"You and the boss.. you are from another world.. a world I do not with to know."
CRank: 5Score: 111180

ummm ......we already know this

5947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Europe always gets the Shaft!, why is this?.....this doesn't mean its being moved to September in the States right????... I'm totally psyched for this game!, 1st starwars game i've played since...hmmm? Rogue Squadron?

5948d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

your hear it here 1st!!!, 2oo8 WILL be another Excellent year for Xbox 360! pshaaaaaaaa

5948d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

not a chance apple!

5954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but what ever happened, to just sticking with the console you originally released! Is Nintendo the only one who can stand by there console through out its Full Term?, They need to just settle on whats out now!, save the new sh*t for Next Generation.

5954d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

maybe even 2 or 3 years, there will be something better, but something tells me that this "surge in sales", was due to the fact that people (stupid Consumers) we're out and about, looking for a cheap after xmas deals, and Then we're prayed upon by wild Tech salesman, saying things like "Well HD-DVD is doomed, BUY a BluRay Player", "Hell While your at it, why not buy a PS3, we have tons of them in stock, and You get a BluRay Player and GameConsole in One"....(Stup...

5954d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

for all anyone knows that was probably some refurbished launch console, and besides, i have an Elite, it runs fine, i never for a second think....ohhhh is Today the day!, is it Gonna die on me!!, i better not play for more than an hr! oh my!....its just a console

5954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

will the rumble function be usable with the gamecube controller?

I wish i had bought a wave bird, i think my circuit city still actually has them, I do still have one wired gamecube controller. But i think I may opt for for the classic controller....unless there RUMBLE!

5954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

None...mine won't die.
Also, perhaps they should add Star Wars and Banjo-Kazooie to this list.
Disregard Alan Wake, deffinitely coming in '09

5954d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its funny how these old commercials like instantly bring you back to that time in your life when you first saw it or the 600 times they replayed them after that...I miss these meth induced commercials that Nintendo used to put out!, I mean the new ones are good, but they lack the impact that these old ones had! ...at least for me anyways

5955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1st off the person that wrote this article can suck a di*k!, Secondly, if you don't like Wii fit Don't buy it! I'm sure your Non-Purchase will make so much of a difference. Nintendo makes something for everyone!, Still with ya NINTENDO!

5955d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seems that Nintendo, is kind of repeating History. They released a Mind Blowing system in the 80's. Then released the Upgraded Legendary SNES. Also when i see Wii Fit arriving in May, it reminds me of the Foot Pad, from the NES...ahhh World Class Track Meet!. So I think the Wii is like a new begining, then the Super Wii or whatever they call the next system..Will have superior graphics, improved motion control, and a massive hard drive. I'm sure Nintendo doubted this whole Wii concept would e...

5956d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spending money is like cheap Anti-Depressants

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's to Lettin Brawl out on SUNDAY NIGHT!!!!!!

5957d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

kinda reminds me of those murals in countries ruled by dictators...like Hussein,Castro,Stalin....
Nice touch, minus the whole Totalitarian government thing.

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do keep the Wii, Even though it hasn't gotten much play since galaxy (still busy with DMC4)), I get a kick outa the fact that they are still almost impossible to find in retail stores!! ITs almost like a little white trophy..hmm>, Ofcourse this lack in play will change next sunday night!!!

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could see a new xbox dropping in Fall 2010, but as for this Possible Wii Hard drive??? NO WAY would Nintendo let it go until 2011!, You can't tell me that Technology hasn't evolved enough to release ohhhh say a 30GB hard drive, that could just plug into the USB port on the back of the Wii (as to not take away the consoles sleekness)

5958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that is my answer....NO!, I've had an Elite since September, It was manufactured 7/5/07. I leave it on all night sometimes, downloading games,demos, movies. I watch movies, play games for hours,+, and so far nothing!, I Never worry about the Box Self Destructing....I plan on having it up until the next XBOX console is released. I waited for the Elite after i heard the 1st rumor that it was coming ....also i Had no interest in the White console anyways.....

5959d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

and i really want to believe that Sadness isn't some Hoax, we'll have to change the Name to El Chupacabra

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was most likely the reason for the NA Delay. People here in the states are gonna get buck wild when this releases. So Wal*Mart please don't fu*k this up I want this game MONDAY 12AM, and i'm headin straight for THE WALMART! When i tried to get Galaxy at Midnight, there like.....umm ..uhh ..."We Have Mario at the Olympics"!
-----OH & i bet they release Smash Bros.64 on the VC next Monday!!

5959d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment