remember but a boss on the southern Island dropped it. I think that's about it. My magic memory and golden seeds are the real rewards and those are mostly just f...

843d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds like you're creating a situation you can't handle. I'm the opposite. I like to grab all the missions I can when I'm somewhere and what I do is, while I'm out in the field I go through each mission and complete everything, then return and hand everything in same time. Cleaning up area by area. The game imo is alot easier to deal with than most open world games imo with how they do alot more to section off areas and such

846d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

No way I spelled immersion Emerson lol. Hope that was auto correct. That's embarrassing lol

846d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

I prefer using focus personally because the Emerson and it helps learn to identify since I only use when I need to. Especially for climbing. I like trying to figure what's possible and focus once in a while. Should be an option they ask you about turning on and off when you start a new game though

847d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment


847d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Think it's a PC demo. Which wouldn't be a surprise. I see it on steam but didn't see on PS, didn't check switch yet though. But they were remaking 2nd round on steam for a while in early access, so I wouldn't be surprised if they focused on that version first

848d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hated the idea of the game until I played the first out of the interest of the gameplay where aloy slid under the the guy and blew him up. Got and tried and immediately liked it. I'm not a fan of mechy styled stuff nor dinosaur theme stuff but liked it. So I definitely get it, but should say you don't have an interest, not that you didn't like it. That implies you played through it or atleast attempted.

848d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Win, though I'm surprised it didn't get sent to the Microsoft store. Steams the better choice though so that's good

849d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

While the logo is pretty garbage. That title makes no sense, Any title logo can be $80 clipart. I'd do much better for $25 lol. Just say the logo is garbage

849d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Best looking to me after persona titles. The design captured my interest immediately now I want to look up the first game

849d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment